I don't get it though - are you really going to buy the same game twice? Or is it like, you buy one version and you get both for the same price? (ex: like Portal 2 on PS3 includes a PC/Steam version for free - well, before PSN went to hell at least :P)
Who knows. The fact that they didn't announce a NGP/Vita version of the collections at the same time would rule out having to buy the same game twice, but then why would they assume everyone with a NGP would also have a PS3? Who knows, hopefully it's a good solution (like Portal 2) because it's a pretty cool idea.
Well from the japanese version it looks like they are doing different packages for Japan.
US gets MGS 2,3, and Peace Walker in a Bundle
Japan gets MGS 2, 3 and a MGS 1 Download code (PS3 only maybe?) in a bundle and then gets Peace Walker with a PSP download code for the game as well (PS3 only obviously) in a seperate deal.
So it sounds like they are likely to do package things like that Peace Walker bundle.
Well from the japanese version it looks like they are doing different packages for Japan.
US gets MGS 2,3, and Peace Walker in a Bundle
Japan gets MGS 2, 3 and a MGS 1 Download code (PS3 only maybe?) in a bundle and then gets Peace Walker with a PSP download code for the game as well (PS3 only obviously) in a seperate deal.
So it sounds like they are likely to do package things like that Peace Walker bundle.
Maybe they just won't bother releasing the collections in Japan, since the 360 install base is incredibly small there anyway. Would make sense, since XBLA doesn't have MGS1 and the 360 version of PW can't communicate with the PSP anyway.
Anyway, I posted this in the keynote thread but Kojima tweeted:
Texas company "Blue Point" who made the "God of War (HD) Collection" did the HD edition of MGS2 and MGS3. For this, the best quality of the HD version is ensured. MGS3 is 60 fps as well.
Well that's confirmation they'll be fantastic ports. Blue Point are also the ones that ported ICO and Shadow of the Colossus by the way (and Sony are sitting on till Last Guardian gets closer to release).
Well from the japanese version it looks like they are doing different packages for Japan.
US gets MGS 2,3, and Peace Walker in a Bundle
Japan gets MGS 2, 3 and a MGS 1 Download code (PS3 only maybe?) in a bundle and then gets Peace Walker with a PSP download code for the game as well (PS3 only obviously) in a seperate deal.
So it sounds like they are likely to do package things like that Peace Walker bundle.
Maybe they just won't bother releasing the collections in Japan, since the 360 install base is incredibly small there anyway. Would make sense, since XBLA doesn't have MGS1 and the 360 version of PW can't communicate with the PSP anyway.
They are releasing them for both systems in Japan too according to the video (which was slightly different during that section, since he had cards for both the different MGS bundles.
ManetherenWolf on
Warlock82Never pet a burning dogRegistered Userregular
edited June 2011
Tak_Fujii Deep apology for you all who expected to be sucked, but I have been censored LMAO
I guess I can't blame them for playing it straight this time around, but I really did miss the wackiness of last year's conference, intentional or not. And something is also missing from the lack of a live audience.
But still, for a company that isn't actually attending, this was a nice compensation. Nice to see Konami at least attempt to offer their fans a look into their development studios while also being frank and not-too-cryptic about their future projects. I wish other companies made that kind of effort.
Like a certain RPG company.
A certain RPG company like Square.
I'm talking about Square.
So, about the games:
MGS Snake Eater 3DS: I'm wondering just how robust the camera camo system will work. That's pretty much all I can say at this point. It would be sweet if you could take the picture from certain game covers to get like a Jehuty-patterend camo or something.
Also, I was hoping there was actually a live Yoshi that Snake could capture and then eat.
Never Dead: I'm really conflicted on this one. It has some cool parts to it, and some of the animations where you're hopping and reattaching look funny, but I'm wondering just how far this gimmick can go. I know you can't die, but there has to be a way to actually lose in the game.
Silent Hill Downpour: My hopes rose quite a bit higher from that new trailer, but I'm still worried that A) there are too many people in the game and the monster designs. For the latter, the trailer played the wise move of not giving us a clear look at any of the creatures, keeping them in shadows or trailer edits. If the actual game did that, it would be perfect, but I kind of doubt it.
Silent Hill HD Collection: I threw my hands up happily, only to immediately ask where the hell is Silent Hill 4.
No, I'm not joking, I wanted that game included. I feel jipped just getting two of the three PS2 games. They're never going to release it on its own, unless they bundle it with Shattered Memories as a Vol 2 or something.
