Harry Reid announced his picks for the debt uber-committee.
We have Senator Max Baucus of Montana, Senator John Kerry of Massachussetts, and Senator Patty Murray of Washington in the co-chair position. What do these three senators have in common? Well, all three of them voted "yes" on the Republican Appeasement Act of 2011.
I suspect we'll see the same sort of appeasement in their role on the committee, given that the Republicans on the committee will probably all be Michele Bachmann clones, and already know these Democrats will fold under a mild wind. I can see it already: "okay, Republicans, listen up, we're gonna get tough: we'll give you cuts to Medicare, Social Security, Medicaid, TANF, veterans services, and we'll repeal Obamacare, but only if you accept a mere 50% raise in defense spending."
What are people's guesses for who's going to end up on the committee from the House? What about the Republican side?
I'm going to be surprised if Cantor isn't on the committee.
and the gengars who are guiding me" -- W.S. Merwin
I'm positive Cantor wants to be on the committee, but Boehner might see it as a challenge for his Speaker gig and try and fuck Cantor out of it.
I'm also pretty sure the Republican nominees are going to be hardcore fuck-the-poor austerity pimps. Like, say, Max Baucus...oh, yeah, he's...fuck you, Harry Reid.
Off the top of my head, that means Rand Paul and/or Jim DeMint from the Senate, and certainly Paul Ryan from the House.
Yeah, yeah it is
I'd be shocked if the GOP didn't put Paul Ryan on there considering how much they were hoisting him up over the past several months.
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[5e] Dural Melairkyn - AC 18 | HP 40 | Melee +5/1d8+3 | Spell +4/DC 12
Would they put Hutchinson on there if she's getting out in 2012?
That was before the backlash about the government putting their hands on Medicare.
That's what happens when the spineless get to choose who gets the seats, I guess.
She's basically generic bland democrat. She's not as bad as a Baucus or a Conrad, but I wouldn't expect too much out of her other than just going along with what the leadership wants.
Also from WA, which means Boeing, which means prooobably no defense cuts.
If so, the Senate may supply enough moderates to make the Tea Party folks laughably irrelevant.
Because really, fuck every state that's not on the West Coast/not above the Mason-Dixon line on the East Coast. It's basically their fault entirely that we're in this mess.
The fuck's your problem with Hawaii?
edit: sidenote: maybe I'm weird, but somehow I don't include Hawaii when I say the West Coast. I'm not sure I have real basis for this.
I am seriously pissed that her getting on the committee basically eliminates any chance of Joe McDermott getting on the committee. If we were going to have anyone from Washington, it should have been him.
I move from Texas and you still hate me. What'd Hawaii ever do to you?
Heh. Republican Senate moderates. That's funny.
It has a west coast.
One word: Volcanoes
I'm still waiting to hear the house picks before I get really upset about any of this. My guess is that Reid appointed Bacaus because the Senate appointments were meant to seem more moderate than the house. I'm betting we see McConnel appoint some moderates from the Senate and then the house goes to crazytown. In return, I'm hoping, we can get at least one or two house progressives nominated for the committee.
For that matter Bob Corker isn't much of a fascist, particularly on economic issues.
Edit: Or he didn't used to be, anyway. Votes over the past year or so show him tacking right.
For some reason, I am not surprised.
I'd be willing to bet that McConnell appoints two Teapers and one less crazy Senator and calls it a moderate coalition, Boehner nominates Paul Ryan, Eric Cantor, and one other Teaper lunatic to be named later, and Pelosi doesn't nominate anyone from the House Progressive Caucus.
Boehner picked: Hensarling, Camp, Upton.
Mcconnell selected: Kyl, Toomey, Portman.
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That may not be a bad thing. While I don't know much about the guy, being able to decide without repercussion could play out in favor of rationality.
Oh, he's the Planned Parenthood is 90% abortions guy.
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[5e] Dural Melairkyn - AC 18 | HP 40 | Melee +5/1d8+3 | Spell +4/DC 12
Go Michigan. Wolverines!