I had enough trouble with the second Security mission.
It was basically a total crapshoot once it came down to cutting open the safe and stealing the key.
Cutting open the safe was bad enough with the enemies camping that room and the allied bots doing nothing useful, carrying the key back was basically a crapshoot of "Can I kill 3+ people on my way over to the key, and then run it out without running into any opposition"
Took so many tries. And that was on Easy. I can't even imagine doing harder difficulties without human co-op.
the safe room in that map is a murder-hole.
bring your entire team at once to smear the resistance out, and then open it.
otherwise they will grenade the area like they are in a call of duty game.
Oh god. Last night was equal parts awesome and terrible. I was playing on the ParkparkPark server, and managed to get away with the final objective. Died right behind one dude who was just sniping away the whole match, he picked up the objective, ran back towards the enemy spawn, and stood there sniping until he was wiped out by 5-6 of the other team.
Was also playing there last night. Didn't notice the situation you mentioned, that might have been before or after my time.
Ran a few maps. Had the one where all sounds but the command console beeping went away.
Couldn't remember if I selected the light or medium body, but was mostly playing medic. Whichever it was, coming around corners into the heavy it melted. Also had a number of times where we had a rush of two to four that ended up being me alone staring at a lot of guns.
Trying to slide near enemies caused a lot of butt stroking (rifle stock, not hand to gluteus) since it is C and V keys for crouch/slide and melee.
That first challenge is impossible on the 2 star level.
"Let's have an objective directly outside the enemy spawn, then let the enemies have the ability to kill without needing to step out of their spawn. Oh, and the allies can make puddles of drool in the corner."
I've put down the entire team with the Maximus (LMG) and watched as they stop gasping for life only to run back around the corner the next second.
I went from level 2 to level 8 on that single challenge and I still can't get past the hack objective.
EDIT: yeah, as far as the story and cutscenes go, I think I'll do them on solo, in order, just to see them.
And yet i found all of the challenges rather easy, and passed this particular 2 star challenge my first try.
I just rushed the objectives and mostly ignored the enemies unless they were directly in my way and it seemed to serve me just fine.
People are having a problem with the challenges? I don'tmean to sound condescending, but those were incredibly easy for both stars. Campaign is where it gets hard, I almost failed the second and third missions until I got lucky both times and killed like 90% of the enemy team so I couldrun the objective back myself. For the challenges, remember to keep moving in the objective one. It is more important to stay alive than get an extra 5% on the progress meter. If you die you have to kill the entire enemy team yourself, but if you take cover you can keep killing them one or two at a time. For the two engineer ones, just bring guns with a lot of ammo to mow them down az they come out single file.
God that was a long message for typing this on my phone.
Finally, how does the "friends only" VOIP work? Well? Or do we need Vent?
It's a server setting. Even before release, Splash Damage mentioned that voice chat can be either friends only or for the entire team and to avoid confusing situations with people using different settings, it was made a server setting instead of a client setting.
Can anyone that has played the game tell us if there's alltalk as well?
Finally, how does the "friends only" VOIP work? Well? Or do we need Vent?
It's a server setting. Even before release, Splash Damage mentioned that voice chat can be either friends only or for the entire team and to avoid confusing situations with people using different settings, it was made a server setting instead of a client setting.
Can anyone that has played the game tell us if there's alltalk as well?
From what they've released for servers settings so far, there isn't. Or at least nothing that I've seen. There's a lightly detailed pdf that comes with the server software. It addresses VOIP in the game modes section but doesn't get into it any further.
Anyway, I still think it's dumb that by default it's set to "fireteam" only.
It's even more annoying, to me, that server hijacking is on by default.
Zxerolfor the smaller pieces, my shovel wouldn't doso i took off my boot and used my shoeRegistered Userregular
edited May 2011
So how do duct-tape mags actually work? When I reload, it would sometimes exchange normally and then sometimes really fast and I can't quite nail the pattern to it.
Zxerol on
acidlacedpenguinInstitutionalizedSafe in jail.Registered Userregular
That first challenge is impossible on the 2 star level.
