Hey guys, first time poster so I felt like I should present myself to my new forum-brethren.
Most of my art can be found on my posterous:
http://petarvee.posterous.com or deviantart:
Based on "Widowmaker", Croaker's persona from Glen Cook's The Black Company series (Designed for Teefury)
My friend Brian's main character for a series of novels, Handsome Dan
Pin up of one of my OC's and old Pathfinder characters, Beatrice Brandywine Bandele Brielle Steamworthingtonsworth
Design for a Teefury shirt
An alternate version of one of my favorite OCs, Jam
My Warhammer Fantasy RPG character, Ulrike
And finally, my Star Wars Saga RPG character, Grifter
Critiques and such welcome, I 'spose.