This place has never been Heaven, but up until recently, it wasn't Hell either. That was before the fire broke out and the police put a blockade in place until everything was under control. Now, you, the survivors are all that is left in...
Phall Asylum
While all of you are insane in one way or another, it appears a large group of psychopaths have formed a gang and begun to pick people off one by one. Rumors of cannibalism abound. You, the survivors are left with one option: Kill them before they kill you.
This game follows the standard rules of no PM sharing and things like that. One thing must be noted however; roles will not be released on death. Their are special roles that can reveal what a person was, but other then that your no your own.
This game is for forty players, but if not much interest is shown, I will start it at thirty.
1. MrBlarney
2. Spoit - Dead
3. kuhlmeye
4. The Cow King - Dead5. Phyphor - Dead
6. Lucedes
7. Capfalcon
8. Void Slayer - Dead
real_pochacco - Subbed Out For: Alegis
10. Dragon6860 - Dead
11. The Anonymous
12. Dunadan019 - Dead13. samurai6966 - Dead14. godmode - Dead15. LoserForHireX - Dead16. sterling3763 - Dead
17. jackisreal
18. Kay - Dead19. FecklessRogue - Dead
20. oldmanken
21. Infidel - Dead22. Mr. Defecation - Dead
23. Smoove Operator
24. vertroue - Dead25. Over The Moon - Subbed Out For: Rawkking Goodguy
26. stever777
27. Heffling
28. coutts
29. Gandalf_the_Crazed
30. Teucrian - Dead
31. CaptainPlanet82
32. Raakam
33. 38thDoe - Dead34. daniant - Dead
35. Extermatott
36. Turkson - Dead37. Zandracon - Dead38. Maximus - Dead
39. HeavyVillain
40. garroad_ran
1. pezzy
Do you dare to commit yourself?
Sorry for the lousy introduction. I've been planing this game for a while and it should be more interesting then it sounds. I would also like to thank 3clipse for helping me run this.
Vote closes at 8:00 PST
EDIT: Care to give some details on when we should expect days to close?
8:00 PST
Expect me to post sparsely until tomorrow afternoon. The forums aren't running to great for me tonight and I need to get to sleep early for the first day of classes.
Twitch Stream
Send any orders to ME; basically if you don't have a proboard to put orders on send them to me, not Abysmal Lynx.
No one knows when vote close is, but the tea party is at 3pm SHARP. Don't be late or you will be sorry.
PAX Prime 2014 Resistance Tournament Winner
W is the 23 letter of this alphabet. The symbol for that letter is two points down and three points up.
April 19 is the date the Battle of Lexington, Waco, and the Oklahoma City Bombing... (4+19=23)
3DS FCode: 1993-7512-8991
Are you signing up...?
I could swear I've read this before....
!yes oui jah hai ja si yeah ya ahuh
3DS FCode: 1993-7512-8991
I walk through the tall double doors. There is a large man in a lab coat with a jester's hat and an leopard print eyepatch holding the clipboard for admission. I ask to Sign Up, but he glares down at me. In the voice of my dead grandmother, he replies:
"The server is too busy at the moment. Please try again later."
HoTS: Schmutz#1686
Eh, what's this now?
Twitch Stream
From the Desk of Darth Vertroue Diplomat to the USA.
The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
"We believe in the people and their 'wisdom' as if there was some special secret entrance to knowledge that barred to anyone who had ever learned anything." - Friedrich Nietzsche
good morning inmates
3DS FCode: 1993-7512-8991