"Let's have an objective directly outside the enemy spawn, then let the enemies have the ability to kill without needing to step out of their spawn. Oh, and the allies can make puddles of drool in the corner."
I've put down the entire team with the Maximus (LMG) and watched as they stop gasping for life only to run back around the corner the next second.
I went from level 2 to level 8 on that single challenge and I still can't get past the hack objective.
EDIT: yeah, as far as the story and cutscenes go, I think I'll do them on solo, in order, just to see them.
And yet i found all of the challenges rather easy, and passed this particular 2 star challenge my first try.
I just rushed the objectives and mostly ignored the enemies unless they were directly in my way and it seemed to serve me just fine.
People are having a problem with the challenges? I don'tmean to sound condescending, but those were incredibly easy for both stars. Campaign is where it gets hard, I almost failed the second and third missions until I got lucky both times and killed like 90% of the enemy team so I couldrun the objective back myself. For the challenges, remember to keep moving in the objective one. It is more important to stay alive than get an extra 5% on the progress meter. If you die you have to kill the entire enemy team yourself, but if you take cover you can keep killing them one or two at a time. For the two engineer ones, just bring guns with a lot of ammo to mow them down az they come out single file.
God that was a long message for typing this on my phone.
The issue people are having is that difficulty in co-op for the challenges seems to factorialize.
so for 2 player it's twice as hard, 3 player it's six times as hard, and 4 player it's twenty-four times as hard.
So how do duct-tape mags actually work? When I reload, it would sometimes exchange normally and then sometimes really fast and I can't quite nail the pattern to it.
Supposed to speed up every other reload, I believe.
So... I don't understand the hate. I played for hours yesterday and loved every minute of it. My only complaints so far are that it seems level 1 turrets are completely worthless or should only be setup at choke points/surprise close quarters areas. 1 out of 5 games had some serious lag issue. Graphics are a bit... weird. But it's on the aging ID Tech 4 IIRC.
Net code is bothersome, but as someone who grew so frustrated at CoD BLOPS from waiting an hour just to get into a single 10 minute game, I had the patience to deal with the problems I encountered last night.
Anyway. Absolutely love it. Unlocked Heavy last night and then went through and got the second shotgun and the minigun for him. Can't wait to play it this evening and see how destructive that stuff is.
Oh. And hilarity.
So how do duct-tape mags actually work? When I reload, it would sometimes exchange normally and then sometimes really fast and I can't quite nail the pattern to it.
Two magazines are duct-taped together, so every other reload is faster-- you only have to flip the magazine over instead of reaching into you back pack/vest.
So how do duct-tape mags actually work? When I reload, it would sometimes exchange normally and then sometimes really fast and I can't quite nail the pattern to it.
Logic would dictate that it's every second reload that's faster. Although from watching the quick look on Giant Bomb, it looks like there isn't a specific animation for it, though. Looks a little bit weird.
That first challenge is impossible on the 2 star level.
"Let's have an objective directly outside the enemy spawn, then let the enemies have the ability to kill without needing to step out of their spawn. Oh, and the allies can make puddles of drool in the corner."
I've put down the entire team with the Maximus (LMG) and watched as they stop gasping for life only to run back around the corner the next second.
I went from level 2 to level 8 on that single challenge and I still can't get past the hack objective.
EDIT: yeah, as far as the story and cutscenes go, I think I'll do them on solo, in order, just to see them.
And yet i found all of the challenges rather easy, and passed this particular 2 star challenge my first try.
I just rushed the objectives and mostly ignored the enemies unless they were directly in my way and it seemed to serve me just fine.
People are having a problem with the challenges? I don'tmean to sound condescending, but those were incredibly easy for both stars. Campaign is where it gets hard, I almost failed the second and third missions until I got lucky both times and killed like 90% of the enemy team so I couldrun the objective back myself. For the challenges, remember to keep moving in the objective one. It is more important to stay alive than get an extra 5% on the progress meter. If you die you have to kill the entire enemy team yourself, but if you take cover you can keep killing them one or two at a time. For the two engineer ones, just bring guns with a lot of ammo to mow them down az they come out single file.
