Someone give me instruction on how to initiate and who to play to practice initiating
I'm dead fucking tired of locking in as (say) Malzahar then getting a team of (say) Ezreal, Corki, Vladimir and Olaf
Good initiators:
Blitz (sorta. If you can grab)
Galio (use Flash)
Annie (sometimes. Be cautious and initiate with stun Tibbers)
Vladimir (a bit harder to do, but excellent in the right hands)
Make sure you are at high HP and have your cooldowns / stuff ready. Ping (preferably chat in vent, but whatever), and then go in. For Malph, for example, you initiate with your ult (has a teleport and AOE damage / knockup), then use E, W, Q, and start beating on people.
I like Shurylia's on certain people to AOE speed boost your team to help initiate. Generally you want to pop ghost and kite people around during the fight if you have good sustain.
Be aware that bad players won't follow you, so...
programjunkie on
BethrynUnhappiness is MandatoryRegistered Userregular
edited February 2011
1) Is your team nearby?
1a) Do they have lots of health and cooldowns up?
1b) Has your team done well enough in lanes that an equal fight is okay?
2) Are their squishies nearby?
2a) Do they have little health and few cooldowns up?
2b) Have their squishies not been fed to the point of nuclear apocalypse?
3) Can you get to their squishies and CC them?
3a) Without your team getting destroyed by their tanks?
3b) Without having to dive a tower?
Yes to 1, 2 & 3 indicate that you can initiate. Yes to the secondary questions means you should be able to do so and come out well.
Bethryn on
...and of course, as always, Kill Hitler.
RentI'm always rightFuckin' deal with itRegistered Userregular
Someone give me instruction on how to initiate and who to play to practice initiating
I'm dead fucking tired of locking in as (say) Malzahar then getting a team of (say) Ezreal, Corki, Vladimir and Olaf
rammus is a great initiator, learn him
basically your job as an initiator is to be tanky, then wade in and draw all their focus fire and burn all their cooldowns on you
then, while they're defenseless because all their abilities are on cd, your team comes in behind to finish them off
rammus initiates like this: q (powerball) into the team, taunt (e) the squishy, turn on your w, then ult them while they're autoattacking you
by this point the enemy team should be attempting to pull you off the squishy, and hopefully you're not dead before the rest of your team shows up and kills the shit out of you
zhonya's is a good item on an initiator if you're an AP champ. it makes you unkillable for 2 secs- so for instance on rammus, q into the enemy team, e the squishy, w, then r, then when you're low zhonya's. hopefully by then the rest of your team is there
other good initiators:
ashe (initiate with her r)
tanky warwick (initiate with his r- warning: you will probably fucking die if you do this tho)
malphite (initiate with his r)
amumu (initiate with bandage toss and then r)
shen (initiate with his taunt)
I really wish they would keep the new champ skin bundle up until the champ is free, that would definitely get them some extra business IMO. As it is, it's all total shots in the dark, which I don't really like, but I'm actually considering for tree guy. hrmmmm
Ohh... Hextech Janna is on sale. I was kind of waiting for this but she rarely ever gets playtime. She kind of has to compete with Ezreal, Lux, Blitz, and Shen... an unfortunate position for any champion.
I really need to play my B-team champions more often. Poor Nid, Akali, Kat, Garen, Leblanc, Vlad, GP, and MF.
Fuck yeah. Malph/Soraka duo with 800-900 ping this will be fantastic.. fuck.
Oh yeah, off to a great start.. enemy team has eve and my team is nowhere to be seen guarding my jungle. I love it. Sit at fountain more.
edit #2.. and so I have to put up with counterjungle eve who they feed and then cry when I don't run to "gank" ryze who gets jumped 3v1 up top when I'm at the bottom jungle. Yeaaaaaaaah. (I've spent most of my gold on oracles and wards, they've not bought a single ward.)
FightTest on
surrealitychecklonely, but not unloveddreaming of faulty keys and latchesRegistered Userregular
Whenever I pick Garen people for whatever god damn reason decide it is now OK to switch off their tank/tough dps and play a squishy ranged carry or whatever.
MonkeyConQuesoNo more MH ClawHappy handsRegistered Userregular
edited February 2011
I want to not be at work so I can lose more games with Maokai. His design is one of my favorites since I've started playing this game, just wish I didn't get paired up with horribad carries on my team.
Well the 20m surrender thing comes in handy when you get a team of people who don't know how to play against an Eve and they all die 4-6 times by the 20m mark. I'm the one being actively counterjungled and I die once to that and once foolishly trying to help my horrible team. Blew ~1/2 my gold on an oracles and wards to not feed while they buy.. nothing.. and then they cry at me because it's clearly my fault they're dying.
Oh random pubs.
