So you think the Warhammer 40k Universe is a pretty nasty place? Try living in its slums.
Necromunda is a Hive World. Its towering megacities are harvested for imperial guard conscripts and used as a gigantic factory for churning out the bolters and lasguns that keep humanities foes at bay for one day longer. So the Imperium must take pretty good care of this place, right?
Sure! There are the filthy rich guys living at the top of the spires, but...
Oh right, you don't live in the Spire. You live in between the masked zealots wanting to purge you with flame and this guy.
Hive City above is run by the six noble houses, who in turn employ gangs to do their dirty work. Our green friend is a Scavvy, an unfortunate side-effect of such an industrious world. He dwells in the Underhive.
Oh, right, that's your neighbourhood!
The Underhive is under-the-rug where everything from the Hive is swept. Part sewer, part slum, part fungus death-jungle. But it's not all bad, it also provides exciting new opportunities. Like death!
Or, better yet, the chance to carve out an abandoned piece of underhive as your own. It's a true frontier and chunks of the Underhive are constantly being reclaimed as part of Hive City. Sadly, it works the other way, and these frontier settlements are often overrun by plague zombies, buried under a sludge tsunami or devoured by a colossal mutated lizard.
So who in their right mind makes a home down here?
Gangs are always moving into the underhive to claim territory. This angry fellow is a Goliath, who might as well be Orks.
Now the
enemy of my enemy theory doesn't often hold up in this universe. There's always room for a deal in the Underhive, though! Perhaps if you make a deal with a Delaque gang they won't backstab you at the first opportunity. Hey, it could happen.
Wait, didn't we already have the flaming zealots? No? Those guys were just
kinda zealous and this guy's the real deal? Oh, I see. He wants to chop you into bits and
then purge you with flame. I appreciate the distinction.
Oh, right. It should be noted that most underhive residents probably
aspire to the soul-crushing factory work most workers in Hive City have to look forward to for the rest of their lives. Instead, Pit-Slaves are fitted with mining machinery in place of their limbs and set to work in the most dangerous parts of the underhive. Why not just make a mining machine or have them carry the tools? Because by night (if it weren't constantly night in the Underhive) its ARENA COMBAT TIME! Hey, the rest of us have to get our kicks, right? Now quit whining and go and fight that guy with the metal jaws and robo-spider legs.
Okay, okay, you've talked a lot about Necromunda. But this isn't just a Necromunda Discussion Thread is it?
Ah, right. I guess I got carried away. This is not a discussion thread. This is me recruiting for a Necromunda-based RPG to be played by post using my
Xenofringe RPG system.
Neat! I'll go and make a character.
No! I mean... you can sign up and all, but I'm going to be doing character creation a little differently than the game doc suggests. Details will follow, as I'm still hammering things together, but go ahead and sign up in advance!
Wouldn't you be better off using Dark Heresy or something?
Possibly, but it's really not a system that matches up with my tastes, plus I really want to get some more testing of Xenofringe done, so here's killing two ripperjacks with one dum-dum round!
Any special considerations for the setting going to be added into the system?
The system should work as-is, but I may instigate a couple of houserules for Necromunda. Character creation will be the big change, as well as equipment being limited. You'll notice some familiar guns under the "Warhorse Wargear" manufacturer.
So as it's based off a wargame this is going to be all-combat all the time, right?
Absolutely not. Necromunda is filled with opportunities for exploration, problem solving and social intrigue as well as shotgun-blasting guys into sump-pools.
I want to start thinking of a character! What can I be?
The characters will effectively be a small gang of outcasts. You may have been a member of House Van Saar and been thrown out of your gang for trying to kill the leader or just a piece of hive scum after a fresh start. You may be a Bounty Hunter on an extended contract or you may be a ratskin or scavvy that's acting as a guide to the depths of the Underhive. Ah yes, you're going deep in this game. Fresh starts don't come easy!
I advise against any character that's going to have trouble working with a variety of other scumbags. Sure, the Redemptionists are cool, but if you're going to be constantly trying to muder your allies we're going to have a problem.
Now, SuperSooga, I heard you hate PbP. What gives?
Hate is a strong word... Sure, I have a mixed history with PbP, but I'm learning every time! This time I'm concentrating on a few things.
- Keeping the game moving, even if it means making assumptions about a character's actions. If you want me to double-check everything your character does with you before it happens this won't be the game for you.
