Everyone has stress, anxiety, and so forth
lets elaborate on our individual coping mechanisms
pool it all together, swim in it for a while, see what comes out
I just recently made a discovery.
For a while, masturbation was a sad ordeal for me
a personal little death that invaded me the moment i came
dick in hand, sitting at the keyboard, i would feel like a huge piece of shit, the material that i had just used to finish feeling with me self loathing
but then i started looking specifically at porn where the people seem genuinely happy
smiling, giggling, laughing
whether or not i was sexually attracted to the people
them being happy, in conjunction with the neurotransmitters spewing from my head, got my goat good
that is what works for me
what works for you, not just sexually, obviously, but this was my starting point in this thing
edit: i did not read the op
thinking about how human ingenuity is wonderful, and that despite most terrible things in the world there are people working to advance human civilization step by tiny step.
good diet.
is it the marley and me-esque books
or is it reading about bad dudes and being like, hey at least that ain't me
it was insanely readable
adventures of tom sawyer
mark twain can make a dude feel good
my buddy is showing up here in like eight hours, dang
try to draw and ink stuff like milton caniff did
make money
express yourself
and the best of all, try to not use electronics for a large period of time and try to be in nature or something like that.
go outside
also sometimes instead of just bashing yourself about your problems thinking of realistic steps to fix them can put you at ease and put them in perspective, I find.
that feels pretty good.
no man should feel bad about that which he nuts to if nobody's being unlawfully abused
new clothes, frames, shoes etc.
feeling nicely put together goes a long way towards feeling happy imo
and the desire to watch those things as opposed to doing them
in practice, way down with that
in viewing, i am doubtful they will be able to execute it in a way i'm comfortable with
getting high up, breathing
also like animals
yeah, hiking for a weekend owns, but that isn't really the same as being in a cabin, living and functioning and that is it
the best part about working out a lot is being hungry all the time and everything tastes awesome
fucking RUNNING
not to anywhere in particular
coming back all sweaty, do some situps, take a bath
feels better than i thought it would
Not sure what you're trying to say, but being able to live self sufficiently in nature for an extended period of time (to me) is probably one of the greatest things any man can accomplish. Especially in this day and age, where it's pretty unbelievably easy to be lazy and develop self loathing from over-reliance on technology.
that'd be a good time
Wasn't with anybody, didn't have a particular agenda in mind
But yeah that felt pretty good
noo why would you sully that experience with ramen