It seems my ability to detect sarcasm is off today, because I genuinely can't tell if you're serious or not. Because of that, I will say that the reason I told iamthepieman to ignore the part in bold, is because I think Hale's VA is terrible.
This is because, how can I say it politely, hmm.
You are a silly goose.
Majority of those who've bothered to do head to head comparisons (and I agree with them) place Hale miles ahead. Like, all time great vs. below average.
Tell me, if a majority agrees on something, does that make it fact?
Everyone has opinions, my opinion is that when Hale is not boring, she is trying to sound like some sort of Michelle Rodriguez, action movie bitch.
I have no problem with people who enjoy Hale's performance over Meer's, what I do have a problem with, are people who claim that she is indisputably superior, and if you don't pick her, then you are playing the game incorrectly, and every Hale fan seems to behave in that manner.
Right. Majority opinions don't matter much. Focus on the opinions of those with judgement, like Socrates said.
Like British game journalists, who pretty much all gush over Hale from what I've read.*
Hale's definitely doing a badass from the Ripley, Vasquez school, but she does it really well. What's more, she shows range when doing it, from genuine compassion to hardass military pep talks to friendly jokes.
Really, the only thing she has in common with the standard Rodriguez role is that Shepard is:
1) A woman
2) A bit of a hardass. Using hardass rather than bitch for a reason here. Rodriguez plays a bitch. Shepard is a hardass.
Add to that being able to believably turn on a dime when it comes to Paragon and Renegade dialog options, and it's pretty much a lock.
*This does not disprove the pick a female Shepard and you are a pervert argument, obviously. If anything this particular point reinforces it.
Everyone has opinions, my opinion is that when Hale is not boring, she is trying to sound like some sort of Michelle Rodriguez, action movie bitch.
I couldn't find a way to double-lime it, but that's exactly how I feel about her performance.
I didn't lime the rest of your post because I don't particularly mind people claiming that FemShep is superior in regards to VA tracks. Who other people like to listen to doesn't matter to me all that much.
I don't mind people who prefer Hale, but it grates my nerves whenever people say that if you choose Meer then you are "playing it wrong" or "obviously can't tell the difference between good VA and bad VA." If people want to build shrines to Hale, that's fine, but don't berate me for not picking her.
Ugh. I just finished the suicide mission. I picked Tali for the door, Jacob for the fire team, Samara for the biotic shield, Grunt for the escort, and Garrus for the diversion. The mission went PERFECTLY on my first time through it. And then, in the final battle, Miranda died.
How much paragon do you have to have to tell her to "Be the better woman," anyway? Because I am halfway through the fifth segment and it's still greyed out. Guess it's time for newgame+ on insanity.
You hit the jackpot, and you're complaining?
I was kinda gunning for the "No one left behind" trophy. I mean, I'm not really a trophy whore, but it would have been cool to succeed on my first run through without losing anyone. Luckily, I was able to save my dear Yeoman Chambers.
Also insanity is not really all that insane. The enemies all have shields/armor/barriers now? Oh noes.
e: Also, are you serious? This is actually a thing that took people a while?
First choice: "We need a tech expert to hack that door." Tali's my chief engineer. She'll do.
Second choice: "We need a combat veteran to lead the fire team." Jacob's Dossier: Seasoned combat veteran
Third choice: "Need a powerful biotic." Hmm. Asari justicar with centuries of experience. Gonna go with that.
Need an escort: Grunt is possibly the most resilient character in the party, being a krogan and all. He'll do.
Need a diversion: Guerrilla warfare specialist/sniper. Yeah.
It seems my ability to detect sarcasm is off today, because I genuinely can't tell if you're serious or not. Because of that, I will say that the reason I told iamthepieman to ignore the part in bold, is because I think Hale's VA is terrible.
This is because, how can I say it politely, hmm.
You are a silly goose.
Majority of those who've bothered to do head to head comparisons (and I agree with them) place Hale miles ahead. Like, all time great vs. below average.
Tell me, if a majority agrees on something, does that make it fact?
Everyone has opinions, my opinion is that when Hale is not boring, she is trying to sound like some sort of Michelle Rodriguez, action movie bitch.