- Not sweating too many details. In some cases there'll be a combat map, in others I'll just say you're about 100m away from that Arbite Judge raining gas-grenades down on you.
- KEEPING THE GAME MOVING. Yes I said this twice, but it's going to be my primary goal. In this game things will get
done even if it means I'm making rolls for the characters at times.
I'll provide the full character-creation details soon and will launch the game some time next week.
So what's this system again?Xenofringe, my homebrew. Just click that link right there. It's still in an ongoing state of testing but I know it works well enough and I'm comfortable GMing it.
Sign up below, Juves.
Step One: Roll the Bones
That's right, we're going random character generation!
No! Stop! Come back!
I'll do you a deal. When all characters are rolled I'll add up their stats from suckiest to least sucky. Those nearest the bottom of the list will get some sort of payback, which I'll reveal later.
Okay, so roll 5d6 in order for your Bulk, Shooting, Vigor, Guile and Wits stats. Any that are a 1 get bumped up to 2 because I'm not quite that cruel.
All rolls on Invisible Castle using your forum name, please! If you're in irc with me I'm happy for you to roll in there as long as I can witness it.
In case you need reminding what the stats are for:
Bulk: Brute strength and toughness.
Shooting: Firing guns and throwing grenades.
Vigor: Fighting in melee and overall physical capability.
Guile: Hiding, subtlety and using cover to avoid fire.
Wits: Awareness, mental quickness and understanding.
Now I'll let you swap any two of these stats around. Really want that sharpshooter but ended up with Shooting 2, Wits 6? Swap them around! Of course your guy is now a bit dense but nobody's perfect.
Example: I roll 1, 2, 3, 6, 5 giving me Bulk 2, Shooting 2, Vigor 3, Guile 6, Wits 5. Guess this guy's pretty fragile and can't handle a gun but pretty sneaky and clever. I don't see this guy getting involved in too much vigorous activity so I swap Vigor and Shooting.
Step Two: Who are you?
As I mentioned in the OP, your character will be an outcast looking for a fresh start in the Underhive. All I ask is you answer three questions.
1: History - Who were you previously affiliated with? A gang? Lived in a nice low-slime settlement? Scavvy colony? Ratskin Tribe? Or have you always just been a piece of hive scum floating from one settlement to the next?
2: Enemy - Someone's trying to kill you. Who's that and why?
3: Desire - What do you want more than anything else? It has to be something you're willing to try and achieve, not just a pipe dream.
Step Three: Pick a Perk
Stealthy: Add 2 to the DN of rolls made to try and Spot you when hidden.
Survivor: Add 2 to rolls related to Underhive Survival.
Fast Loader: When using a gun you are familiar with you reload so fast it does not use up an action.
Fixer: Add 2 to your Wits score when dealing with broken or malfunctioning technology.
Sixth Sense: Add 2 to any rolls made to Spot enemies.
Mighty Blow: Add 2 to Melee rolls when making a Heavy Attack.
True Grit: You ignore the effects of having a single point of Shock, but all other points of Shock affect you as normal.
Example: My hive weasel is going to need all the help he can get staying out of trouble. Better to spot trouble first, I say, so I take Sixth Sense.
Step Four: Buy your gear
First of all you get a free freebies just for showing up.
Combat Armour (40CR): Armour 3, -1 Vigor.
Anything from basic protection common in law enforcement and conscripted soldiers to piecemeal armour salvaged by street gangs.
Combat Knife (5CR): Damage 2, Penetration 1, Weight 1.
Standard issue for anyone expecting trouble.
If you really don't want any of this stuff you can trade it in for half of its original value.
You then have a whopping 50CR to spend on weapons from the list below. Too expensive? You can have the Black Market version of any of these weapons for half the price, with no downside! Remember a weapon comes with one clip of ammo for free, the rest you have to buy!
Okay, so they're more likely to jam and leave you completely open to being killed, but this is the Underhive! Even if you do take a top-quality weapon it'll only make people suspicious of where you got it.
Effective Range: Short
Damage 3, Penetration 2, Rate 1, Sway 3.
Clip Size 6 (1CR)
Shotgun - 60CR
Effective Range: Short
Damage 3, Penetration 2, Rate 2, Sway 2.
Alt Fire: Damage 4, Penetration 2, Rate 1, Sway 3.
Clip Size 4 (1CR)
Compact Barrel: You do not suffer the normal penalties for shooting at the range category below your Effective Range, but cannot shoot above your Effective Range category.
