Suffice to say shit is getting real and we need more [strike]cannon fodder[/strike] elite space warriors to save our [strike]bots[/strike] territory from the filthy Russians. We have finally defeated BoB/IT Alliance, but the remnants have entered into an unholy alliance with these Drone Russians and we are planning a massive counter-attack
to turn the tide and put them back on the defensive.
a. If you know someone who plays already, ask them to refer you using their EvE account and you get an extended trial, and that person gets 30 days free if you subscribe. (seriously, just ask in the thread, 30 day gametime items are trading in EVE at around 360 million ISK each. You'll get hooked up for it.)
- OR –
b. Post in this thread/find a friend with Steam/Access Steam for a free 21 day trial.
- OR -
c. Create a trial account by going to and registering a new account
- OR -
d. Reactivate your old account
1. Create your character. Race/Background really doesn't matter much anymore. All of the stats have been balanced to be equal at creation and you get to remap twice during your trial period (which you'll do, I'll tell you about it later.)
2. Check out the How Skills Work page on the goonfleet wiki: This is the 'level up' mechanic in EVE. Understanding this, even a little will help make your trial loads more fun. Believe me, the first time I played I trained bullshit for like 10 days and then realized I couldn't actually 'do' anything, meanwhile my friends were making (what I thought was) all kinds of cash and flying cruisers while I was still in newbie frigates.
3. DO THE TUTORIAL. I repeat. DO THE TUTORIAL. The basic tutorial is about 1-2 hours or so long and it covers the most basic of functionality in the game. If you’re the type with adolescent or adult ADHD that never reads the manuals and always skips cutscenes in favor of the ‘I’ll figure it out’ mentality, take a Xanax then, DO THE FUCKING TUTORIAL, it was revamped in Apocrypha and again in Dominion and it's really awesome now, it also provides you with skillbooks that you'll use towards your career path and several million isk worth of loot and rewards. It's totally worth it. I did it again, recently, for an alt account I set up. Trust me on this one. There are sections for people who want to do combat (pvp/missions), industry, exploration and mercantilism. Do one, or all of them. They really are helpful.
*Important Step*
4. When you’ve completed the tutorial and are docked up at a station, go to the People & Places button (second one down on your bar) and select 'Corporation' from the pull down menu. Put 'Merch Industrial' in the box. When you hit search and see our corp come up, right-click on the corp logo and select Show Info. From there you should see an Apply to Corp button. Be sure to include your PA forums handle in your application. (You can apply to the corp from any station in the game now, but you must be docked up.) Also include your EVE handle in this thread so we have it in both places.
If you have not received a reply or been accepted into the corporation after 48 hours, send a brief in-game EVEMail to Random Gen, Merch Industrial’s HR Director. Rejections are 95% of the time due to not putting your PA forums handle in your application. If you have no such message and really *are* a special snowflake who was rejected against the will of the creator of life, the universe and everything, you can appeal to Random Gen via EVEMail.
5. Once accepted you should click on the Corporation button and check under Bulletins for useful information. DO NOT REPLY TO ANY CORP OR ALLIANCE MAIL. A reply to any corp-wide or alliance-wide mail is sent to every person in the respective organization. In fact, don’t send any mail for the first couple weeks; just ask for help in corp chat.
6. Go to and register for an account there under your EVE pilot’s name. Don’t use your PA forums name (if different from your EVE pilot). Post to introduce yourself, remark on how awesome the forums are now, visit off-topic for some truly horrible posting. We've revamped a couple sections and it should be much easier for newbies to find the sections for skills, ships and fittings and our mentor program.
7. Spy clause: You will be called a spy. You are a spy. We know you’re a spy and it’s only a matter of time until we catch you in your spying ways. Thick skins are expected, see part 10.
8. Use corp chat. Use it often. Seriously. We love newbies. We'll give you money if you ask for it. We'll help you get to wherever we're at or show you the ropes. You just have to ask. Whenever you log in, chat it up with us. EVE is a miserable game to play by yourself. It can be the most amazing experience you've had behind a keyboard with some friends though.
9. Don't call it a guild, Don't call your character a toon, and no it's not like WoW at all, don't even try to make an analogy along those lines. Most of the players in EvE are either WoW refugees/post-addicts or never played it and never want to hear about it. Any or all of the above will get you shot by someone in corp.