I have no problem with people who enjoy Hale's performance over Meer's, what I do have a problem with, are people who claim that she is indisputably superior, and if you don't pick her, then you are playing the game incorrectly, and every Hale fan seems to behave in that manner.
Right. Majority opinions don't matter much. Focus on the opinions of those with judgement, like Socrates said.
Like British game journalists, who pretty much all gush over Hale from what I've read.*
Hale's definitely doing a badass from the Ripley, Vasquez school, but she does it really well. What's more, she shows range when doing it, from genuine compassion to hardass military pep talks to friendly jokes.
Really, the only thing she has in common with the standard Rodriguez role is that Shepard is:
1) A woman
2) A bit of a hardass. Using hardass rather than bitch for a reason here. Rodriguez plays a bitch. Shepard is a hardass.
Add to that being able to believably turn on a dime when it comes to Paragon and Renegade dialog options, and it's pretty much a lock.
*This does not disprove the pick a female Shepard and you are a pervert argument, obviously. If anything this particular point reinforces it.
I just disagree, listening to Meer, and then listening to her, is not like some divine revelation to me. She sounds bored when she does Paragon, and she sounds like she is trying too hard when she does Renegade, that's just my opinion. Now, can we get back to important things, like Batarian on Vorcha fan-art.
Ugh. I just finished the suicide mission. I picked Tali for the door, Jacob for the fire team, Samara for the biotic shield, Grunt for the escort, and Garrus for the diversion. The mission went PERFECTLY on my first time through it. And then, in the final battle, Miranda died.
How much paragon do you have to have to tell her to "Be the better woman," anyway? Because I am halfway through the fifth segment and it's still greyed out. Guess it's time for newgame+ on insanity.
You hit the jackpot, and you're complaining?
I was kinda gunning for the "No one left behind" trophy. I mean, I don't really care. But it would have been cool to succeed on my first run through without losing anyone. Luckily, I was able to save my dear Yeoman Chambers.
Also insanity is not really all that insane. The enemies all have shields/armor/barriers now? Boo.
e: Also, are you serious?
First choice: "We need a tech expert to hack that door." Tali's my chief engineer. She'll do.
Second choice: "We need a combat veteran to lead the fire team." Jacob's Dossier: Seasoned combat veteran
Third choice: "Need a powerful biotic." Hmm. Asari justicar with centuries of experience. Gonna go with that.
Need an escort: Grunt is possibly the most resilient character in the party, being a krogan and all. He'll do.
Need a diversion: Guerrilla warfare specialist/sniper. Yeah.
I mean really. I think the only reason I lost Miranda is because I cut my big speech short at the end. I have half a mind to replay it.
I think you lost Miranda because you chose Grunt as the Escort...
Apothe0sis on
chiasaur11Never doubt a raccoon.Do you think it's trademarked?Registered Userregular
Ugh. I just finished the suicide mission. I picked Tali for the door, Jacob for the fire team, Samara for the biotic shield, Grunt for the escort, and Garrus for the diversion. The mission went PERFECTLY on my first time through it. And then, in the final battle, Miranda died.
How much paragon do you have to have to tell her to "Be the better woman," anyway? Because I am halfway through the fifth segment and it's still greyed out. Guess it's time for newgame+ on insanity.
You hit the jackpot, and you're complaining?
I was kinda gunning for the "No one left behind" trophy. I mean, I don't really care. But it would have been cool to succeed on my first run through without losing anyone. Luckily, I was able to save my dear Yeoman Chambers.
Also insanity is not really all that insane. The enemies all have shields/armor/barriers now? Boo.
e: Also, are you serious?
First choice: "We need a tech expert to hack that door." Tali's my chief engineer. She'll do.
Second choice: "We need a combat veteran to lead the fire team." Jacob's Dossier: Seasoned combat veteran
Third choice: "Need a powerful biotic." Hmm. Asari justicar with centuries of experience. Gonna go with that.
Need an escort: Grunt is possibly the most resilient character in the party, being a krogan and all. He'll do.