Heavy Stubber - 130CR
Effective Range: Long
Damage: 4, Penetration 3, Rate 4, Sway 3.
Clip Size 40 (3CR)
Bolt Pistol (Pistol) - 80CR
Effective Range: Short
Damage 4, Penetration 3, Rate 2, Sway 2.
Sway is halved when using Rapid Fire.
Clip Size: 20 (10CR)
Bolter - 90CR
Effective Range: Long
Damage 4, Penetration 3, Rate 2, Sway 2.
Sway is halved when using Rapid Fire.
Clip Size: 20 (10CR)
Heavy Bolter - 160CR
Effective Range: Long
Damage 5, Penetration 4, Rate 3, Sway 3.
Clip Size: 20 (5CR)
Laspistol (Pistol) - 40CR
Effective Range: Short
Damage 2, Penetration 2, Rate 1, Sway 1.
Clip Size 30 (5CR)
Lasgun - 40CR
Effective Range: Long
Damage 2, Penetration 2, Rate 1, Sway 1.
Clip Size 30 (5CR)
Autopistol (Pistol) - 50CR
Effective Range: Short
Damage 3, Penetration 2, Rate 2, Sway 3.
Using Rapid Fire always empties the currently loaded clip.
Clip Size 26 (5CR)
Autogun - 50CR
Effective Range: Long
Damage 3, Penetration 2, Rate 2, Sway 3.
Using Rapid Fire always empties the currently loaded clip.
Clip Size 26 (5CR)
Flamer - 100CR
Effective Range: Close
Damage 4, Penetration 2, Rate 4, Sway 2.
Clip Size 50 (5CR)
Reloading takes an entire turn. Cannot make Vital Shots.
Flammable cover offers no protection.
Meltagun - 110CR
Effective Range: Short
Damage 3, Penetration 6, Rate 2, Sway 2.
When using Rapid Fire a single target must be chosen for all attacks.
Clip Size 20 (10CR)
And in the main Xenofringe doc you'll find lists for Weapon Mods, Explosives, Launchers, Melee Weapons, Shields, Stims, BodyMods and Other Equipment. I'll let you shop through these too but reserve the right to retroactively restrict an item if I don't feel it fits in. I'll be more likely to allow things that you rename to a suitable 40k-style item.
But I want a [weapon/item not listed]!
Well if you ask nicely I might write one up for you! Bear in mind most heavy/special weapons I haven't listed are missing because they'll just be too expensive for a piece of scum like you.
Step Five: Make it all look pretty-like.
Give your character a name and try to put it all in the format I've used in my example. Here you can add any further details like a visual description, if you so wish.
Red Jord
Bulk 2, Shooting 3, Vigor 2, Guile 6, Wits 5
Sixth Sense: Add 2 to any rolls made to Spot enemies.
History: Van Saar Gang
Enemy: A Bounty Hunter employed by his old gang.
Desire: To establish a safe, clean home away from the horrors of the underhive.
Equipment: Combat Armour, Combat Knife, Camo Suit, Black-Market Autogun, 2 Extra Clips.
As I said, if you can put your character in this format I'll be super-grateful. I'm aiming for a group of three or four players, so will choose from the applicants if there are extra.
SoogaGames Blog
As usual I'm in #criticalfailures and #mafia on so feel free to hit me up on there if you have any questions.
SoogaGames Blog
I'm interested
Bulk 2, Shooting 2, Vigor 3, Guile 6, Wits 4
Sixth Sense: Add 2 to any rolls made to Spot enemies.
History: Escher Ganger
Enemy: A bunch of Scavvies that have been tracking her for days.
Desire: To bring back some hot shit tech to get some standing in her gang.
Equipment: Combat Armour, Combat Knife, Black-Market Powermaul (no longer in Adeptus Arbites colours), Black-Market Shotgun, 5 Extra Clips.
3DS FCode: 1993-7512-8991
Happy Jack
Bulk 3, Shooting 5, Vigor 3, Guile 4, Wits 4
Fast Loader: When using a gun you are familiar with you reload so fast it does not use up an action.
History: Delaque Ganger, considering more than a little loopy by his buddies.
Enemy: The Bat, some crazy 2x4 wielding Goliath ganger he ticked off awhile back.
Desire: To get out of the Underhive and kill a real big shot
Equipment: Combat Armour, Combat Knife, Black Market Lasgun, 2 extra clips.