God that was a long message for typing this on my phone.
The issue people are having is that difficulty in co-op for the challenges seems to factorialize.
so for 2 player it's twice as hard, 3 player it's six times as hard, and 4 player it's twenty-four times as hard.
Can you even get the rewards in coop? That makes more sense though.
Morkath on
Zxerolfor the smaller pieces, my shovel wouldn't doso i took off my boot and used my shoeRegistered Userregular
So how do duct-tape mags actually work? When I reload, it would sometimes exchange normally and then sometimes really fast and I can't quite nail the pattern to it.
Two magazines are duct-taped together, so every other reload is faster-- you only have to flip the magazine over instead of reaching into you back pack/vest.
That's what I initially thought, but it would often reload slow twice in a row or fast twice in a row seemingly without rhyme or reason.
Welp, the game runs like a slideshow for me. I think its my processor, Intel Core 2 Duo 3.0GHz E8400. Its the only thing that keeps me from meeting recommended specs.
Doing the cvar stuff to turn off Shadows may help you, they are fairly processor intensive in most games.
A little better, but still not playable.
I just thought I'd follow up and say I was finally able to play last night. The issue wasn't my processor (although it isn't helping,) but instead it was the 11.5a hotfix Radeon drivers. I dropped back to 11.5 driver only package and the game runs significantly better on my 5850 and measly Core 2 Duo processor.
So how do duct-tape mags actually work? When I reload, it would sometimes exchange normally and then sometimes really fast and I can't quite nail the pattern to it.
Two magazines are duct-taped together, so every other reload is faster-- you only have to flip the magazine over instead of reaching into you back pack/vest.
That's what I initially thought, but it would often reload slow twice in a row or fast twice in a row seemingly without rhyme or reason.
And maybe I'm missing it, but there's no "perk" that allows for faster reloads, right? It appears that reload times are dependent on the weapon only.
That first challenge is impossible on the 2 star level.
"Let's have an objective directly outside the enemy spawn, then let the enemies have the ability to kill without needing to step out of their spawn. Oh, and the allies can make puddles of drool in the corner."
I've put down the entire team with the Maximus (LMG) and watched as they stop gasping for life only to run back around the corner the next second.
I went from level 2 to level 8 on that single challenge and I still can't get past the hack objective.
EDIT: yeah, as far as the story and cutscenes go, I think I'll do them on solo, in order, just to see them.
And yet i found all of the challenges rather easy, and passed this particular 2 star challenge my first try.
I just rushed the objectives and mostly ignored the enemies unless they were directly in my way and it seemed to serve me just fine.
People are having a problem with the challenges? I don'tmean to sound condescending, but those were incredibly easy for both stars. Campaign is where it gets hard, I almost failed the second and third missions until I got lucky both times and killed like 90% of the enemy team so I couldrun the objective back myself. For the challenges, remember to keep moving in the objective one. It is more important to stay alive than get an extra 5% on the progress meter. If you die you have to kill the entire enemy team yourself, but if you take cover you can keep killing them one or two at a time. For the two engineer ones, just bring guns with a lot of ammo to mow them down az they come out single file.
God that was a long message for typing this on my phone.
I guess people are playing a different game from me, because that second objective challenge is just impossible. I've done just about everything else there is for single player, the campaign/the rest of the challenges were easy.
The entire enemy team just hangs out around the objective, and I don't think I've ever seen any of my AI teamates kill anyone. Hell, seeing the friendly AI actually shoot their guns is rare. Even if I do pick some of them off, the enemy team has like 3 medics, and if I kill them all, they just respawn instantly 10 feet away, and all of them focus fire on me since I'm the only member of my "team" even coming near the objective. Even if I do manage to get the hack thing going and find cover to watch the bar fill up, an enemy engineer disarms it almost immediately, since there is no one on my team covering the objective.
People are saying the enemy team ignores you, should I just not shoot at them ever? Because they sure as hell don't ignore me.
e: I should note that after playing the challenges, I've done most of the campaign in co-op with randoms. I imagine that would save a lot of stress for anyone having problems with the campaign.
