I was thinking how the PS3 supports 6-7 controllers, and that it'd be cool if the Sony had a "Smash Brothers" type of game for their properties some day.
But what kind of characters would you want to see in such a game?
My list..
-A must-have would be Kratos, from God of War, and perhaps Hades.
-Ratchet from the Ratchet and Clank games.
-the two main characters from Genji 1, maybe.
-Sly Cooper, that wolf spy cartoon dude.
-The Traveller (main hero) from Shadow of the Colossus would be cool, along with the dude and girl from Ico, Colossus' predecessor.
-Maybe those weird orange gelatin dudes from LocoRoco? I mean, JigglyPuff's in Smash Brothers...
-Daxter and Jax
-the Ape from the Ape Escape games
-Jet Li? (Rise to Honor) o_O
This isn't SCEA, but if Sony could get the Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy crews into the game, I think you'd have an instant hit. Or just Kingdom Hearts. A Smash Brothers-type game full of Disney characters would be popular, aye? Although it's kind of hard to imagine Kratos and Goofy getting along well. But hey.. Solid Snake is going to be karate chopping Princess Peach pretty soon, so it could work.
Now, how about some stage ideas?
-My first thought: have one stage take place on top of a moving Colossus. Players are jumping up and down onto the Colossus' platforms. Sweet.
-I've only played Ratchet Deadlocked, but a lot of those stages had a cool aesthetic, so that's another idea.
-lots of different Disney settings if Kingdom Hearts is in. TRON, Mulan, Pirates of the Carribean, Lion King, etc.