Need a diversion: Guerrilla warfare specialist/sniper. Yeah.
I mean really. I think the only reason I lost Miranda is because I cut my big speech short at the end. I have half a mind to replay it.
I think you lost Miranda because you chose Grunt as the Escort...
Yeah. Grunt is very helpful to leave with your squad when you go off to kill the final boss.
I think you lost Miranda because you chose Grunt as the Escort...
That could be. It seemed like a logical choice, though. I felt like he was the character best suited to defend himself against an enemy attack without backup.
I haven't actually looked up the mechanics for this. Is it based on your loyalty or something? Maybe that's why she died. She was my only disloyal character. I would have told her to fucking leave near the beginning of the game if I could. At least in DA you don't have to put up with Morrigan's attitude.
DirtyDirtyVagrant on
OrcaAlso known as EspressosaurusWrexRegistered Userregular
edited March 2011
Any non-loyal characters you take with you on the final battle will die. For those that are holding the line, you want your tough dudes (Grunt, Garrus, Zaeed) helping out, or you might lose people there. There are detailed mechanics for the whole thing if someone wants to dig them up; they're in some of the old OPs.
So...after Miranda has her fight with Jack and decides to throw a hissy fit (or Jack, depending on who you tell to grow up), how do you regain loyalty? I was seriously like a few pixels away from maxed out paragon and I still couldn't pick that option.
Okay okay. To stop all the arguments here, I will take it upon myself to play through all of ME1 and 2 with FemShep, even though I have a full time job and this means 80+ hours of gameplay even if I skip sidequests and I've played through both games with male Paragon and Renegade Shepard. Hell, I'll play through for Paragon and Renegade female too.
This is because I care about you, Mass Effect thread. And is not a cunning ploy to finish 2 just in time to import into 3 seamlessly. It's selfless.
Arth on
chiasaur11Never doubt a raccoon.Do you think it's trademarked?Registered Userregular
So...after Miranda has her fight with Jack and decides to throw a hissy fit (or Jack, depending on who you tell to grow up), how do you regain loyalty? I was seriously like a few pixels away from maxed out paragon and I still couldn't pick that option.
The exact amount needed varies depending on how far you are in the game. Did you max out your class skill? Tends to help.
That choice, though, is a lot easier renegade. And a sight more satisfying.
I started playing as a female character because I wanted to play evil (I always do my evil playthroughs as female and my good playthroughs as male.) But the renegade options were always so tactically poor that I couldn't bear to keep playing that way and re-rolled a make character.
So I picked the most ugly, pale character i could during creation (my good characters get by on good morals and not good looks). Like big round bald head, thick ugly lips and, well, you get the idea. And the voice just matched so well to this pale ugly horrid character i created that I thought they had done some sorcery to detect the "type" of character and match one of several voices to it.
I created a new character and nope. Voice was still horrible.
Anyways. I never played ME1, have no character save and don't really care about importing.
It doesn't matter if the Renegade options are tactically poor, they make you a bad-ass. And where did you get the idea that there were several voices from? There is one for Male-shep and one for Fem-shep.
I'd highly recommended playing through ME1 before you start 2, otherwise you really aren't going to enjoy it as much.
I don't really have the time or money to play through ME1 first since I've heard that both games are very long epics.
Am I really missing that much by not playing ME1 as opposed to say, reading a walkthrough or plot summary?
Also, on that note, are there any recommended walkthroughs or summaries?
iamthepieman on
TrippyJingMoses supposes his toeses are roses.But Moses supposes erroneously.Registered Userregular
Ugh. I just finished the suicide mission. I picked Tali for the door, Jacob for the fire team, Samara for the biotic shield, Grunt for the escort, and Garrus for the diversion. The mission went PERFECTLY on my first time through it. And then, in the final battle, Miranda died.
How much paragon do you have to have to tell her to "Be the better woman," anyway? Because I am halfway through the fifth segment and it's still greyed out. Guess it's time for newgame+ on insanity.
You hit the jackpot, and you're complaining?
I was kinda gunning for the "No one left behind" trophy. I mean, I'm not really a trophy whore, but it would have been cool to succeed on my first run through without losing anyone. Luckily, I was able to save my dear Yeoman Chambers.