I didn't have any problem 2 starring the challenges, but god damn is playing campaign a royal bitch with bots. Maybe its because I went security to kick some hippy ass, but the second maps last objective and the third maps last objective turn into a shit fest at either the capture point, or where you pick up the objective to start. Have to hand it to the designers though, the friendly bots act just like actual players in not doing a god damn thing to succeed.
Preacher on
I would like some money because these are artisanal nuggets of wisdom philistine.
So how do duct-tape mags actually work? When I reload, it would sometimes exchange normally and then sometimes really fast and I can't quite nail the pattern to it.
Two magazines are duct-taped together, so every other reload is faster-- you only have to flip the magazine over instead of reaching into you back pack/vest.
That's what I initially thought, but it would often reload slow twice in a row or fast twice in a row seemingly without rhyme or reason.
And maybe I'm missing it, but there's no "perk" that allows for faster reloads, right? It appears that reload times are dependent on the weapon only.
Duct tape mags would be the "perk".
Sheep on
DietarySupplementStill not approved by the FDADublin, OHRegistered Userregular
I didn't have any problem 2 starring the challenges, but god damn is playing campaign a royal bitch with bots. Maybe its because I went security to kick some hippy ass, but the second maps last objective and the third maps last objective turn into a shit fest at either the capture point, or where you pick up the objective to start. Have to hand it to the designers though, the friendly bots act just like actual players in not doing a god damn thing to succeed.
All they needed were a couple recorded voices saying "HAHAHA U NOOB" or "U MAD?" while running around, and it'd be just like the real thing: people concerned with K/D. Then and only then will SkyNet become self-aware.
Also if you're playing on the PC I'd be happy to help with the missions. Add me on Steam (in the sig).
I'm on usually 7-10pm EST add me/friend me and send a message if you want to play, I'm new as hell but am down for BRINK most times.
Sidenote: my game seems occasionally stuttery after 11.4/11.5/11.5a updates, I think I was on 11.3 before but not sure. I have a 5870, anyone else in my boat?
I didn't have any issues doing the Challenges. I did them before anything else, and I had three stars in all four Challenges within about two hours. The keys to success on that "Let's Be Objective" Challenge is to rush the hell out of the first two Objectives, and to figure out the quickest routes around the map. I found that if you blitzed out of the starting gate, you could plant the HE Charge before the enemy team shows up, and that helps a lot. If it matters, I used that Mossberg Shotgun, because it will pretty much one-shot any enemy team members if you're close enough, and there're plenty of tight corners you can use to your advantage.
I didn't even attempt to fight the enemy team because, like you said, they just come back immediately. I took out anyone that happened to be right in front of my Objective, but other than that, you just have to keep hammering it.
I got this gifted to me, so I feel I can make some objective judgments of the game (I'm not invested)
The sound design is awesome. I like the effects they have for explosions and gunfire. The guns feel really good - I like the iron sights and the guns have just enough kick to make them interesting. Visual design overall is neat - I really like the two sides and the way the guns look.
However, there are a lot of really crippling things that make the game frustrating. The run animation is absolutely awful - I feel like I am running through molasses as a Medium dude.
The voice chat seems either non-existent or really quiet. I think I heard somebody talking a few times last night very quietly on a PA server.
Friendly fire was also enabled - this made the game awful. Numerous times I got one shotted by a friendly shotgun or someone ran right in front of me while I was firing an SMG and they died.
There are probably too many gun choices. When I see someone coming at me it's too hard to know their armament (something TF2 has done pretty well) so I can't judge a fight easily.
Lastly, I like playing Medic in games like this, and the Medic in this is just awful to play. There's a reason a Medic in Killing Floor or TF2 can heal at range - because it's frustrating as hell to try and run up to someone and heal them. I'd almost rather let someone die so I can revive them from range than have to hold down F on them and run up to heal them.
So man, I really dig this game a ton. Being Light makes being a medic or an engineer really interesting. I can hop skip and jump to some points that aren't obvious to lay down mines/turrets, and I can buff entire teams very speedily.
