Mother fuckin'
This iconic series involves lots of ridiculous puns
and hot chicks which had names which were, in fact, ridiculous puns. It also involves car crashes, car chases, crazy villains
and whatnot. From your Connerys to your Daltons to your Craigs, one thing is for certain: people are going to get shot, and it's going to be terrific.
There's simply a ridiculous amount of these movies, and it's a crying shame that the series seems to be on indefinite hiatus because MGM is unable to manage its finances
So which iteration is your favorite Bond? Let's all talk about this suave motherfucker
connery owns too though
james bond
they should have just called it pussy and i think it would have been edgier
However, the ring will never leave your finger, and you will be unable to ever describe to another living person what you see.
I like Craig a whole bunch
please don't beat me
the oh so catchy theme song says it's his nephew
so you think of women as objects, eh
His real-life name goes a long way in that regard. I mean Pierce? Come on.
It is past three in the morning and there are people sleeping in this house.
Not me though.
Own that shit son. Don't be afraid to have a correct opinion.
What if he had said David Niven?
I always like remembering this quote.
Whoo for George Lazenby and Diana Rigg!
XBox LIVE: Bogestrom | Destiny
PSN: Bogestrom
I thought that was the consensus?
What spring does with the cherry trees.
quantum of solace is so bad though
but not many people have him as their favorite
(I do)
Really helped remind me that deep down James Bond is really just a really, charismatic sociopath.
I admire the cut of his jib
What spring does with the cherry trees.
Not that he has many, but still.
I want to kill all the writers of his latter movies though.
What spring does with the cherry trees.
XBox LIVE: Bogestrom | Destiny
PSN: Bogestrom
It's cool man, I like Craig too
Mainly because he is very pretty for me to look at
Oh shit, my terrible wording has allowed Tossrock to unearth my terrible secret!!
I suppose there's no hiding how terribly misogynistic I am, now. All women reading this, take off your shoes, get into the kitchen, make me a sandwich
All Daniel Craigs reading this: take off your shirt and meet me outside in three minutes
Oh wait
Put a thing together for us soon.
You're the only one who can do it.
-Signed, the Queen of SoCal
XBox LIVE: Bogestrom | Destiny
PSN: Bogestrom
I had to go take the Browns to the Superbowl, and there was a copy of Casino Royale on the back of the toilet.
One and a half hours later they noticed I was missing and knocked on the door.
Goddammit, we live in LA! Why don't we know someone with a bigass mansion?!
did you have some means of playing the DVD, or
I'm 33.
So, no, not really...
EDIT: Oh I get it.
Mona Lotte