I think this guarantees the games are just going to be straight ports of the PC editions, which feature custom resolutions after some hacking. Both games look real nice as a result, but SH2 suffered from some serious loading issues on the PS2, which I hope will be fixed.
SH Movie: Just wanted to say that the actress playing Heather is uncanny. I really hope the rest of the movie does the same amount of justice.
Castlevania LoS DLC: I'm perfectly happy with more DLC, but just how much more will there be? I still haven't bought the first one because I'm told it's on the short side, so I'm hoping they'll at least consider a lengthier expansion or something.
MGS Peace Walker on PS3: Welp, we got it. I thought you guys would be more stoked, I know I am.
MGS Collection: Can't really complain about this one. I'm also wondering why MGS1 was left out. Maybe they're trying to get the rights to Twin Snakes from Nintendo? Or perhaps that game is getting its own HD port on Cafe...
Also, I'm having trouble caring about Snake Eater 3DS now that the HD version is coming out this year.
Also really hoping they are the Substance/Subsistence versions of those games. I doubt they'll include the MGO version from MGS3, but they better leave those VR Missions/Snake Tales in.
Transfarring: It's a neat concept that we all gathered would happen, but so far it sounds like it's a Kojima-only thing. Is Sony not planning this with their own games? Also, I can't help but wonder if you can transfer from Xbox 360 to PSP? I highly doubt it, but man would it be hilarious.
ZOE Collection: I got super stoked on this one, until it finally dawned on me that ZOE1 is pitifully short and not really that good. Still, it's worth it for ZOE2 alone, and I hope this means we get the European version with the extra missions.
Also, it would be real nice if we got Japanese audio this time, because that dub....
MGS Rising: Okay, it's not cancelled. That's a relief.
Kojima: The whole thing was indeed silly, but you can tell that Kojima is just having fun the whole time. You can't help but love the guy for it. Seriously, fuck off with your snobbery if you didn't get at least a chuckle during the whole thing.
Still wish they left Kojima's Japanese voice though. Couldn't understand a damn thing Shinkawa said either.
FOX Engine: Oh man, Kojima building his own engine. This is exciting stuff here. I'm seriously dying to know what he's got planned for it.
So my biggest disappointment? No ZOE 3. I honestly thought with the computer voice and the office a hundred feet below, they were setting up the long-awaited reveal. Kojima said there's still stuff he wants to reveal, so maybe TGS.....
Anyway, good stuff all around. All those HD collections are getting bought, and SH Downpour is looking better.
Saw this on Andriasang, they're jotting down Kojima and Co. Twitter feeds:
- The version of MGS3 that's included in the collection is the Subsistence version.
- ZOE HD Collection will include the content of Anubis Special Edition.
- Regarding Peace Walker HD, Jiroo Tsubuyaki said, "It's not just emulation. There are many areas that are being remade, and the play feel is completely new." He said to check the June 9 issue of Famitsu (next week's issue) for details
MGS3 Subsistence came with: MGO, New Camera Control (Read: -good- camera control), Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake (As in, the originals, not the NES versions), Theater Mode, something called "duel mode" and more Snake vs. Monkey stages. (I literally just grabbed my case and brought it over here.)
So....little bit more. If they keep all that minus, likely, MGO.
Edit: And, I mean, this might just me being 'dumb gamer who doesn't think about licensing or anything' but given that MGS2 Substance was on both the PS2 and the XBox, I would think that's sort of a lock. We'll just have to see, I guess.
MGS3 Subsistence came with: MGO, New Camera Control (Read: -good- camera control), Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake (As in, the originals, not the NES versions), Theater Mode, something called "duel mode" and more Snake vs. Monkey stages. (I literally just grabbed my case and brought it over here.)
So....little bit more. If they keep all that minus, likely, MGO.
Edit: And, I mean, this might just me being 'dumb gamer who doesn't think about licensing or anything' but given that MGS2 Substance was on both the PS2 and the XBox, I would think that's sort of a lock. We'll just have to see, I guess.
There were also all the extra stuff they usually added to the PAL versions, since they came out a couple months after the US releases back then. European Extreme, boss mode, etc.
I thought the most interesting part was when Kojima said that his new unannounced game would be multiplatform and support transfarring.
That could mean it will be on the new nintendo console, but what would a 360 transfer to?
Guitar Hero Of Time on
David_TA fashion yes-man is no good to me.Copenhagen, DenmarkRegistered Userregular
edited June 2011
He said it would be multiplatform and support transfarring, not support transfarring on multiple platforms. Well, anymore than PS3 and PSP/V are in fact multiple platforms.