I do have issues with the game though, mostly that Splash Damage are hilariously, obviously not a Real Grown Up studio. The entire edifice works when you get it, but they just don't really know how to explain it. They've got a bunch of challenges... none of which explain what button does melee. Or what the advantages/disadvantages of a given body-type are. Or a bunch of stuff.
They've got big maps with complex objectives, none of which are explained in detail. So you end up "guarding" the thing that someone on your team is supposed to be actually blowing up.
They've got interesting character customization... which leads to some of my own frigging team shooting me because they see someone the "opposite color" shooting from an MG Nest that "belongs to the other team".
The objective wheel is great, but it needs to be a single tap for primary, and a different button tap for a random secondary. I don't need to select between "locate nearest command post" and "do anything actually useful" every time.
I agree with the medic thing, too. Of all the buffs to make short range... I mean I suppose I get the idea that they didn't want the medic hiding around the corner, but then again TF2 did a fine job making that work.
Also, with the guns: agreed. 45 of them, and all the SMGs feel smg-y, all the ARs are AR, and the heavy/shotguns could honestly be one of each. I mean, I just cannot tell enough of a difference between them to really care which I get. They even physically look very samey.
The menu design is just hilariously bad. You float in this weird in-between space all the time. Lots of prompts asking you if you REALLY want to do that because that will kick you to Screen X-1 or what have you. It's silly, and they should fire whoever designed the menus because holy heck it just doesn't need to be that complicated at all.
I don't mind FF, though. I think it provides a reason to not just spray, and not just run right out in front of your team.
durandal4532 on
Do what you can to elect Harris/Walz and downticket Dem candidates in your area by doorknocking, phonebanking, or postcarding: https://www.mobilize.us/
Yeah. My only complaint is that some goals aren't explained. There was one "stop the robot". So I just kept shooting it but never knew if I was doing it right.
I liked how us stopping it turned us to defending it. Changed the dynamics up a bit.
I also don't know what capturing those HQ things does yet.
Is the mingun any fun? Unlocked but haven't played. How's it compare to the other miniguns?
Uh... and is some one gonna give us a new OP before this gets locked?
Is the mingun any fun? Unlocked but haven't played. How's it compare to the other miniguns?
The command posts? They give various buffs to everyone on the team that owns them. You can also use them to change classes and it'll restock your ammo when you use it.
Wait, waitwaitwait, this game has friendly fire? Enabled by default?
It's not enabled on servers by default, no. But it can be enabled to make the game fun. Some people like this, others don't. I favour friendly fire because it encourages a more competitive game and requires people to pay attention. Enemy Territory also had friendly fire, and as a purist I'd like to play Brink as close to ET as possible.
It is a problem if you don't pay attention to where you're standing or running or if you just like spraying bullets everywhere.
As for the medic, you can't really compare it to how the medic in TF2 functions because TF2 and Brink have totally different death mechanics. You can't, for example, revive people in TF2 once they're on the ground. Requiring the Brink medic to get in close rather than working from a distance prevents offensive classes from inching up slowing, alternatively dying and being revived over and over again. It effectively punishes you for running into a very open position and encourages people to stay together and work well as a team.
I had some serious lag issues last night, and the choke points on some of the missions are ridiculously frustrating. Five minutes fighting over the same spot because no one can get to the objective is stupid. Hopefully I'll have more fun tonight.
I will say my biggest issue with the game, as in the biggest issue I have as a person playing it not very well, is the cover mechanic.
Not like "it's not snap-to", but in that I really cannot figure out quite how to position myself. In TF2, you're usually in the open, and whoever you're facing provides you with a pretty clear indicator of whether or not you should be worried. Sometimes running through an open area leads to instant demise, but not all that often. In CoD, you always needed to be crouched/hidden if you could manage it, because you'd be one-shotted across the map at times.
I don't know it's weirdly hard for me to grasp when to be in cover in this game. I'll be thinking "what bullshit! I got killed instantly just because I ... ran in front of the entire enemy team... for a few seconds awww dang."
durandal4532 on
Do what you can to elect Harris/Walz and downticket Dem candidates in your area by doorknocking, phonebanking, or postcarding: https://www.mobilize.us/
CarbonFireSee youin the countryRegistered Userregular
edited May 2011
New thread is up for your Brink praising / bashing pleasure...
