My unbridled enthusiasm for this has been somewhat diminished by the total lack of "inverted" controls or camera controls.
Huh? There are settings for inverting both the normal camera and the first-person camera in the game options.
I was bummed at first that they didn't add separate settings for horizontal and vertical inversion, but I got used to that bit pretty quickly.
JonBob on
DrakeEdgelord TrashBelow the ecliptic plane.Registered Userregular
edited March 2011
One of the things that absolutely sucked me in besides the light, fun gameplay is just the whole atmosphere. It was bright and colorful right when things really started to go down the grimdark path. Their was a lot of humor too, which isn't unique but the gentle nature of the humor is pretty rare. I felt like I was in a video game version of some whacky, short run eighties comic book. Throw in the awesome soundtrack, the fun characters, the fantastic art design, animation, and character expressions with the solid gameplay and it was just the right recipe for me.
The optimism of the game still gives me a lift to this day.
So I tried the demo, and I'm all for playing this game again on HD and widescreen, but there's one significant hurdle that I must see addressed before I plop down the cash.
The subtitles: I could have sworn you could disable them in the original. I see no way to do that here, and they take up an obnoxious chunk of the screen along with tossing in character portraits (because I'm apparently too stupid to decipher who is saying what).
Yeah, it annoyed me as well, since they include those big 'head' icons as well. Rather unnecessary.
It's why I can't stand to play most modern JRPGs. Not only is the camera focusing on the characters as part of a dialog, but then you show a gigantic set of pictures of all the characters in 2D looking at each other then brightening/dimming the portraits depending on who's talking? And their name is on the top of the text? It's like 4 different reminders of who's talking on screen. STOP IT STOP IT STOP IT
It works in some games (Sakura Taisen wouldn't be just that without it), but it's serves little purpose in this's a 3D game with changing expressions, and the portraits never change. Plus, the timing sucks.
Whatever. It's $10 for a game that nobody gave a chance to back in the day. I gave them my money then, and I gave it to them again on Steam. And now they can have my money again, because it's the only way to tell them that BG&E is a franchise I will pay money for.
It has a permanent residence on my hard drive, now.
It works in some games (Sakura Taisen wouldn't be just that without it), but it's serves little purpose in this's a 3D game with changing expressions, and the portraits never change. Plus, the timing sucks.
Aren't subtitles intended for people who are hard of hearing or outright deaf? I could see some utility in including the portraits.
Orogogus on
Zilla36021st Century. |She/Her|Trans* Woman In Aviators Firing A Bazooka. ⚛️Registered Userregular
edited March 2011
Is there a trick to the pellet/air hockey game I'm forgetting? I remember getting that pearl fairly easily on the Gamecube, and now I suck at it.
I think "aim well, click fast" covers it. It took me a couple practice runs to get back into the groove, then I nailed the pearl challenge on my first attempt.
Re: subtitles, I definitely have a setting on the main menu screen for that. No idea why that would differ for other people.
I don't know, but I just looked and now I have a subtitles option on the title screens options screen, when it was DEFINITELY not there before. I was even streaming when I was showing it wasn't there.
FyreWulff on
Niceguyeddie616All you feed me is PUFFINS!I need NOURISHMENT!Registered Userregular
edited March 2011
Bought this today, love this game and never finished it on PS2, and y'know I can't help but feel this game was meant to be longer. Just considering how many of the pearls are purchasable and how,
When you go to the IRIS hideout after the factory the game just gives you a bunch of them. Seriously, here's four pearls now go buy them from everyone else. the hell? I wanted to go through some dungeons for those
Get this game if you like action/adventure games starring a girl and an anthropomorphic pig where you get to take pictures of animals and sneak around.
Make sure you have fresh batteries in your controller. Ran out in the middle of a boss fight, and the game did not pause. Had to run around looking for fresh ones while Jade died repeatedly on screen.
I was bummed at first that they didn't add separate settings for horizontal and vertical inversion, but I got used to that bit pretty quickly.
The optimism of the game still gives me a lift to this day.
That's what I mean--we only have "reversed", which inverts both Y and X. Very disorientating, but oh well.
The subtitles: I could have sworn you could disable them in the original. I see no way to do that here, and they take up an obnoxious chunk of the screen along with tossing in character portraits (because I'm apparently too stupid to decipher who is saying what).
If I can't turn this off, then no sale.
Maybe it's a region thing.
Maybe it reads your universal settings?
It's why I can't stand to play most modern JRPGs. Not only is the camera focusing on the characters as part of a dialog, but then you show a gigantic set of pictures of all the characters in 2D looking at each other then brightening/dimming the portraits depending on who's talking? And their name is on the top of the text? It's like 4 different reminders of who's talking on screen. STOP IT STOP IT STOP IT
Man, so there's no way to watch the opening without the subs. Very stupid.
At least the demo reinforced that the game has some of the best use of music ever. Truly a fantastic soundtrack in every conceivable way.
One person even had the subtitles off for the trial, and when he unlocked the full version the subtitles were turned on.
It has a permanent residence on my hard drive, now.
It's a pretty short game.
Picked up Pacman : CE : DX at the same time on sale.
I sure love DD.
High five, me too!
Now I have 500 points left over for character DLC on MvC3.
I already beat and 100%'d it. It is most definitely not a long game, but it's most definitely worth the ten bucks.
Re: subtitles, I definitely have a setting on the main menu screen for that. No idea why that would differ for other people.
I just came here to complain ;-)
I guess you can just reload save over and over to save credits
I don't understand why some people's are turned on.
Great game, just about finished the Factory.
They tried to bury us. They didn't know that we were seeds. 2018 Midterms. Get your shit together.
And what is it with rats being out to kill me and doing a whole heart of damage? There's always so many of the bastards around too.
They tried to bury us. They didn't know that we were seeds. 2018 Midterms. Get your shit together.
Even if they aren't there though, you can still get the achievement.
I'd hate to leave that stuff laying there.
They tried to bury us. They didn't know that we were seeds. 2018 Midterms. Get your shit together.