Basically he just announced that his new game would also be on the PSV.
i loved ZoE when i first played it, so adding achievements is an instant buy for me. i too have never played the second one but now i am looking forward to it.
He said it would be multiplatform and support transfarring, not support transfarring on multiple platforms. Well, anymore than PS3 and PSP/V are in fact multiple platforms.
Basically he just announced that his new game would also be on the PSV.
He said his new game, which he deliberatly played with a 360 controller, would be "a multiplatform game, and transfarring enabled for a global audience."
A weird thing to say if he is only planning on having that work on Sony platforms, I thought.
The 360 has any many platform to transfarr to as the Cafe. None. If you think that engine could run on the 3DS, you're delusional.
Which engine? The FOX engine? I didn't know we knew anything about it. If the 3DS can have Snake Eater I don't see why it can't have any MGS game and an ability to import saves? Thanks for the unnecessary personal attack though.
Guitar Hero Of Time on
David_TA fashion yes-man is no good to me.Copenhagen, DenmarkRegistered Userregular
He said it would be multiplatform and support transfarring, not support transfarring on multiple platforms. Well, anymore than PS3 and PSP/V are in fact multiple platforms.
Basically he just announced that his new game would also be on the PSV.
He said his new game, which he deliberatly played with a 360 controller, would be "a multiplatform game, and transfarring enabled for a global audience."
A weird thing to say if he is only planning on having that work on Sony platforms, I thought.
Except Sony platforms have a global audience.
And also he just announced two HD collections that were both multiplatform and transfarring enabled. On Sony platforms.
And he just went through the three steps of how he sees transfarring evolving. On Sony platforms.
There is no secret Microsoft handheld to be gleaned from this.
It might expand to cover Current/Cafe/Stream-3DS, I'm sure we'll learn more when we learn more, but right now it's clearly a Playstation only thing.
He said his new game, which he deliberatly played with a 360 controller, would be "a multiplatform game, and transfarring enabled for a global audience."
A weird thing to say if he is only planning on having that work on Sony platforms, I thought.
There's no chance at all Microsoft would let him do that, in fears it'd screw with Achievements (thus why GFW Live encrypts saves and are a pain in the ass). As David_T said, he's just talking about PS3/Vita transfarring.
Which engine? The FOX engine? I didn't know we knew anything about it. If the 3DS can have Snake Eater I don't see why it can't have any MGS game and an ability to import saves? Thanks for the unnecessary personal attack though.
Wasn't meant to be a personal attack. But yeah, I think we can comfortably assume they're using the Fox Engine for something, thus the multiplatform (PS3/360/PC/Vita and I'd assume Cafe eventually too).
I guess you could've been talking about a Cafe/3DS version of the MGS Collection but I doubt they'll bother porting them to the Cafe by the time it's out. The Cafe will be getting a ton of PS3/360 ports as it is.
The thing is, if any of these HD collections were also going to Cafe (not saying that they are) I don't think they would have been allowed to mention it in their video, since Nintendo hasn't done the official reveal yet.
Where I was basically going with this is that, it seemed to me, like Kojima wants 'transfarring' to be a thing that all his future games do. Right now that is only on Sony platforms, but he went out of his way to say he was going multiplatform with his games.
But if the Cafe has screens in the controller, and / or some kind of 3DS connectivity, or whatever, then there is no reason the same type of thing couldn't happen there, which would leave Microsoft out in the cold. What would they do? Create a handheld? Create the next Windows Phone XBL integration to allow insane phone ports of games?
So to make this thread more interesting than posts of "That video was boring" I was thinking it would be fun to talk about transfarring, the future of console / handheld connectivity, and if that idea will become the new "motion control" of the next few years.
Well he is going multiplatform, but that doesn't mean Transfarring will. The PS3/Vita seem perfectly built for his goals, because they're of a fairly similar graphical level, so I think that's really the only one he'll bother with.
And I don't think the HD Collections will go to the Cafe because the Cafe isn't coming until, at earliest, April 2012. I think the Collections will be out before then and bringing out Cafe versions at that point will be a bit redundant. And why bother even releasing MGS3DS at that point?
As for the screen in the controller, yeah but you're never going to be able to take that controller a certain distance away from your Cafe. There'll be no actual processing of the game in that controller, otherwise it'd be more expensive than the freaking Cafe itself. What it'll probably do is stream the Cafe's output straight to the touch screen (or act as a submenu), similar to the PSP's Remote Play function (but probably a bit more intuitive). So there's no need for Transfarring or whatever, you're playing the same game and saves regardless.