Picked it up last night - It's definitely different than the standard COD clone. The pacing of the game play is much slower, and it forces objective based game play - so if you just want to log on and "shoot manz" it's probably not for you. On any given map there will be objectives that only certain classes can bypass - for example there will be a wall that only a soldier can blow up or a computer that only an agent can hack. You can switch between the 4 classes (Soldier, Medic, Engineer, Agent) at any time at a command terminal (just like in Tribes) . Every character starts with the basic skills for every class, but as you level up you can purchase perks - some of which are "generic" like increased HP that you always have and others are specific to a given Class - so you can make your toon a jack of all trades with perks distributed though all the classes or "specialize" in one of them. The gameplay kind reminds me of the much maligned Shadowrun FPS that was supposed to be the first game to allow PC vs 360 play but never quite delivered - this delivers on alot of the potential for that game. In a single session of about 2 hours last night I was able to get to level 6 of 20, and that was after watching and playing though all the tutorials - I get the feeling that I'll be able to hit the level cap of 20 in another session or two - so there's no "grind" to "prestige" or unlock the next weapon - the levels seem to be there more to force you to learn all the different aspects of game play.
The unique "flavor" of the game is the parkour which I really haven't mastered yet - depending on on you build you can run, duck, jump, slide, dive etc around the map. The routes aren't obvious at all so it has a true "platforming" feel where you're trying to find new ways to get to places - and most maps have alternate routes that can be opened and closed by on of the various classes - so there's an additional "rock, paper, scissors" balance to the game where one class open certain routes for his team and another class on the other team can erect obstacles like turrets or mines, which can in turn disabled by the opposing team.
My biggest gripe about the parkour is that feels "unnatural" platforming from a first person perspective - some times you'll be leaping around not sure how your really able to make certain moves - I'd much prefer a 3rd person perspective where I can see what I'm doing - but a pretty minor complaint and I'm sure it's just matter of getting used to the interface.
the safe room in that map is a murder-hole.
bring your entire team at once to smear the resistance out, and then open it.
otherwise they will grenade the area like they are in a call of duty game.
Was also playing there last night. Didn't notice the situation you mentioned, that might have been before or after my time.
Ran a few maps. Had the one where all sounds but the command console beeping went away.
Couldn't remember if I selected the light or medium body, but was mostly playing medic. Whichever it was, coming around corners into the heavy it melted. Also had a number of times where we had a rush of two to four that ended up being me alone staring at a lot of guns.
Trying to slide near enemies caused a lot of butt stroking (rifle stock, not hand to gluteus) since it is C and V keys for crouch/slide and melee.
Parkour is on a vote rotation so you only get there if people are dumb enough to vote for it but I've taken that out for now anyway.
Oh my god, bear is driving!
God that was a long message for typing this on my phone.
It's a server setting. Even before release, Splash Damage mentioned that voice chat can be either friends only or for the entire team and to avoid confusing situations with people using different settings, it was made a server setting instead of a client setting.
Can anyone that has played the game tell us if there's alltalk as well?
From what they've released for servers settings so far, there isn't. Or at least nothing that I've seen. There's a lightly detailed pdf that comes with the server software. It addresses VOIP in the game modes section but doesn't get into it any further.
Anyway, I still think it's dumb that by default it's set to "fireteam" only.
It's even more annoying, to me, that server hijacking is on by default.
Oh my god, bear is driving!
The issue people are having is that difficulty in co-op for the challenges seems to factorialize.
so for 2 player it's twice as hard, 3 player it's six times as hard, and 4 player it's twenty-four times as hard.
Supposed to speed up every other reload, I believe.
So... I don't understand the hate. I played for hours yesterday and loved every minute of it. My only complaints so far are that it seems level 1 turrets are completely worthless or should only be setup at choke points/surprise close quarters areas. 1 out of 5 games had some serious lag issue. Graphics are a bit... weird. But it's on the aging ID Tech 4 IIRC.
