Source this quote

buzzard0627buzzard0627 Registered User regular
edited August 2011 in Help / Advice Forum
My fiance and I have been looking into wedding readings (6 weeks to go - woot) and we came across this:

'A soulmate is someone who has locks that fit our keys and keys to fit our locks... No matter what else goes wrong around us, with that one person we're safe in our own paradise. Our soulmate is someone who shares our deepest longings, our sense of direction. When we're two balloons, and together our direction is up, chances are we've found the right person. Our soulmate is the one who makes life come to life.'

Now originally, I saw it sourced as being written by A.A. Milne from Now We Are Six. This was very exciting as we are both Winnie the Pooh fans. However, we bought that book and can't find it anywhere in the book. I've now seen some people sourcing the quote from Richard Bach. I've seen dozens of sites crediting both authors, but I can't seem to find the actual source material its from.

So in short, where is that quote actually from? Thanks!

buzzard0627 on


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