Trenched is a cooperative walker (Mech) combat game that pits players in large, hulking walkers up against machines made out of televisions (called "Monovisions" in the game because there's only one channel). The four-player game proceeds in waves and is a split between light walker combat and some tower defense-like turret placement. Turrets and other objects can be placed around the map and upgraded. Players spend scrap--broken TVs that pop out of enemies when they're defeated--to build additional turrets.
Trenched is OUT NOW for 1200 funbucks ($15 in real money if you're one of those people who needs a conversion).
But teefourseetee, what exactly does Trenched entail?
WELL, the game takes place in a WWI-era alternate reality where soldiers fight in giant mechs called "Trenches". Your Trench is ridiculously customizable (even the pilot has some options), and you use him to fight off hordes of crazy alien machines made out of televisions. You can play it single-player, but it's best done with people since it has scaling 4-player co-op.
On top of that, you have up to four deployable turrets you can place (using money you earn from killing things in that particular round) to help you defend against the Tubes. Anti-air, machine gun, healing turrets, turrets that slow people down...every feasible type of tower defense turret is in this game.
And if you're one of those types of people who needs incentive, the game also massively incorporates a loot crawl, with a lot of named loot and rarity colors and descriptions that are
actually funny and not just stupid funny.
Basically, if you took the early MechAssault games and you mixed it with a tower defense and then poured customization and loot on top of it, you'd have Trenched.
Here, watch
this quicklook from Giantbomb as well as these two videos and then go buy it because it's fucking fun
if some more people buy it I'll start up one of those OP lists or whatever.
Dichotomy - A Dichotomy
Mr. G - MrGtD
Futore - Debellum
CorporateLogo - CorpLogo
PSN: Robo_Wizard1
holy shit this game is good
There are so many different weapons within the six or seven general weapon types and so much to customize and the missions don't get boring even if you repeat them because of the variety of enemies the game throws at you and just FUCK
for $15 there's so much value here
Didn't they make that Russian Doll RPG game?
Does this mean there'll be a psn release?
Dear satan I wish for this or maybe some of this....oh and I'm a medium or a large.
Now uh..
I just need money.
Also Stalgehoti, Double Fine made Psychonauts and Brutal Legend.
edit: also the guy in charge at Double Fine made some of the best LucasArts adventure games back in the day
Suddenly very interested.
okay but the point is
Dear satan I wish for this or maybe some of this....oh and I'm a medium or a large.
Also this is a game I'd like to play with people over the internet
You start off on the deck of a ship (that's the lobby) and you can physically run around the deck of the ship to select your level, customize your mech, etc. All four players meet up there and everyone has hats and different salutes and it's great
then when you're all ready you start the mission and get dropped into your Trenches on whatever level you selected and it starts and you just go and start shooting
each map has a whole bunch of different nodes where the enemies come from so they start off coming from one or two but by the end they're coming out of all of them. In addition to a whole bunch of different standard enemies, the game also has four (maybe 5?) different boss type monsters that'll spawn near the end of the level. There's basically three "campaigns" and each one has 5 levels, but the last level of each one is a megaboss fight with some gigantic Tube
in terms of actual gameplay you basically run around and shoot things with your guns and then you and your buddies put turrets anywhere you want on the map to try and slow down the waves of enemies
it's pretty damn fun. I hit the level cap quickly since it's capped at 10 but it's still a blast to play
Dear satan I wish for this or maybe some of this....oh and I'm a medium or a large.
But the DLC is 15 more missions plus a mission creator/randomizer
Because a team based head-to-head would be damn cool
that is great
but I would totally play a competitive mode
because this game reminds me of mech assault and I want a new mech assault
There's also the "Ionized Collection Prong" which says "The ICP uses magnets to collect Scrap for you. No one is quite sure how it works"
I was pleased
totally what i meant
don't know why I said MechAssault
A shame the game they were making got into development hell for a number of reasons and might never come out.
Hey, Mount and Blade was a two man game. Six man game is totally possible. It's basically a giant, awesome Unreal Engine mod. With customizable robots.
and that sold me. Then I realized the game looks fucking beautiful
I wish it had head to head but for $15 it looks great.
I am MrGtD, for the record
I'm taking a break now since I've been playing this off and on for like 9 hours
but damn is it good