it's valentines day and as such i want to hear about how wonderful your missuses (and misterers) are.
this weekend i was thinking about a new television. i had been humming and hahing for a while and i was humming and hahing in this particular store and i saw a few LED screens that were cheap, and after a bit of compromise over energy efficiency we decided on one. it seemed like a bargain and it was big. i was happy.
as the salesman was printing out the receipt or whatever i made a passing comment about a smaller version of the same brand tv, and how it was on special for an insanely low price.
"why don't we buy it, then?"
"but i want the big one, i like the big one."
"why don't we buy it
as well. for like the bedroom, or something. it's energy efficient, too!"
so we walk out of the store with two brand new LED televisions
i am the luckiest man alive
marriage is for fags
@Bryceforvice on Twitter Facebook
luckily valentines day has never been a big deal
ps whippy, bogey showed me your wedding invite thing, it is boss as hell
Only in some states.
Rock Band DLC | GW:OttW - arrcd | WLD - Thortar
Rock Band DLC | GW:OttW - arrcd | WLD - Thortar
you wish
(me too)
I am spoiled and it is awesome.
She laughed for about an hour afterwards.
Twitch (I stream most days of the week)
Twitter (mean leftist discourse)
:rotate: ?
hey, same here except i have no relationships it's just my brother's birthday
oh, c'mon You know she secretely wants you to do something anyway. Some small gesture even.
I made a TD for iphone and windows phone!
What spring does with the cherry trees.
Not in my America!
But I just went and got her half a dozen roses, strawberries and cream tea plus oatifix face wash and vanilla scrub from Lush.
And she got me a pocket book of Oscar Wilde quotes which is so brilliant!
Not too intelligent Macro
Don't want her thinking for herself.
I'm also freaking out because she hasn't called or texted back since last night. Oh SE++, I'm a bit worried.
Actually I had a friend once who had a first date on Valentine's Day and that turned out really well for him!
I mean
the relationship sure as shit didn't but the date did!
I think she'll find it romantic.
let's run away together
Good until June 5 2012
Secret Satan 2013 Wishlist
I took her out to the melting pot
I am literally the best boyfriend ever