Also insanity is not really all that insane. The enemies all have shields/armor/barriers now? Oh noes.
e: Also, are you serious? This is actually a thing that took people a while?
First choice: "We need a tech expert to hack that door." Tali's my chief engineer. She'll do.
Second choice: "We need a combat veteran to lead the fire team." Jacob's Dossier: Seasoned combat veteran
Third choice: "Need a powerful biotic." Hmm. Asari justicar with centuries of experience. Gonna go with that.
Need an escort: Grunt is possibly the most resilient character in the party, being a krogan and all. He'll do.
Need a diversion: Guerrilla warfare specialist/sniper. Yeah.
I see you weren't here for the stories about people going, "But Thane is sneaky and a ninja. He should go in the vents! Also, he totally loves moisture!"
TrippyJing on
chiasaur11Never doubt a raccoon.Do you think it's trademarked?Registered Userregular
I started playing as a female character because I wanted to play evil (I always do my evil playthroughs as female and my good playthroughs as male.) But the renegade options were always so tactically poor that I couldn't bear to keep playing that way and re-rolled a make character.
So I picked the most ugly, pale character i could during creation (my good characters get by on good morals and not good looks). Like big round bald head, thick ugly lips and, well, you get the idea. And the voice just matched so well to this pale ugly horrid character i created that I thought they had done some sorcery to detect the "type" of character and match one of several voices to it.
I created a new character and nope. Voice was still horrible.
Anyways. I never played ME1, have no character save and don't really care about importing.
It doesn't matter if the Renegade options are tactically poor, they make you a bad-ass. And where did you get the idea that there were several voices from? There is one for Male-shep and one for Fem-shep.
I'd highly recommended playing through ME1 before you start 2, otherwise you really aren't going to enjoy it as much.
I don't really have the time or money to play through ME1 first since I've heard that both games are very long epics.
Am I really missing that much by not playing ME1 as opposed to say, reading a walkthrough or plot summary?
Also, on that note, are there any recommended walkthroughs or summaries?
Both games are in the thirty to fourty hour range, depending how much time you spend on sidequests.
And you miss... some. And the ability to make choices about 1, which is too bad as the defaults are uniformly awful.
Ugh. I just finished the suicide mission. I picked Tali for the door, Jacob for the fire team, Samara for the biotic shield, Grunt for the escort, and Garrus for the diversion. The mission went PERFECTLY on my first time through it. And then, in the final battle, Miranda died.
How much paragon do you have to have to tell her to "Be the better woman," anyway? Because I am halfway through the fifth segment and it's still greyed out. Guess it's time for newgame+ on insanity.
You hit the jackpot, and you're complaining?
I was kinda gunning for the "No one left behind" trophy. I mean, I'm not really a trophy whore, but it would have been cool to succeed on my first run through without losing anyone. Luckily, I was able to save my dear Yeoman Chambers.
Also insanity is not really all that insane. The enemies all have shields/armor/barriers now? Oh noes.
e: Also, are you serious? This is actually a thing that took people a while?
First choice: "We need a tech expert to hack that door." Tali's my chief engineer. She'll do.
Second choice: "We need a combat veteran to lead the fire team." Jacob's Dossier: Seasoned combat veteran
Third choice: "Need a powerful biotic." Hmm. Asari justicar with centuries of experience. Gonna go with that.
Need an escort: Grunt is possibly the most resilient character in the party, being a krogan and all. He'll do.
Need a diversion: Guerrilla warfare specialist/sniper. Yeah.
I see you weren't here for the stories about people going, "But Thane is sneaky and a ninja. He should go in the vents! Also, he totally loves moisture!"
I still insist it was cheap that Kasumi and Thane's talent was completely worthless in the final mission and they used "good leader" twice. Sure, it's pure game logic that every ability slot would conveniently be filled for the final battle. But it's a trope for a reason.