Outside of Kojima's game though? Yeah I think there's a somewhat decent chance of it happening. Just off the top of my head I'm imagining a 2D Castlevania that's on basically every device. Saves can be swapped between the PS3 and Vita; Cafe and 3DS; 360 and uh, Windows Phone 7 I guess? It's a neat idea but it'd rely on Konami actually co-ordinating something and that's where I think it'll fall down, outside of Kojima's own games anyway.
He said it would be multiplatform and support transfarring, not support transfarring on multiple platforms. Well, anymore than PS3 and PSP/V are in fact multiple platforms.
Basically he just announced that his new game would also be on the PSV.
He said his new game, which he deliberatly played with a 360 controller, would be "a multiplatform game, and transfarring enabled for a global audience."
It was a tech demo of the engine he is going to use for his next, unannounced game. Which is why I thought that non-Sony 'transfarring' could be plausible for it. It won't be out for a long time.
And I don't think the HD Collections will go to the Cafe because the Cafe isn't coming until, at earliest, April 2012. I think the Collections will be out before then and bringing out Cafe versions at that point will be a bit redundant. And why bother even releasing MGS3DS at that point?
Unco, I'm usually down with your assessments... but c'mon. You mean to tell me that Konami, more than willing to port the old MGS games over to these two systems, wouldn't be find it profitable to repackage them some more on a newer system? Not only would it be a nice cash-in, but then they can haphazardly throw in the "showing support for Cafe" bullshit excuse, too!
After all, what's missing from these collections.
The Twin Snakes
MGS2: Substance
Portable Ops
Guns of the Patriots
Throw that up against the 3DS's, ahem, "support" with MGS3 and you've got the whole kit-n-kaboodle of the MGS series. Hell, after that press event, I'm sure they're jumping at the gun to shove old classics on to the console.
V Faction on
Nintendo Network ID: V-Faction | XBL: V Faction | Steam | 3DS: 3136 - 6603 - 1330 PokemonWhite Friend Code: 0046-2121-0723/White2 Friend Code: 0519-5126-2990
"Did ya hear the one about the mussel that wanted to purchase Valve? Seems like the bivalve had a juicy offer on the table but the company flat-out refused and decided to immediately clam up!"
Who knows. The fact that they didn't announce a NGP/Vita version of the collections at the same time would rule out having to buy the same game twice, but then why would they assume everyone with a NGP would also have a PS3? Who knows, hopefully it's a good solution (like Portal 2) because it's a pretty cool idea.
Electronic composer for hire.
I wouldn't put it past Konami that 360/PS3 get 2/3 HD ports and Cafe gets Twin Snakes HD.
US gets MGS 2,3, and Peace Walker in a Bundle
Japan gets MGS 2, 3 and a MGS 1 Download code (PS3 only maybe?) in a bundle and then gets Peace Walker with a PSP download code for the game as well (PS3 only obviously) in a seperate deal.
So it sounds like they are likely to do package things like that Peace Walker bundle.
Maybe they just won't bother releasing the collections in Japan, since the 360 install base is incredibly small there anyway. Would make sense, since XBLA doesn't have MGS1 and the 360 version of PW can't communicate with the PSP anyway.
Anyway, I posted this in the keynote thread but Kojima tweeted: Well that's confirmation they'll be fantastic ports. Blue Point are also the ones that ported ICO and Shadow of the Colossus by the way (and Sony are sitting on till Last Guardian gets closer to release).
And transfaring for MGS 3D
(I had to add the picture for the full effect)
I guess I can't blame them for playing it straight this time around, but I really did miss the wackiness of last year's conference, intentional or not. And something is also missing from the lack of a live audience.
But still, for a company that isn't actually attending, this was a nice compensation. Nice to see Konami at least attempt to offer their fans a look into their development studios while also being frank and not-too-cryptic about their future projects. I wish other companies made that kind of effort.
Like a certain RPG company.
A certain RPG company like Square.
I'm talking about Square.
So, about the games:
MGS Snake Eater 3DS: I'm wondering just how robust the camera camo system will work. That's pretty much all I can say at this point. It would be sweet if you could take the picture from certain game covers to get like a Jehuty-patterend camo or something.
Also, I was hoping there was actually a live Yoshi that Snake could capture and then eat.