10. Finally, a warning (This coincides with the spy clause): If you don't have a thick skin, don't apply. You will be mocked, you will be called a spy, you will read words you never thought you'd see in chat windows, you will see every racial and ethnic slur used hourly and it will offend all of your pseudo-PC space bushido e-honor sensibilities. Four letter word: cope. When you die and lose all your stuff you will be laughed at. Life is hard, and so is EVE.
Ask me questions about this (bad) game and also get a 21 day trial from one of my accounts
However, the ring will never leave your finger, and you will be unable to ever describe to another living person what you see.
that's kinda changing actually
also, that's why I'm posting this here
Still does.
Most of it stems from reading one of the greatest gaming heists/cons I've ever seen.
and then I stop
hahaha, when he has to run to the library to use the public phone?
maybe this will hold me over until TOR? i hate the thought of going back to WoW for such a brief time.
"Think of it as Evolution in Action"
scamming is actually encouraged by goonwaffe
a newbie in theta made something to the effect of 5 bil his first month
a PLEX(one month time card) costs about 360 mil
dang i would totally be down for that if I wasn't an actual spy
i can't believe i kept encyclopedic entries on people like beardsley
what a ridiculous and un-fun waste of time spying was
However, the ring will never leave your finger, and you will be unable to ever describe to another living person what you see.
So what was the whole story with you? Last EvE thread you had you outed yourself as an Atlas(?) spy, but apparently you were some sort of double agent for GIA and I don't know what the fuck.
* Uses the word fert a lot
* Bad at video games
* Likes cooking
* would probably be more annoying than dbrb
why did every entry have to have a reference to dbrb anyway
he wasn't that funny
However, the ring will never leave your finger, and you will be unable to ever describe to another living person what you see.
as soon as you're in a drake(1 1/2 months) you can rat for an hour or so a day and doe PI for 5ish days a week and pay for your account
nah I was never in GIA and never really had any interest with gf proper
ok it was kind of like this
atlas wanted to spy on bob, but they wanted me to spy on a spy in merch, then that guy tried to turn me and at that point i was like
no. i'm not spying on myself. i am not doing this. this is stupid. this game sucks.
yeah. I know.
i'm not doing your detective work for you but just look at people whose posting history is only in eve threads and you should probably purge them :V
However, the ring will never leave your finger, and you will be unable to ever describe to another living person what you see.
pip what the hell does that second sentence even mean
i don't understand this whole wanting to play the game thing i mean posting is a lot more fun
However, the ring will never leave your finger, and you will be unable to ever describe to another living person what you see.
Is this some kind of digital space English?
it means if you stare at the screen and click a lot of buttons once you have a ship called a drake you can pay for your subscription by paying in game cash to people who don't want to stare at the screen and click buttons for as long.
However, the ring will never leave your finger, and you will be unable to ever describe to another living person what you see.
a drake is a caldari battlecruiser, they are really good at killing the pirates in the space we own
PI is planetary interaction, essentially farmville in space, only you make ISK(space money) doing it
This is basically the motto of goonfleet.
Also, if we purged all the spies in our corp we'd probably have about 3 active players.
One of whom would still be a spy.
actually wait that is a terrible idea
i'd probably play again if spying stops being supported
until then it's not like i can join anyone who does anything at this point
However, the ring will never leave your finger, and you will be unable to ever describe to another living person what you see.
Huh? No.
Granted, there have been bigger since, but the style of this one makes me all kinds of giddy.
Secret Satan 2013 Wishlist
just rob pubbies blind
all you have to do is just get whatever then betray everyone
of course that requires you have the inclination to make friends and spend ridiculous amounts of time with people you will ultimately betray
i guess it wasn't really for me
when royofca killed himself (entirely unrelated to eve) i decided that there was something wrong with pursuing false friendships with people who have actual feelings since those friendships exist outside of the game space
However, the ring will never leave your finger, and you will be unable to ever describe to another living person what you see.
XBL: Torn Hoodie
However, the ring will never leave your finger, and you will be unable to ever describe to another living person what you see.
It was fun enough when I played it though.
really bad posting!!!
blame anschau