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"[Game On] Kingdoms of
Since I was wanting to run a slightly smaller Phalla than the ones going on in D&D right now, it was suggested that I bring my game here to ODaM. Hence, I am here. I'm told that Phallas haven't been as successful here lately, which makes me a little wary, but we'll see how it goes.
The background:
The Kingdoms of Phallacia have been ruled by the Council for as long as history could remember. One councillor from each kingdom was elected for a 10 year term to represent its constituency in the bi-weekly Council Assembly. The latest election has just concluded, and the new Council has been sworn in. However, there are rumors of treachery within the Council, evil Councillors who wish to usurp power for themselves. As such, the Council has called an emergency Assembly, and resolved not to return home until the culprits have been caught and exposed.
For those of you unfamiliar with the workings of Phalla (also known as Mafia or Werewolf), here are the basic rules:
There are two main groups of players: the good guys and the bad guys. In this case, the good guys are Councillors and the bad guys are "Rogue Councillors". Each night, everybody (including the bad guys) votes for who they think are the Rogue Councillors. At the end of the night, whoever has the most votes is killed. Also, each night, the bad guys choose someone to kill. The good guys win if they manage to vote off (or otherwise dispose of) all the bad guys, and the bad guys win if they ever have the same number as, or outnumber, the good guys.
There are lots of variations to these rules. Sometime the bad guys get more kills. Sometimes there is more than one group of bad guys. Usually the good guys get some special characters, such as a Vigilante, who can choose one person to kill every night, a Seer, who can see whether someone is a good or bad guy, and a Guardian, who can choose someone every night to protect.
This will be a somewhat simple game (relative to D&D). I think I’m going to cap it at 20 people, although allowances can and will be made if there is an unusually large amount of interest in this game.
Consider this both a sign-up thread and a question thread. Feel free to PM me as well. If you wish to sign up, please type
I !sign up.
These are the people who have signed up so far. If you wish to be removed from the list (you bastard), let me know.
Alright, since I want to go ahead and get started, and any further signups would look suspiciously like me tacking on additional villagers,
Signups are now closed.
I am randomizing the numbers NOW, so Navoc's late sign-up has no bearing on his role.
Abysmal Lynx
Lord Cecil Eaglelaser
PMs are going out tonight. Play will start tomorrow (Thursday) at 7:00pm Pacific time. I know that's a little late for you East Coasters, but I have class, so tough luck.
It's about time this made it's way to ODAM, this sort of geekery belongs to us.
SoogaGames Blog
With bells on.
Love these games. Let's do it.
Maybe I can continue my streak of being a protector (2 in a row).
Cause really, I bring the "fun" to Phalla games.
D&D knows this and people here will too.
I love that we can watch/subscribe to threads now.
Of course, you could always just roleplay a superlogical dude.
I !sign up.
Rock Band DLC | GW:OttW - arrcd | WLD - Thortar
Pokeshire. That does not help bring me around.
Well, fuck you then, mister. :-P
Rock Band DLC | GW:OttW - arrcd | WLD - Thortar
Basically, at this point I just want to do whichever way retains the most people. Signups have been slower than anticipated, and I really need at least 20 people for the balance to work right. If a bunch of people absolutely won't play unless we roleplay, then we'll roleplay. If most people would rather roleplay, but would still play even if we don't, and RBB can't stand roleplay, then we won't roleplay.
To be honest, I think the game mechanics would actually work rather well for roleplay. The Council is basically stuck in a room to debate who's a bad guy and who isn't. However, I don't really care either way; I just want to run my game and for people to have fun. Whichever route we take to achieve that is fine with me.
Loved running Pokeshire, it was a great laugh; now it's my turn to get involved.
Phallas are fun!
Tell your friends!
I count as 6 people, so you may start whenever.
Any suggestions? Should I go advertising in chat threads of other boards? I know that D&D is starting another Phalla soon, and I don't want to step on anybody's toes.
I've always wanted to try one of these.
Have you designed the game such that you absolutely need a lot of people? 15 players would be a reasonable size for a real life game, if rather small compared to D&D's mega-Phallas.
Yeah, to include all the roles I want to include and still have a balance, I need more than 15.
I might be able to do 16. It would be slightly in favor of a specific group, but better that than no game at all.
So yeah, one more person and I'll get it started.
Yeah, this is a huge investment of time right now.
If you need more people.
Play will start tomorrow, assuming I'm able to construct all the PMs in time. In the meantime, signups are still open, since I'd still like to get to at least 19 if possible.
I am randomizing the numbers NOW, so Navoc's late sign-up has no bearing on his role.
Edit: Sorry, I have to go to class, I'll have to answer you when I get home tonight. Check the first post, I've updated it, and it may answer your question.
So... I guess what I'm saying is that any info on the size of the voting/scheming window would be dandy.
A consistent time?
By what time are votes due?
The game starts tomorrow at 7pm PST. Voting for that day remains open until 7pm the next day (Friday). Once voting closes, you guys will get some narration, and voting will be open again until 7pm the next day.
Hope that cleared things up.