You mean 3 segments. A short singleplayer episode, a shorter puzzle / experiment, and a multiplayer component. They just chucked in the two old games, which I'm guessing didn't mean much to most of us because we already had them to begin with.
The overall length of Ep2 and Portal combined was still less than that of Half-Life 2. And HL2 came with Counter-Strike for its "multiplayer" component.
This is going to be a full singleplayer game (about double the length of Portal) and a full co-op campaign (double again). So about four times the size of the first game.
Still, if you think the price is that bad or something you could always just wait for the sale.
please point out where I said the price was bad or unreasonable.
I said if you did you could wait for the sale. If not then I'm guessing you'll likely buy it early on like a lot of other people will.
People making comparisons with the Orange Box for value though, are silly. It just reminds me of the griping over Left 4 Dead again.
but I wasn't griping. I don't know how I came across as griping. I'm pretty excited for Portal 2 and will most likely be buying it at launch, if not pre-ordering it.
As I recall we got in a tizzy about how we liked different things about Supreme Commander 1 vs 2 and eventually found we had non-conflicting opinions. I think this is one of those times.
EDIT: To clarify, my comparison with The Orange Box was limited to someone saying "Portal cost 50 bucks!" when it absolutely didn't.
You mean 3 segments. A short singleplayer episode, a shorter puzzle / experiment, and a multiplayer component. They just chucked in the two old games, which I'm guessing didn't mean much to most of us because we already had them to begin with.
The overall length of Ep2 and Portal combined was still less than that of Half-Life 2. And HL2 came with Counter-Strike for its "multiplayer" component.
This is going to be a full singleplayer game (about double the length of Portal) and a full co-op campaign (double again). So about four times the size of the first game.
Still, if you think the price is that bad or something you could always just wait for the sale.
please point out where I said the price was bad or unreasonable.
I said if you did you could wait for the sale. If not then I'm guessing you'll likely buy it early on like a lot of other people will.
People making comparisons with the Orange Box for value though, are silly. It just reminds me of the griping over Left 4 Dead again.
but I wasn't griping. I don't know how I came across as griping. I'm pretty excited for Portal 2 and will most likely be buying it at launch, if not pre-ordering it.
As I recall we got in a tizzy about how we liked different things about Supreme Commander 1 vs 2 and eventually found we had non-conflicting opinions. I think this is one of those times.
EDIT: To clarify, my comparison with The Orange Box was limited to someone saying "Portal cost 50 bucks!" when it absolutely didn't.
Well I'm sorry I just don't believe you, and the only way you're going to prove otherwise now is to buy me a copy.
[tiny]Think it'll work? That'll totally work right?[/tiny]
Whenever a new popular multiplayer game comes out, we always set up a new Steam group for it so we can organise games in the chat room. And it almost always dies off within a few weeks as people move on to other things. The only one I can think of that hasn't happened to is the Left 4 Dead group, and that's because it's sort of become a general chat channel as well.
So instead of creating a new group that's just going to get abandoned like the dozens of others, why don't we just use the default PA Steam group for that purpose?
We don't need a dedicated group for Portal 2 co-op games, and goodness knows we never use the PA Steam group for anything else. It'd be pointless to start a new group.
What I'm hoping is that we actually start using the PA group more and more, and that people can actually hang around in the chat channel and organise different games. Make it the community group that it's supposed to be.
On the off-chance that a game is so spectacularly popular that it ends up drowning out all the other games talk and chat, then we make a new group for it.
Anyone else on-board with this?
subedii on
DrakeEdgelord TrashBelow the ecliptic plane.Registered Userregular
edited February 2011
That's right Harvest. You need to burn all your bridges and sever all ties.
I think it'd be really great if we could convince people to do that, Subedii. I guess I was a little fast on the draw with buying from Steam and that there's now a two pack available with a 20% discount (rather than the 10% discount of just getting one.).
I really hope the PS3 Steam syncing works properly on launch day. I wonder if I get it a day early, as is likely with the company I ordered it from, if I'll be able to preload it.
Willeth on
@vgreminders - Don't miss out on timed events in gaming! @gamefacts - Totally and utterly true gaming facts on the regular!
I seriously did not expect a $50 price tag on Portal 2. I'm pretty sure I've only payed about half as much for the Orange Box, which, you know, was five great games.
Just wait then, I'll eat my cock if there isn't a steam sale by the end of the year. (plus, as was pointed out, the 2 pack is 20% off)
Let's talk about how valve made Chell's race even more ambiguous than Alyx's
Spoit on
CarbonFireSee youin the countryRegistered Userregular
Whenever a new popular multiplayer game comes out, we always set up a new Steam group for it so we can organise games in the chat room. And it almost always dies off within a few weeks as people move on to other things. The only one I can think of that hasn't happened to is the Left 4 Dead group, and that's because it's sort of become a general chat channel as well.
So instead of creating a new group that's just going to get abandoned like the dozens of others, why don't we just use the default PA Steam group for that purpose?
