Tucked beneath a smattering of carpet in my ex room mates new place, concealed with Spyro, Diablo, and Syphon Filter 2, was Suikoden. Nearly perfect in condition, ready for playability.
I've heard
oh so much about the Suikoden series. I neglected picking up the second one when I saw in Wally World years back, and decided not to get III or IV based on bad press/forum noise.
But now I have the chance to see what all of the fuss is about. While I can't start it just yet (found my PS2 and wanna go through FFXII again), I am anxious to know what the game is about, and how you feel about it, and what I can expect.
Is it old school? What makes it worthy of the praise? Specifically, will it hold up to newer RPGs?
I'd rather not play a game that was brilliant when it came out, but rather tired now, in order to preserve the good memory of the game. I don't wanna wander into a forum and blaspheme the game with ,"Suikoden? Oh, yeah, I beat that last week. Kinda sucked..."
But if it's worth the hype, then so be it!
Suikoden III and V are good though, and you should play them if you can.
With that said, Suikoden 1 is still a fun little game. It's short and easy (I beat it in under 20 hours my first time through), but it's a lot of fun. An interesting war story combined with accessible gameplay and a great sense of scale (gigantic wars and thrilling duels, woohoo!) should make for an enjoyable few days of gaming.
Steam ID : rwb36, Twitter : Werezompire,
Two reasons.
1. That duck. I hate that damned duck.
2. No camera control. It just seems so one sided because of that. It's weird.
I might try playing it again someday, but my first impressions aren't that great.
There was a bunch of junk piled into the corner of one of the rooms. I discovered the games (and a few music CDs) as we renovated.
Haven't played IV or Tactics. Hear that they're the weakest games in the series although given that you can find them for around $15 a piece these days, I'm tempted to give them a try anyways.
Suikoden 5 is a great game. Almost as good as Suikoden 2. And when Suikoden 2 sells for around $150 and Suikoden 5 sells for around $30-$35, I'm going to have to give the nod to Suikoden 5.
Steam ID : rwb36, Twitter : Werezompire,
Beyond that, the game's got a wide range of likable characters and varied, interesting environments.
I'm getting stumped here and there, so I'm playing it in moderation.
I like the system and some of the characters, but the high frequency of battles gets on my nerves.
I'm sure II improves on this a ton, so I'll finish it nonetheless.
I have like... 30 of the 108, and I just met Apple.
[spoiler:549ff76d23]Stupid blocked river.[/spoiler:549ff76d23]
How much?
I think i've got Suikoden 1 & 2 somewhere.
EDIT: Aha, cool.. on ebay uk the going price seems to be £50 each.
I've got a spare copy of Portal, if anyone wants it message me.
Suikoden 2 can go for $50-$100, maybe a little more. If it's still in it's wrap it can go for double that. It's strategy guide I think can go for about $20-$50 as well.
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Then again, I know zilch about II, so maybe that's why.
I promise, you really don't want to know how much my copy of II cost me.
The rest of the series is extremely forgettable, especially by comparison.
2 is definitely superior, but they are both oh so good.
That said the games are awesome because there are tons of memorable characters, a rather unique storyline (compared to most rpgs), and Konami has spent a decent amount of time over the series really developing the world that the games and its characters live in.
Plus, it's no Sudokuden
You get suprise alliances and betrayals, important characters can die all the time (if you thought Aeris was bad... man...) and the sheer amount of playable characters that you can use means you're never stuck with a party full of annoying characters simply because the game forces you to. If you want the bishie samurai guy to kick ass, level him up! If you prefer the beefy barbarian, go nuts! Prefer to have an all-girl party? Go ahead! And as a bonus, they'll probably have a neat team-attack that you can use too!
Oh yeah! team attacks! Those are awesome too!
Main thing about 3 is, in terms of raw gameplay, it's a pretty clear step backward across-the-board. Compared to the first two, the battle system of 3 is slow, counter-intuitive and clumsy; the addition of movement and friendly fire by way of magic is fine, except you can't control where your characters go. The pairing system is a fair idea done poorly, and it means you really only control three characters at any given time. Lastly, army battles are watered down versions of regular battles, and overall a lot less interesting. Throw in some needless backtracking and a severe lack of base-building mechanics (a prominent feature of the first two games), and basically the feel is just not the same.
That's not to say 3 is a bad game; honestly, I liked it enough to give it a second go. It's just that the first two games felt so right in how they played. 2 was a step up from 1 in most important respects, and 1 was already a solid game, so why they went for something substantially different is beyond me. There are some things 3 did better - they improved the duel system, and skills are a welcome addition - but they are most definitely few in number.
And speaking only for myself, I was a little let down at the three heroes. I thought Thomas' chapters were more compelling than that of the main characters.
Now playing: Teardown and Baldur's Gate 3 (co-op)
Sunday Spotlight: Horror Tales: The Wine
What is a disc-only copy in decent shape going for? I never play it, so I'd rather it be in the hands of someone who would.
Steam / Bus Blog / Goozex Referral
Also, V is crap. That's right. I said it.
3DS: 1607-3034-6970