So, I searched for a while and couldn't find a thread on this. Jason Rohrer, the guy who made Sleep is Death, another "game" that defies pigeonholing and convention, made this game called Inside a Star-Filled Sky.
...yeah. It looks odd.
So basically, from what I understand, the game itself is a tactical SCHMUP. There are limitless variations on bullet spread and powerups you can obtain. If you see a powerup you feel like you could improve, you can dive inside the powerup and change it... somehow... by doing something. And while you're inside the powerup, you can dive inside an enemy to steal its attack... and while you're inside the enemy, you can dive inside yourself.
This game probably makes heads explode.
Anyway, I'm going to give it a try. It's currently available on a [strike]"pay what you want"[/strike] $12 price
EDIT: Never mind on the pay what you want thing, I guess the site where I discovered this was wrong or outdated or something.
I'm going to have to check this thing out, especially if impressions are good.
I can't find any other major site reviews of this thing. I wish Destructoid would do a little preview of it or something.
Edit: Wait, it's $12? I'm pretty sure I paid less than 5, when I bought it.
And I think it's at least a pretty smart move on his part to put out something that is more conventional in terms of gameplay. I like the guy, and I'd hate to seem him get completely pigeon-holed as "that guy whose games aren't games but art."