EmperorSeth on
You know what? Nanowrimo's cancelled on account of the world is stupid.
chiasaur11Never doubt a raccoon.Do you think it's trademarked?Registered Userregular
Ugh. I just finished the suicide mission. I picked Tali for the door, Jacob for the fire team, Samara for the biotic shield, Grunt for the escort, and Garrus for the diversion. The mission went PERFECTLY on my first time through it. And then, in the final battle, Miranda died.
How much paragon do you have to have to tell her to "Be the better woman," anyway? Because I am halfway through the fifth segment and it's still greyed out. Guess it's time for newgame+ on insanity.
You hit the jackpot, and you're complaining?
I was kinda gunning for the "No one left behind" trophy. I mean, I'm not really a trophy whore, but it would have been cool to succeed on my first run through without losing anyone. Luckily, I was able to save my dear Yeoman Chambers.
Also insanity is not really all that insane. The enemies all have shields/armor/barriers now? Oh noes.
e: Also, are you serious? This is actually a thing that took people a while?
First choice: "We need a tech expert to hack that door." Tali's my chief engineer. She'll do.
Second choice: "We need a combat veteran to lead the fire team." Jacob's Dossier: Seasoned combat veteran
Third choice: "Need a powerful biotic." Hmm. Asari justicar with centuries of experience. Gonna go with that.
Need an escort: Grunt is possibly the most resilient character in the party, being a krogan and all. He'll do.
Need a diversion: Guerrilla warfare specialist/sniper. Yeah.
I see you weren't here for the stories about people going, "But Thane is sneaky and a ninja. He should go in the vents! Also, he totally loves moisture!"
I still insist it was cheap that Kasumi and Thane's talent was completely worthless in the final mission and they used "good leader" twice. Sure, it's pure game logic that every ability slot would conveniently be filled for the final battle. But it's a trope for a reason.
Kasumi's skills are used. She can take down Collector security systems like a pro.
I started playing as a female character because I wanted to play evil (I always do my evil playthroughs as female and my good playthroughs as male.) But the renegade options were always so tactically poor that I couldn't bear to keep playing that way and re-rolled a make character.
So I picked the most ugly, pale character i could during creation (my good characters get by on good morals and not good looks). Like big round bald head, thick ugly lips and, well, you get the idea. And the voice just matched so well to this pale ugly horrid character i created that I thought they had done some sorcery to detect the "type" of character and match one of several voices to it.
I created a new character and nope. Voice was still horrible.
Anyways. I never played ME1, have no character save and don't really care about importing.
It doesn't matter if the Renegade options are tactically poor, they make you a bad-ass. And where did you get the idea that there were several voices from? There is one for Male-shep and one for Fem-shep.
I'd highly recommended playing through ME1 before you start 2, otherwise you really aren't going to enjoy it as much.
I don't really have the time or money to play through ME1 first since I've heard that both games are very long epics.
Am I really missing that much by not playing ME1 as opposed to say, reading a walkthrough or plot summary?
Also, on that note, are there any recommended walkthroughs or summaries?
Eh... you're missing quite a bit. While the combat and overall gameplay is really much smoother with ME2, ME1 really sets up the universe for the whole trilogy.
I mean, could you figure out The Empire Strikes Back without watching A New Hope first? Probably, but it's not going to have nearly the same meaning.
Thane is useful because he's the best teammate against the collectors.
Only because he's a Ninja who can sneak through pipes...
Seanron on
PSN: Seanron - XBL: Seanron - Steam: Seanron
MichaelLCIn what furnace was thy brain?ChicagoRegistered Userregular
edited March 2011
From what I've read on the wiki, the paragon/renegade bars are percentages rather than a hard number, so you could have it filled and not be able to select some options.
For Miranda, you can get her back if you side with Jack, then making sure you have the bonus feat of 100% P/R, talk to Miranda and she'll have a dialog option to get her back.
because it completely invalidates your siding with one person. if you side with say, jack, in the argument, you have good and valid reasons for doing so.
those reasons get thrown out the fucking airlock when you convince miranda that she should come around. basically, you say "olol i had to agree with the crazy biotic bitch but i don't really like her lol"
it's pretty much the only time in the game that shepard's a coward about something. and it works that way for every dispute like that.
curly haired boy on
Registered just for the Mass Effect threads | Steam: click ^^^ | Origin: curlyhairedboy
MichaelLCIn what furnace was thy brain?ChicagoRegistered Userregular
edited March 2011
I don't know if it's so much of a coward thing as it's more of a 'Hey let's get along because we're saving civilization, again!' thing. Which is it's own set of issues.
