so i guess while i was at work yesterday afternoon we had a big power surge (which also shut off power on my block until fucking 11:30 at night and my food is probably spoiled but that's another matter... actually, i'll ask it here too: is my food okay to eat probably? hot day? power was out for like 7 hours probably?)
my computer was on, and asleep, but behind a surge protector, and seems to be functioning fine
my monitor, also was behind a surge protector, and seems to be functioning fine
my monitor is a 2005fpw so it had a 4 port usb hub on it
it doesn't seem to be working anymore
this is annoying
can anything be done or is it kaput?
i think it was a powerful surge, enough that at least one or two outlets just stopped working entirely or something
I recently had my power go out for 10 hours and the days have been 90+ degrees this summer. None of my food was spoiled.
It is unsettling.