We don't need a dedicated group for Portal 2 co-op games, and goodness knows we never use the PA Steam group for anything else. It'd be pointless to start a new group.
What I'm hoping is that we actually start using the PA group more and more, and that people can actually hang around in the chat channel and organise different games. Make it the community group that it's supposed to be.
On the off-chance that a game is so spectacularly popular that it ends up drowning out all the other games talk and chat, then we make a new group for it.
Anyone else on-board with this?
I dunno, that makes way too much sense to work. Where would we be without our irrational exuberance and hastily made/abandoned Steam groups? Failed Steam groups are a tradition!
I'm all for it, sign me up :^:
No seriously, I never bothered to join the PA group (since it's never really served much of a purpose). I could use an invite
Whenever a new popular multiplayer game comes out, we always set up a new Steam group for it so we can organise games in the chat room. And it almost always dies off within a few weeks as people move on to other things. The only one I can think of that hasn't happened to is the Left 4 Dead group, and that's because it's sort of become a general chat channel as well.
So instead of creating a new group that's just going to get abandoned like the dozens of others, why don't we just use the default PA Steam group for that purpose?
We don't need a dedicated group for Portal 2 co-op games, and goodness knows we never use the PA Steam group for anything else. It'd be pointless to start a new group.
What I'm hoping is that we actually start using the PA group more and more, and that people can actually hang around in the chat channel and organise different games. Make it the community group that it's supposed to be.
On the off-chance that a game is so spectacularly popular that it ends up drowning out all the other games talk and chat, then we make a new group for it.
Anyone else on-board with this?
I dunno, that makes way too much sense to work. Where would we be without our irrational exuberance and hastily made/abandoned Steam groups? Failed Steam groups are a tradition!
I'm all for it, sign me up :^:
No seriously, I never bothered to join the PA group (since it's never really served much of a purpose). I could use an invite
override said: I can't wait until Toady causes pressurized water to be able to actually damage things. I want to hit goblins with a shit cannon of such pressure that the meat is ripped from their bones
Whenever a new popular multiplayer game comes out, we always set up a new Steam group for it so we can organise games in the chat room. And it almost always dies off within a few weeks as people move on to other things. The only one I can think of that hasn't happened to is the Left 4 Dead group, and that's because it's sort of become a general chat channel as well.
So instead of creating a new group that's just going to get abandoned like the dozens of others, why don't we just use the default PA Steam group for that purpose?
We don't need a dedicated group for Portal 2 co-op games, and goodness knows we never use the PA Steam group for anything else. It'd be pointless to start a new group.
What I'm hoping is that we actually start using the PA group more and more, and that people can actually hang around in the chat channel and organise different games. Make it the community group that it's supposed to be.
On the off-chance that a game is so spectacularly popular that it ends up drowning out all the other games talk and chat, then we make a new group for it.
Anyone else on-board with this?
I dunno, that makes way too much sense to work. Where would we be without our irrational exuberance and hastily made/abandoned Steam groups? Failed Steam groups are a tradition!
I'm all for it, sign me up :^:
No seriously, I never bothered to join the PA group (since it's never really served much of a purpose). I could use an invite
Oh lord, just join Armadeaddon. The Official PA steam group is pretty much redundant. Just jump in chat and we'll invite you in.
Armeadeaddon: Where chat never dies! Ever. Like, really.
Edit for on-topicness: Co-op will be an exciting addition. I hope the bonus stages this time around will be more and harder. The challenge maps were good but the Advanced maps were pretty tame.
I don't think there's any difficulty in gifting a multiple copy of a Valve game. It's when it's not a Valve title that it gets really iffy.
There's exceptions to even this, though. If I buy the Orange Box now, I can't gift out TF2, Portal or HL2 even though I already own them separately.
The way this is set up, though, I'm sure is to allow gifting. If you get Portal 2 I think it's assumed you own the first, not least because it was free a few months ago.
Willeth on
@vgreminders - Don't miss out on timed events in gaming! @gamefacts - Totally and utterly true gaming facts on the regular!
... whelp, guess paying off the Visa might have to wait just one more paycheque.
I mean, I could wait a few weeks and pre-order then, and still get the bonus Portal copy to give to a friend that I'm thinking of setting up with a Steam account eventually... wait, what am I saying?
I serve the Newell!
Forar on
First they came for the Muslims, and we said NOT TODAY, MOTHERFUCKER!
SteevLWhat can I do for you?Registered Userregular
edited February 2011
I think I'm actually going to get the PS3 version since it gets me the PC version.
I think I'm actually going to get the PS3 version since it gets me the PC version.
Yeah, exactly. I own both, I might as well get two for the price of one.
What I would absolutely love is if this turned into a full-on partnership, with the PS3 having a Steam app or even just integrating it into the XMB and handling friends etc. Massive pipe dream, of course, but still.
Willeth on
@vgreminders - Don't miss out on timed events in gaming! @gamefacts - Totally and utterly true gaming facts on the regular!