Net code is bothersome, but as someone who grew so frustrated at CoD BLOPS from waiting an hour just to get into a single 10 minute game, I had the patience to deal with the problems I encountered last night.
Anyway. Absolutely love it. Unlocked Heavy last night and then went through and got the second shotgun and the minigun for him. Can't wait to play it this evening and see how destructive that stuff is.
Oh. And hilarity.
Two magazines are duct-taped together, so every other reload is faster-- you only have to flip the magazine over instead of reaching into you back pack/vest.
Logic would dictate that it's every second reload that's faster. Although from watching the quick look on Giant Bomb, it looks like there isn't a specific animation for it, though. Looks a little bit weird.
Can you even get the rewards in coop? That makes more sense though.
That's what I initially thought, but it would often reload slow twice in a row or fast twice in a row seemingly without rhyme or reason.
I just thought I'd follow up and say I was finally able to play last night. The issue wasn't my processor (although it isn't helping,) but instead it was the 11.5a hotfix Radeon drivers. I dropped back to 11.5 driver only package and the game runs significantly better on my 5850 and measly Core 2 Duo processor.
I had a lot of fun, too.
NintendoID: Nailbunny 3DS: 3909-8796-4685
And maybe I'm missing it, but there's no "perk" that allows for faster reloads, right? It appears that reload times are dependent on the weapon only.
I guess people are playing a different game from me, because that second objective challenge is just impossible. I've done just about everything else there is for single player, the campaign/the rest of the challenges were easy.
The entire enemy team just hangs out around the objective, and I don't think I've ever seen any of my AI teamates kill anyone. Hell, seeing the friendly AI actually shoot their guns is rare. Even if I do pick some of them off, the enemy team has like 3 medics, and if I kill them all, they just respawn instantly 10 feet away, and all of them focus fire on me since I'm the only member of my "team" even coming near the objective. Even if I do manage to get the hack thing going and find cover to watch the bar fill up, an enemy engineer disarms it almost immediately, since there is no one on my team covering the objective.
People are saying the enemy team ignores you, should I just not shoot at them ever? Because they sure as hell don't ignore me.
e: I should note that after playing the challenges, I've done most of the campaign in co-op with randoms. I imagine that would save a lot of stress for anyone having problems with the campaign.
Duct tape mags would be the "perk".
All they needed were a couple recorded voices saying "HAHAHA U NOOB" or "U MAD?" while running around, and it'd be just like the real thing: people concerned with K/D. Then and only then will SkyNet become self-aware.
Also if you're playing on the PC I'd be happy to help with the missions. Add me on Steam (in the sig).
Sidenote: my game seems occasionally stuttery after 11.4/11.5/11.5a updates, I think I was on 11.3 before but not sure. I have a 5870, anyone else in my boat?
I didn't even attempt to fight the enemy team because, like you said, they just come back immediately. I took out anyone that happened to be right in front of my Objective, but other than that, you just have to keep hammering it.
The sound design is awesome. I like the effects they have for explosions and gunfire. The guns feel really good - I like the iron sights and the guns have just enough kick to make them interesting. Visual design overall is neat - I really like the two sides and the way the guns look.
However, there are a lot of really crippling things that make the game frustrating. The run animation is absolutely awful - I feel like I am running through molasses as a Medium dude.
The voice chat seems either non-existent or really quiet. I think I heard somebody talking a few times last night very quietly on a PA server.
Friendly fire was also enabled - this made the game awful. Numerous times I got one shotted by a friendly shotgun or someone ran right in front of me while I was firing an SMG and they died.
There are probably too many gun choices. When I see someone coming at me it's too hard to know their armament (something TF2 has done pretty well) so I can't judge a fight easily.
Lastly, I like playing Medic in games like this, and the Medic in this is just awful to play. There's a reason a Medic in Killing Floor or TF2 can heal at range - because it's frustrating as hell to try and run up to someone and heal them. I'd almost rather let someone die so I can revive them from range than have to hold down F on them and run up to heal them.
