Hey, my wife and I are in the market for saving money and the topic of changing car insurance has popped up.
We currently use State Farm and we're of the mind set that their prices are getting a bit steep. We've been with them since we got married in '04. Think we can get a better deal if we switch since they keep raising their prices on us.
So I thought I'd drop by here and get an opinion from you all with regards to some of your experiences with insurance companies when you needed them.
We've looked at Progressive, 21st Century, and eSurance. so far eSurance is the one which'd give us the best deal, just don't know what kind of service we can expect from them.
Anyways, just looking for experiences when you needed them, how they helped you.
If you live in an area they support, Amica is by far the best insurance company I've ever known. I've never seen anyone pay out so fast with so little third degree. When I totaled my car, they handled everything, and my experience with them has just been nothing but positive.
Movie Collection
Foody Things
Holy shit! Sony's new techno toy!
Wii Friend code: 1445 3205 3057 5295
I actually recently switched to Amica based on the comments here from an earlier thread. About $1200 less than AllState between condo and cars. Hoping to never find out how fast they pay a claim, but would have to work to be worse than AS in my experience.
Never heard of Amica, looks like their prices are comparable to eSurance, so that's nice.
Movie Collection
Foody Things
Holy shit! Sony's new techno toy!
Wii Friend code: 1445 3205 3057 5295
Be sure to compare exact rates - Amica's recommended plan had less coverage in some areas than what I had under AS.
Home Inspection and Wind Mitigation
If you're eligible for USAA, you should probably go with them.
I second and third this regarding independent agents.