My boss is buying the $60 AUD PS3 version so he can get the PC version that comes with it and immediately sell the PC3 version for $40. In his ideal plan he'll only end up paying $20 for Portal 2 on PC.
I think I'm actually going to get the PS3 version since it gets me the PC version.
Yeah, exactly. I own both, I might as well get two for the price of one.
What I would absolutely love is if this turned into a full-on partnership, with the PS3 having a Steam app or even just integrating it into the XMB and handling friends etc. Massive pipe dream, of course, but still.
Yeah, as soon as I heard about the PS3 deal, I was like "Fucking SOLD, Mr. Newell!"
I'm especially intrigued by the concept of the saves transferring. Plus, the thought of playing Portal 2 on my big TV without having to connect my laptop to it is enticing.
but I wasn't griping. I don't know how I came across as griping. I'm pretty excited for Portal 2 and will most likely be buying it at launch, if not pre-ordering it.
As I recall we got in a tizzy about how we liked different things about Supreme Commander 1 vs 2 and eventually found we had non-conflicting opinions. I think this is one of those times.
EDIT: To clarify, my comparison with The Orange Box was limited to someone saying "Portal cost 50 bucks!" when it absolutely didn't.
Well I'm sorry I just don't believe you, and the only way you're going to prove otherwise now is to buy me a copy.
[tiny]Think it'll work? That'll totally work right?[/tiny]
[tiny]but just like the L4D2 boycott members I will buy ten copies, I'll see about hooking you up[/tiny]
Then I guess I'll just commit a joke mass murder.
So, you got that recipe? Some Xyklon-B should do the trick.
Also I hope to find people to play this with, all of my friends just pirate everything so there won't be any coop with them
I'm in the Steam gifting boycott group.
It's a small group but we're very determined and Randian.
You need new friends.
Tofu wrote: Here be Littleboots, destroyer of threads and master of drunkposting.
Whenever a new popular multiplayer game comes out, we always set up a new Steam group for it so we can organise games in the chat room. And it almost always dies off within a few weeks as people move on to other things. The only one I can think of that hasn't happened to is the Left 4 Dead group, and that's because it's sort of become a general chat channel as well.
So instead of creating a new group that's just going to get abandoned like the dozens of others, why don't we just use the default PA Steam group for that purpose?
We don't need a dedicated group for Portal 2 co-op games, and goodness knows we never use the PA Steam group for anything else. It'd be pointless to start a new group.
What I'm hoping is that we actually start using the PA group more and more, and that people can actually hang around in the chat channel and organise different games. Make it the community group that it's supposed to be.
On the off-chance that a game is so spectacularly popular that it ends up drowning out all the other games talk and chat, then we make a new group for it.
Anyone else on-board with this?
Gaming is a harsh mistress.
@gamefacts - Totally and utterly true gaming facts on the regular!
Just wait then, I'll eat my cock if there isn't a steam sale by the end of the year. (plus, as was pointed out, the 2 pack is 20% off)
Let's talk about how valve made Chell's race even more ambiguous than Alyx's
I dunno, that makes way too much sense to work. Where would we be without our irrational exuberance and hastily made/abandoned Steam groups? Failed Steam groups are a tradition!
What Niel said.
Name's the same on Steam as here.
Why I fear the ocean.
Steam ID
Bunting, Owls and Cushions! Feecloud Designs
Invites sent.
Love it.
Fact: 4/5 people are crushed to death by giant diamonds every day.
Armeadeaddon: Where chat never dies! Ever. Like, really.
Edit for on-topicness: Co-op will be an exciting addition. I hope the bonus stages this time around will be more and harder. The challenge maps were good but the Advanced maps were pretty tame.
There's exceptions to even this, though. If I buy the Orange Box now, I can't gift out TF2, Portal or HL2 even though I already own them separately.
The way this is set up, though, I'm sure is to allow gifting. If you get Portal 2 I think it's assumed you own the first, not least because it was free a few months ago.
@gamefacts - Totally and utterly true gaming facts on the regular!
@gamefacts - Totally and utterly true gaming facts on the regular!
I mean, I could wait a few weeks and pre-order then, and still get the bonus Portal copy to give to a friend that I'm thinking of setting up with a Steam account eventually... wait, what am I saying?
I serve the Newell!
My Backloggery
Yeah, exactly. I own both, I might as well get two for the price of one.
What I would absolutely love is if this turned into a full-on partnership, with the PS3 having a Steam app or even just integrating it into the XMB and handling friends etc. Massive pipe dream, of course, but still.
@gamefacts - Totally and utterly true gaming facts on the regular!
Shesh not even a tf2 hat or anything just a free copy of a game you already own since you are buying the damn sequel! So lame...
I never asked for this!
Yeah, as soon as I heard about the PS3 deal, I was like "Fucking SOLD, Mr. Newell!"
I'm especially intrigued by the concept of the saves transferring. Plus, the thought of playing Portal 2 on my big TV without having to connect my laptop to it is enticing.
Fuck yes.