SoogaGames Blog
SoogaGames Blog
Chainsaw Pete
Stats: Bulk 3 Shooting 3 Vigor 6 Guile 2 Wits 3
Mighty Blow: Add 2 to Melee rolls when making a Heavy Attack.
History: Escaped Pit Slave
Enemy: Former handler trying to bring him back
Desire: To get revenge on those above for making him a circus freak.
Gear: Sawblade attached to Arm, Comabat Armour, Autopistol, 2 extra clips, bionic eye(+1 to Wits and removes the normal penalties associated with darkness and smoke)
SoogaGames Blog
SoogaGames Blog
I'll make the first IC post early tomorrow (GMT) and before then I'll just need to clarify something about how I'll be using Pinning, which you can read about in the game doc.
To speed things up, instead of asking you after every shot if you want to be pinned I'll have the characters always be in one of two Stances.
Cautious: In this stance if the character is shot at they will immediately have themselves be pinned. This means they'll stand a better chance of avoiding any other shots that follow this turn, but cannot move on their next turn. If you don't clearly state otherwise I'll assume your character is in the Cautious stance.
Assault: A character that's in the Assault stance will not become pinned when they are shot at, but multiple shots may stack up bonuses against them due to the Overwhelming rule. This is a good stance if you know you're only facing against one guy with a single-shot weapon.
Remember that I'm going to default characters to Cautious unless you say otherwise, but in the spirit of generosity I'll make calls for your character if I feel it's a 100% clear decision. For example, if you're in the Cautious stance and you know for certain you're only fighting one guy I'm not going to have him pin you with a single shot when Overwhelming isn't going to be a concern. Hopefully you can trust me not to screw you over.
Likewise, when you're firing on an opponent you can assume they're in the Cautious stance unless I state otherwise.
A quick confirmation from Kay and Matev that they're still good to play would be much appreciated too.
SoogaGames Blog
If he cant move then he can't cut large slices of flesh off of those who have pissed him off. On the other hand, if he's already in range of slicing off said flesh he'll probably want to be cautious about it, especially if he's guaranteed an enemy beside him next round.
I'm not going to be around much tomorrow. House stuff.
3DS FCode: 1993-7512-8991
As promised, I've looked at the random stats and seen Chainsaw Pete and Shawni both came out a little less lucky than Happy Jack in the lottery of life. As such I've rolled on a super-secret random table to give them both a free bonus item.
Pete gets himself a bionic eye, giving him a permanent +1 to Wits and removes the normal penalties associated with darkness and smoke.
Shawni gets three doses of Brawn Stim. When used it'll give her boosts to Vigor and Bulk but a penalty to Guile while active. Each doses lasts an hour and the doses' effects stack, but too much and she'll suffer the dreaded Stim Shock.
SoogaGames Blog
As its name would suggest a mustardy, yellow smog always lingers here. It's enough to cause the occasional bloody coughing fit and keep most from exploring too deep, but sure enough your determination has paid off. After your long descent you see the smog begin to clear and find yourself on the ghostly street level of Smokehole. A few miles down these streets is where your tip-off has pointed you with the promise of reaching Vokov's Ladder.
Vokov's Ladder is the holy grail of this part of the Underhive, known by all from the native Ratskins to the industrial houses of Hive City as a treasure trove of lost technology and, more importantly to some, a forgotten passage to the upper levels of Hive Primus. Some see it in a more spiritual sense, leading to whatever that person desires.
The three of you scurry into a patch of collapsed plascrete, taking a moment to survey your surroundings. The habi-complex towers stretch indefinitely into the smog above, the street levels below barely lit by the glow from the few lights that remarkably still function down here. The street itself is barely recognisable as a surface once used by people carriers and cargo haulers, entire chunks of the ground missing and giving way to abyssal pits and bubbling sump ponds.
Immediately Chainsaw Pete taps Shawni and Jack with his currently silent saw-arm, gesturing into the distance with his remaining hand.
Skavvies. No surprise down here. One hunched, blue-skinned mutie is rummaging through rubble, tossing pieces of rock aside. He has an autogun strapped to his back and a limp, red fin along the back of his head. Beside him stands a seven foot tall, hulking Scaly. The monstrous Scavvy is carrying what looks like a primitive two-barreled cannon and is standing watch over his smaller companion. You can hear them grunting to each other but not using any words you understand. It seems like the Scaly is trying to hurry the Mutie up in its rummaging.