FightTest on
MonkeyConQuesoNo more MH ClawHappy handsRegistered Userregular
Shen jungles so safely it's silly. But everytime I jungle with him I can't help but feel like I should be devastating someone's laning experience instead.
i'll play games with you later and we will both feed so hard you will regret beating me at my own game
Neal why are we so terrible
This is actually a really good idea.
would be nice, but pendragon is also a commpulsive troll.
well i am just terrible in general and would chase and be greedy even if we weren't playing together
i can't really explain why you get bad playing with me though
If you had a job you'd be able to buy your PAX skin, bro.
I'm dead fucking tired of locking in as (say) Malzahar then getting a team of (say) Ezreal, Corki, Vladimir and Olaf
so much manly man in that team
and ezreal
Good initiators:
Blitz (sorta. If you can grab)
Galio (use Flash)
Annie (sometimes. Be cautious and initiate with stun Tibbers)
Vladimir (a bit harder to do, but excellent in the right hands)
Make sure you are at high HP and have your cooldowns / stuff ready. Ping (preferably chat in vent, but whatever), and then go in. For Malph, for example, you initiate with your ult (has a teleport and AOE damage / knockup), then use E, W, Q, and start beating on people.
I like Shurylia's on certain people to AOE speed boost your team to help initiate. Generally you want to pop ghost and kite people around during the fight if you have good sustain.
Be aware that bad players won't follow you, so...
1a) Do they have lots of health and cooldowns up?
1b) Has your team done well enough in lanes that an equal fight is okay?
2) Are their squishies nearby?
2a) Do they have little health and few cooldowns up?
2b) Have their squishies not been fed to the point of nuclear apocalypse?
3) Can you get to their squishies and CC them?
3a) Without your team getting destroyed by their tanks?
3b) Without having to dive a tower?
Yes to 1, 2 & 3 indicate that you can initiate. Yes to the secondary questions means you should be able to do so and come out well.
rammus is a great initiator, learn him
basically your job as an initiator is to be tanky, then wade in and draw all their focus fire and burn all their cooldowns on you
then, while they're defenseless because all their abilities are on cd, your team comes in behind to finish them off
rammus initiates like this: q (powerball) into the team, taunt (e) the squishy, turn on your w, then ult them while they're autoattacking you
by this point the enemy team should be attempting to pull you off the squishy, and hopefully you're not dead before the rest of your team shows up and kills the shit out of you
zhonya's is a good item on an initiator if you're an AP champ. it makes you unkillable for 2 secs- so for instance on rammus, q into the enemy team, e the squishy, w, then r, then when you're low zhonya's. hopefully by then the rest of your team is there
other good initiators:
ashe (initiate with her r)
tanky warwick (initiate with his r- warning: you will probably fucking die if you do this tho)
malphite (initiate with his r)
amumu (initiate with bandage toss and then r)
shen (initiate with his taunt)
I wish i could buy a $10 skin.
you mean arikado
I woodn't say that exactree, but I am curious
herp derp imma jungle in their jungle oh shit top lane and their jungler are here
just sayin'
So what you're saying is.
There was a bungle.
In the jungle.
well thats all right with me.
I really need to play my B-team champions more often. Poor Nid, Akali, Kat, Garen, Leblanc, Vlad, GP, and MF.
Oh yeah, off to a great start.. enemy team has eve and my team is nowhere to be seen guarding my jungle. I love it. Sit at fountain more.
edit #2.. and so I have to put up with counterjungle eve who they feed and then cry when I don't run to "gank" ryze who gets jumped 3v1 up top when I'm at the bottom jungle. Yeaaaaaaaah. (I've spent most of my gold on oracles and wards, they've not bought a single ward.)
feel like a man
Super Duper Bonus Question, can any of those guys also jungle
See previous statement re: dead fucking tired of, only replace non-initiators with no junglers
that happened once
: (
generally, as a matter of fact, your intiator is also your jungler
simply because similar abilities are needed to both gank effectively and intiate teamfights effectively
ww is one of the best gankers, and the best jungler, in the game
Can all jungle and be good initiators. Sure there's others, but I can't think, at work, not enough coffee. *drool*
Destiny! : Warlock - Titan - Hunter
we should play sometime i could give you pointers on jungling (since that's basically all i did before my current akali kick)
fiddles as well, but your entire fucking team has to be there
Nah I appreciate it but i'm sufficiently good at jungling, just not knowing who's really capable of it
(I am a fucking beast Udyr jungler, lanes fucking fear the nascar murder hobo running at them at 500 movespeed from bear and ghost 8-))
I'll give Rammus and Malphite a try tonight, maybe Shen too (<3 manaless champions)
Destiny! : Warlock - Titan - Hunter
Malphite jungles quickly and with high HP.
Gragas is missing from that list!
He is secretly an amazing jungler but nobody really plays him since they removed locket.
Oh random pubs.
Agreed! But I've seen people jungle with him when we've got good lane setup and no jungler, and be extremely effective. But, yes, he's better in lane.
Destiny! : Warlock - Titan - Hunter
Plus he is a #2 or #3 ban always.
son you got totes in my jam?