The moral system is just messed up. Like how is endangering the sister a 'good' act? Or keeping the memory box? To me it's like it can't decide if it's supposed to be Pure Good or a Paladin/Hero type.
because it completely invalidates your siding with one person. if you side with say, jack, in the argument, you have good and valid reasons for doing so.
those reasons get thrown out the fucking airlock when you convince miranda that she should come around. basically, you say "olol i had to agree with the crazy biotic bitch but i don't really like her lol"
it's pretty much the only time in the game that shepard's a coward about something. and it works that way for every dispute like that.
Yeah i have to agree. The whole "siding with one person then placating the other afterwards" thing was crappy.
The renegade way of resolving the arguments was cool though. Your response was "Your opinions don't matter so cut this shit out".
Karl on
chiasaur11Never doubt a raccoon.Do you think it's trademarked?Registered Userregular
Right. Majority opinions don't matter much. Focus on the opinions of those with judgement, like Socrates said.
Like British game journalists, who pretty much all gush over Hale from what I've read.*
Hale's definitely doing a badass from the Ripley, Vasquez school, but she does it really well. What's more, she shows range when doing it, from genuine compassion to hardass military pep talks to friendly jokes.
Really, the only thing she has in common with the standard Rodriguez role is that Shepard is:
1) A woman
2) A bit of a hardass. Using hardass rather than bitch for a reason here. Rodriguez plays a bitch. Shepard is a hardass.
Add to that being able to believably turn on a dime when it comes to Paragon and Renegade dialog options, and it's pretty much a lock.
*This does not disprove the pick a female Shepard and you are a pervert argument, obviously. If anything this particular point reinforces it.
Why I fear the ocean.
I don't mind people who prefer Hale, but it grates my nerves whenever people say that if you choose Meer then you are "playing it wrong" or "obviously can't tell the difference between good VA and bad VA." If people want to build shrines to Hale, that's fine, but don't berate me for not picking her.
I was kinda gunning for the "No one left behind" trophy. I mean, I'm not really a trophy whore, but it would have been cool to succeed on my first run through without losing anyone. Luckily, I was able to save my dear Yeoman Chambers.
Also insanity is not really all that insane. The enemies all have shields/armor/barriers now? Oh noes.
e: Also, are you serious? This is actually a thing that took people a while?
First choice: "We need a tech expert to hack that door." Tali's my chief engineer. She'll do.
Second choice: "We need a combat veteran to lead the fire team." Jacob's Dossier: Seasoned combat veteran
Third choice: "Need a powerful biotic." Hmm. Asari justicar with centuries of experience. Gonna go with that.
Need an escort: Grunt is possibly the most resilient character in the party, being a krogan and all. He'll do.
Need a diversion: Guerrilla warfare specialist/sniper. Yeah.
I just disagree, listening to Meer, and then listening to her, is not like some divine revelation to me. She sounds bored when she does Paragon, and she sounds like she is trying too hard when she does Renegade, that's just my opinion. Now, can we get back to important things, like Batarian on Vorcha fan-art.
your sig/avatar is AMAZING.
You missed the last thread. Almost no fanart in comparison. Now? Now hell has come to Earth, and it cries blasphemies at the stars.
Right now, the best option is to mosey on over to SE++, go to their thread, say hi.
They got the law there.
Why I fear the ocean.
Yeah. Grunt is very helpful to leave with your squad when you go off to kill the final boss.
That could be. It seemed like a logical choice, though. I felt like he was the character best suited to defend himself against an enemy attack without backup.
I haven't actually looked up the mechanics for this. Is it based on your loyalty or something? Maybe that's why she died. She was my only disloyal character. I would have told her to fucking leave near the beginning of the game if I could. At least in DA you don't have to put up with Morrigan's attitude.