SoogaGames Blog
"Frak, ain't gonna hit shit from here with m'boomstick," she hisses quietly. "Gotta get closer. An' Pete's gotta get REAL close, haheh. Uh."
She takes another eyeball at the pair, then looks back to her two 'companions'.
"Fuckin' hate Scavs. Jack. Scope it out, what's your take?"
3DS FCode: 1993-7512-8991
"Shawni, you sneak closer an' get in position behin' cover. Jack, you good from here, hang tight. When Shawni in place, I gonna rush em- I'll clean up whatever survives yer first volley. They won't know what hit 'em."
Pete's regular eye burned in anticipation- combat was exhilarating when you got to pick your own fights.
"You metalhead'll need to get closer," she insists. "Gimme until a slow count of ten, then circle 'round on the left. I'll go right. Jack should stay here, he's got a good shot on them with his lightgun from here, unless he fancies his chances at being quieter than a Ratskin sneaking into camp to steal his mother's panties," the girl goes on to say.
She then draws her fingers across her lips like she's zipping them closed, and makes her move, darting from piece of cover to cover, to get close enough to unload with some buckshot.
3DS FCode: 1993-7512-8991
"You kids go run and play, I get ready back here to make with the big flash for the uglies down there." He whispers to them. He then sticks his hand above the cover, showing them the 1, beginning the count. Paid letting the others jump the scavvies. Plus he could see if any other muties were hiding in the smoke.
SoogaGames Blog
She draws a bead on the smaller Mutie, and checks one last time that her firearm is set to the right firing mode.
The young Escher girl draws a breath, holds it, and as she mouths the word 'Ten', she exhales, pulling the trigger.
3DS FCode: 1993-7512-8991
With regards to seeing other attacks before you make yours that's fine with me, though for the sake of speed it's probably best to say "I'll attack X if Y happens, otherwise I'll attack Z. There's no set initiative order so whoever posts first acts first and then when they're all done the enemy will get their turn.
SoogaGames Blog
Using a Heavy Blow: Chainsaaaaw (1d8+6+2-1-2=8), Damage +2=5
e- I didnt have a perk for some reason, so added 2 for Mighty Blow
SoogaGames Blog
"FRAK HIM UP, PETE!" she screams, before unloading with both barrels at the club-wielding giant.
So a 7 and a 4. Let's hope his Guile is 2 or less.
3DS FCode: 1993-7512-8991
SoogaGames Blog
SoogaGames Blog
"Dumb as guys might be, the Scavs sure know the best salvage spots," she mutters, as she digs around in the pile.
3DS FCode: 1993-7512-8991
In the pile of rubble the Mutie was searching through you hear a faint hissing. Pulling the debris aside you can see a patch of fungus, the likes of which you've never seen before. Its exterior is slightly metallic gold and the caps of each large toadstool are slowly inflating and deflating, as if they are breathing. None of you have any knowledge of this sort of fungus.
Getting your bearings you can see the road leads in the direction you'd need to go to get to the region you were told hides Vokov's Ladder. The stories you heard point to a small outpost settlement being built around the ladder, the residents having no idea how important the ladder is to those who know its function.
The road doesn't maintain its integrity as far as you can see, though, and you're faced with two clear paths that would get you through Smokehole. Quite literally, the high or low road. The high road is a bridge that slopes upwards into the yellow fog, unknown beyond that point, and the low road is a still-lit transport tunnel you can just make out the entrance to.
As for your current actions you have three obvious choices you may choose to ignore.
- Rest up for an hour or two and let Pete recover from his shock and injuries.
- Take the high road into the smog.
- Take the low road through the transport tunnel.
SoogaGames Blog
"Hrm, big, but that means it could be making a big boom." He shrugs idly, squinting to look down the road.
"Thinkin we should staying outta the smoke, lessin we wanna be scavvies ourselves, yah?" He suggested to the others, perching on some of the rubble, keeping an eye out.
"Stay outta the smoke, what are you, a girl?" she chides, squatting by the breathing gold fungus as she draws her knife. She fishes an empty ration-can from her pack, and works at digging the mushrooms out of the crap, dumping them in the can when she's done. Then she seals it, wraps it in some plastic sheeting, and tapes it shut. "Move through the smoke, harder to spot, we'll hear them before they hear us, right Pete?"
3DS FCode: 1993-7512-8991
Taking a moment to breathe after the shock of the incident Shawni feels no ill effects, for now.
SoogaGames Blog