Never Dead: I'm really conflicted on this one. It has some cool parts to it, and some of the animations where you're hopping and reattaching look funny, but I'm wondering just how far this gimmick can go. I know you can't die, but there has to be a way to actually lose in the game.
Silent Hill Downpour: My hopes rose quite a bit higher from that new trailer, but I'm still worried that A) there are too many people in the game and the monster designs. For the latter, the trailer played the wise move of not giving us a clear look at any of the creatures, keeping them in shadows or trailer edits. If the actual game did that, it would be perfect, but I kind of doubt it.
Silent Hill HD Collection: I threw my hands up happily, only to immediately ask where the hell is Silent Hill 4.
No, I'm not joking, I wanted that game included. I feel jipped just getting two of the three PS2 games. They're never going to release it on its own, unless they bundle it with Shattered Memories as a Vol 2 or something.
I think this guarantees the games are just going to be straight ports of the PC editions, which feature custom resolutions after some hacking. Both games look real nice as a result, but SH2 suffered from some serious loading issues on the PS2, which I hope will be fixed.
SH Movie: Just wanted to say that the actress playing Heather is uncanny. I really hope the rest of the movie does the same amount of justice.
Castlevania LoS DLC: I'm perfectly happy with more DLC, but just how much more will there be? I still haven't bought the first one because I'm told it's on the short side, so I'm hoping they'll at least consider a lengthier expansion or something.
MGS Peace Walker on PS3: Welp, we got it. I thought you guys would be more stoked, I know I am.
MGS Collection: Can't really complain about this one. I'm also wondering why MGS1 was left out. Maybe they're trying to get the rights to Twin Snakes from Nintendo? Or perhaps that game is getting its own HD port on Cafe...
Also, I'm having trouble caring about Snake Eater 3DS now that the HD version is coming out this year.
Also really hoping they are the Substance/Subsistence versions of those games. I doubt they'll include the MGO version from MGS3, but they better leave those VR Missions/Snake Tales in.
Transfarring: It's a neat concept that we all gathered would happen, but so far it sounds like it's a Kojima-only thing. Is Sony not planning this with their own games? Also, I can't help but wonder if you can transfer from Xbox 360 to PSP? I highly doubt it, but man would it be hilarious.
ZOE Collection: I got super stoked on this one, until it finally dawned on me that ZOE1 is pitifully short and not really that good. Still, it's worth it for ZOE2 alone, and I hope this means we get the European version with the extra missions.
Also, it would be real nice if we got Japanese audio this time, because that dub....
MGS Rising: Okay, it's not cancelled. That's a relief.
Kojima: The whole thing was indeed silly, but you can tell that Kojima is just having fun the whole time. You can't help but love the guy for it. Seriously, fuck off with your snobbery if you didn't get at least a chuckle during the whole thing.
Still wish they left Kojima's Japanese voice though. Couldn't understand a damn thing Shinkawa said either.
FOX Engine: Oh man, Kojima building his own engine. This is exciting stuff here. I'm seriously dying to know what he's got planned for it.
So my biggest disappointment? No ZOE 3. I honestly thought with the computer voice and the office a hundred feet below, they were setting up the long-awaited reveal. Kojima said there's still stuff he wants to reveal, so maybe TGS.....
Anyway, good stuff all around. All those HD collections are getting bought, and SH Downpour is looking better.
- The version of MGS3 that's included in the collection is the Subsistence version.
- ZOE HD Collection will include the content of Anubis Special Edition.
- Regarding Peace Walker HD, Jiroo Tsubuyaki said, "It's not just emulation. There are many areas that are being remade, and the play feel is completely new." He said to check the June 9 issue of Famitsu (next week's issue) for details
So, pretty good stuff I'd say?
Still want MGS2 Substance confirmation.
So....little bit more. If they keep all that minus, likely, MGO.
Edit: And, I mean, this might just me being 'dumb gamer who doesn't think about licensing or anything' but given that MGS2 Substance was on both the PS2 and the XBox, I would think that's sort of a lock. We'll just have to see, I guess.
That Collection should mention "Also Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2" in the box.
It'd be cool if they also included the Document of MGS2 in there.
There were also all the extra stuff they usually added to the PAL versions, since they came out a couple months after the US releases back then. European Extreme, boss mode, etc.
Just read your enormous post Snuggles but what?! Kojima's not the only guy at the company you know. Konami's attending E3.
And no, the Transfarring logo doesn't appear on any of the 360 boxarts.
I take it you didn't watch the new trailer that highlights 3DS specific features.
Of all 3 collections, Ive only played MGS2.
I plan on getting all 3 and being very, very busy.