I do have issues with the game though, mostly that Splash Damage are hilariously, obviously not a Real Grown Up studio. The entire edifice works when you get it, but they just don't really know how to explain it. They've got a bunch of challenges... none of which explain what button does melee. Or what the advantages/disadvantages of a given body-type are. Or a bunch of stuff.
They've got big maps with complex objectives, none of which are explained in detail. So you end up "guarding" the thing that someone on your team is supposed to be actually blowing up.
They've got interesting character customization... which leads to some of my own frigging team shooting me because they see someone the "opposite color" shooting from an MG Nest that "belongs to the other team".
The objective wheel is great, but it needs to be a single tap for primary, and a different button tap for a random secondary. I don't need to select between "locate nearest command post" and "do anything actually useful" every time.
I agree with the medic thing, too. Of all the buffs to make short range... I mean I suppose I get the idea that they didn't want the medic hiding around the corner, but then again TF2 did a fine job making that work.
Also, with the guns: agreed. 45 of them, and all the SMGs feel smg-y, all the ARs are AR, and the heavy/shotguns could honestly be one of each. I mean, I just cannot tell enough of a difference between them to really care which I get. They even physically look very samey.
The menu design is just hilariously bad. You float in this weird in-between space all the time. Lots of prompts asking you if you REALLY want to do that because that will kick you to Screen X-1 or what have you. It's silly, and they should fire whoever designed the menus because holy heck it just doesn't need to be that complicated at all.
I don't mind FF, though. I think it provides a reason to not just spray, and not just run right out in front of your team.
I liked how us stopping it turned us to defending it. Changed the dynamics up a bit.
I also don't know what capturing those HQ things does yet.
Is the mingun any fun? Unlocked but haven't played. How's it compare to the other miniguns?
Uh... and is some one gonna give us a new OP before this gets locked?
The command posts? They give various buffs to everyone on the team that owns them. You can also use them to change classes and it'll restock your ammo when you use it.
It's not enabled on servers by default, no. But it can be enabled to make the game fun. Some people like this, others don't. I favour friendly fire because it encourages a more competitive game and requires people to pay attention. Enemy Territory also had friendly fire, and as a purist I'd like to play Brink as close to ET as possible.
It is a problem if you don't pay attention to where you're standing or running or if you just like spraying bullets everywhere.
As for the medic, you can't really compare it to how the medic in TF2 functions because TF2 and Brink have totally different death mechanics. You can't, for example, revive people in TF2 once they're on the ground. Requiring the Brink medic to get in close rather than working from a distance prevents offensive classes from inching up slowing, alternatively dying and being revived over and over again. It effectively punishes you for running into a very open position and encourages people to stay together and work well as a team.
Oh my god, bear is driving!
I tried to invite you but I can't find your handle with the search.
Not like "it's not snap-to", but in that I really cannot figure out quite how to position myself. In TF2, you're usually in the open, and whoever you're facing provides you with a pretty clear indicator of whether or not you should be worried. Sometimes running through an open area leads to instant demise, but not all that often. In CoD, you always needed to be crouched/hidden if you could manage it, because you'd be one-shotted across the map at times.
I don't know it's weirdly hard for me to grasp when to be in cover in this game. I'll be thinking "what bullshit! I got killed instantly just because I ... ran in front of the entire enemy team... for a few seconds awww dang."
Mucho bad Guys Spotted!
The unique "flavor" of the game is the parkour which I really haven't mastered yet - depending on on you build you can run, duck, jump, slide, dive etc around the map. The routes aren't obvious at all so it has a true "platforming" feel where you're trying to find new ways to get to places - and most maps have alternate routes that can be opened and closed by on of the various classes - so there's an additional "rock, paper, scissors" balance to the game where one class open certain routes for his team and another class on the other team can erect obstacles like turrets or mines, which can in turn disabled by the opposing team.
My biggest gripe about the parkour is that feels "unnatural" platforming from a first person perspective - some times you'll be leaping around not sure how your really able to make certain moves - I'd much prefer a 3rd person perspective where I can see what I'm doing - but a pretty minor complaint and I'm sure it's just matter of getting used to the interface.
XBox360/One/Steam - Cleveralias
PSN - The_Vandingo