So...after Miranda has her fight with Jack and decides to throw a hissy fit (or Jack, depending on who you tell to grow up), how do you regain loyalty? I was seriously like a few pixels away from maxed out paragon and I still couldn't pick that option.
This is because I care about you, Mass Effect thread. And is not a cunning ploy to finish 2 just in time to import into 3 seamlessly. It's selfless.
The exact amount needed varies depending on how far you are in the game. Did you max out your class skill? Tends to help.
That choice, though, is a lot easier renegade. And a sight more satisfying.
Why I fear the ocean.
I don't really have the time or money to play through ME1 first since I've heard that both games are very long epics.
Am I really missing that much by not playing ME1 as opposed to say, reading a walkthrough or plot summary?
Also, on that note, are there any recommended walkthroughs or summaries?
I see you weren't here for the stories about people going, "But Thane is sneaky and a ninja. He should go in the vents! Also, he totally loves moisture!"
Both games are in the thirty to fourty hour range, depending how much time you spend on sidequests.
And you miss... some. And the ability to make choices about 1, which is too bad as the defaults are uniformly awful.
Why I fear the ocean.
I still insist it was cheap that Kasumi and Thane's talent was completely worthless in the final mission and they used "good leader" twice. Sure, it's pure game logic that every ability slot would conveniently be filled for the final battle. But it's a trope for a reason.
Kasumi's skills are used. She can take down Collector security systems like a pro.
Why I fear the ocean.
Eh... you're missing quite a bit. While the combat and overall gameplay is really much smoother with ME2, ME1 really sets up the universe for the whole trilogy.
I mean, could you figure out The Empire Strikes Back without watching A New Hope first? Probably, but it's not going to have nearly the same meaning.
Only because he's a Ninja who can sneak through pipes...
For Miranda, you can get her back if you side with Jack, then making sure you have the bonus feat of 100% P/R, talk to Miranda and she'll have a dialog option to get her back.
because it completely invalidates your siding with one person. if you side with say, jack, in the argument, you have good and valid reasons for doing so.
those reasons get thrown out the fucking airlock when you convince miranda that she should come around. basically, you say "olol i had to agree with the crazy biotic bitch but i don't really like her lol"
it's pretty much the only time in the game that shepard's a coward about something. and it works that way for every dispute like that.
Registered just for the Mass Effect threads | Steam: click ^^^ | Origin: curlyhairedboy
The moral system is just messed up. Like how is endangering the sister a 'good' act? Or keeping the memory box? To me it's like it can't decide if it's supposed to be Pure Good or a Paladin/Hero type.
it's more of a personality bar than a morality bar,
All this bar talk is making me thirsty, and after what i've seen in this thread i think i'm just going to sit here doing shots until it all goes away
Want to play co-op games? Feel free to hit me up!
That's why the Kasumi DLC is worth every penny.
The Normandy gets a bar. No Jacobs allowed.
Why I fear the ocean.
You humans are all racist.
and Paragons will do things "The Right Way" even if it means putting themselves in danger and/or potentially the mission.
Renegades care about the mission and only the mission. The end justifies the means.
you know she'd love to get a few jacobs in there
Registered just for the Mass Effect threads | Steam: click ^^^ | Origin: curlyhairedboy
Make a Jacob Shepard.
Problem solved.
Registered just for the Mass Effect threads | Steam: click ^^^ | Origin: curlyhairedboy
That is a terrible joke, and you should feel less of a man for making it.
Also, we need good fanart from you, as punishment.
She's got that natural air of command.
Why I fear the ocean.
Not terrible, just funny, unless you like Mordin, in which case it is pretty terrible.
late game spoilers
Okay, I loved Joker quotes, but why exactly did Sheperd and the entire crew of badasses leaved the ship?
Was it just to give Joker 15 minutes of fame?
Yeah i have to agree. The whole "siding with one person then placating the other afterwards" thing was crappy.
The renegade way of resolving the arguments was cool though. Your response was "Your opinions don't matter so cut this shit out".
Because Miranda is the dumbest.
Why I fear the ocean.