Oh and you might want to revise that to 2, going by Konami's E3 website, the SH Collection might be PS3 exclusive.
That could mean it will be on the new nintendo console, but what would a 360 transfer to?
Basically he just announced that his new game would also be on the PSV.
The 360 has any many platform to transfarr to as the Cafe. None. If you think that engine could run on the 3DS, you're delusional.
-Dog tags
-No Radar Run
-No Alert Run
-Stamina Boss Kills
I'm such an achievement whore...I'm grabbing ZoE tho.
He said his new game, which he deliberatly played with a 360 controller, would be "a multiplatform game, and transfarring enabled for a global audience."
A weird thing to say if he is only planning on having that work on Sony platforms, I thought.
Which engine? The FOX engine? I didn't know we knew anything about it. If the 3DS can have Snake Eater I don't see why it can't have any MGS game and an ability to import saves? Thanks for the unnecessary personal attack though.
Except Sony platforms have a global audience.
And also he just announced two HD collections that were both multiplatform and transfarring enabled. On Sony platforms.
And he just went through the three steps of how he sees transfarring evolving. On Sony platforms.
There is no secret Microsoft handheld to be gleaned from this.
It might expand to cover Current/Cafe/Stream-3DS, I'm sure we'll learn more when we learn more, but right now it's clearly a Playstation only thing.
Wasn't meant to be a personal attack. But yeah, I think we can comfortably assume they're using the Fox Engine for something, thus the multiplatform (PS3/360/PC/Vita and I'd assume Cafe eventually too).
I guess you could've been talking about a Cafe/3DS version of the MGS Collection but I doubt they'll bother porting them to the Cafe by the time it's out. The Cafe will be getting a ton of PS3/360 ports as it is.
Where I was basically going with this is that, it seemed to me, like Kojima wants 'transfarring' to be a thing that all his future games do. Right now that is only on Sony platforms, but he went out of his way to say he was going multiplatform with his games.
But if the Cafe has screens in the controller, and / or some kind of 3DS connectivity, or whatever, then there is no reason the same type of thing couldn't happen there, which would leave Microsoft out in the cold. What would they do? Create a handheld? Create the next Windows Phone XBL integration to allow insane phone ports of games?
So to make this thread more interesting than posts of "That video was boring" I was thinking it would be fun to talk about transfarring, the future of console / handheld connectivity, and if that idea will become the new "motion control" of the next few years.
And I don't think the HD Collections will go to the Cafe because the Cafe isn't coming until, at earliest, April 2012. I think the Collections will be out before then and bringing out Cafe versions at that point will be a bit redundant. And why bother even releasing MGS3DS at that point?
As for the screen in the controller, yeah but you're never going to be able to take that controller a certain distance away from your Cafe. There'll be no actual processing of the game in that controller, otherwise it'd be more expensive than the freaking Cafe itself. What it'll probably do is stream the Cafe's output straight to the touch screen (or act as a submenu), similar to the PSP's Remote Play function (but probably a bit more intuitive). So there's no need for Transfarring or whatever, you're playing the same game and saves regardless.
Outside of Kojima's game though? Yeah I think there's a somewhat decent chance of it happening. Just off the top of my head I'm imagining a 2D Castlevania that's on basically every device. Saves can be swapped between the PS3 and Vita; Cafe and 3DS; 360 and uh, Windows Phone 7 I guess? It's a neat idea but it'd rely on Konami actually co-ordinating something and that's where I think it'll fall down, outside of Kojima's own games anyway.
Wasn't that just a tech demo?
Or am I talking about something else.
I was going to make a joke about how he might as well be Konami, but I'm curious to see more SH footage.
After all, what's missing from these collections.
The Twin Snakes
MGS2: Substance
Portable Ops
Guns of the Patriots
Throw that up against the 3DS's, ahem, "support" with MGS3 and you've got the whole kit-n-kaboodle of the MGS series. Hell, after that press event, I'm sure they're jumping at the gun to shove old classics on to the console.
Pokemon White Friend Code: 0046-2121-0723/White 2 Friend Code: 0519-5126-2990
"Did ya hear the one about the mussel that wanted to purchase Valve? Seems like the bivalve had a juicy offer on the table but the company flat-out refused and decided to immediately clam up!"
NNID: carmofin
3DS: 2852 6971 9745
Throw me a PM if you add me
Was about to post the same thing.
Oh well, at least they aren't making another DS spin-off monstrosity.
Nothing interesting in there as far as I'm concerned.