[League of Legends] Skin codes work twice, share the love!



  • ArchArch Neat-o, mosquito! Registered User regular
    Xagar wrote:
    Kog'Maw melts faces but is pretty boring IMO. Also he has awesome poking for 40 mana a pop.

    The fun of kog'maw is getting REALLY good at his ultimate and using it to finish people who thought they were safe

    Kog'maw is still my favorite champ, I need to play him again

  • TalithTalith 変態という名の紳士 Miami, FLRegistered User regular
    If you enjoy a game of battleship then you will love blue buff Kog Maw.

  • Feels Good ManFeels Good Man Registered User regular
    edited August 2011
    oh dang, I finally got a response back from riot support and apparently they can only refund the 3 purchases if they were made within the last 30 days. T.T

    edit: oh hey other people got similar responses huh

    I guess that means I could return my wukong double pack, since I am so disappointed by how he turned out

    Feels Good Man on
  • TalithTalith 変態という名の紳士 Miami, FLRegistered User regular
    I was hoping to get some RP back so I could afford skins for champs I actually play but nope. :<

  • Feels Good ManFeels Good Man Registered User regular
    exactly, I wanted to return astronaut teemo so I could get a skin for renekton and still have enough for the inevitable crimson elite swain


    I can do that anyway if I return my wukong bundle though...

  • CaptainPlanet82CaptainPlanet82 Registered User regular
    Darkewolfe wrote:
    Kai_San wrote:
    You should get it soon. It seems kinda like a semi automated thing, so I think they were updating it for the new purchase history.

    I might just give skarner back cause people be bitching him out lots. I really want kog maw and lee sin.

    Just checked the support site. My ticket has had the status "This request is awaiting assignment to a help desk operator" for the last week. Sigh.

    I would create another support ticket and reference the fact that the other is still awaiting assignment. Squeaky wheel, my friend.

    This weeks free champs has so many of my favs in it. I'm actually getting back to my roots. sorta. When I started, I rotated through the same three champs. Not long after hitting lvl 30, I started jumping around to play every champ I can. Rarely playing the ones I'm really good with. (in only normal games, mind you.) If an enemy outplays me in a lane, I try to note their build order and later play the champ myself. But this week, I have been taking my favs just so I don't see some other player make an embarassment out of using them. I decided this after trying to lane with an Urgot who had a Rylai's (for his shield?! what?!) and could not comprehend using his E then his Q to lock on to champs. I tried explaining before he got destroyed but when I saw him buy the Rylai's, I knew it was a lost cause.

    I noticed when I was trying out a champ or two in a custom game for ten minutes, I saw you can choose the autumn SR or the reg. Has that always been there? It would be nice if the normal games would random through several random skinned versions of SR at the very least. But screw SR when Dominion comes out!

    Help my friend realize his excellent Cyber Punk savage setting! Check out the Ronin: Chrome and Shadows Kickstarter!
  • HounHoun Registered User regular
    So, somehow I have both a Sivir PAX Skin and a Nassus Riot Skin in my possession. Mwah ha ha.

  • 21stCentury21stCentury Call me Pixel, or Pix for short! [They/Them]Registered User regular
    I am way too aggressive at this game :X

    Also, I need to get better at last-hitting.

    But what's a decent rule of thumb for team comp at lowbie levels (that is, 2-1-2 laning scheme)?

  • unintentionalunintentional smelly Registered User regular
    I am way too aggressive at this game :X

    Also, I need to get better at last-hitting.

    But what's a decent rule of thumb for team comp at lowbie levels (that is, 2-1-2 laning scheme)?

    "do whatever you want, but bring lots of CC"

  • CaptainPlanet82CaptainPlanet82 Registered User regular
    Oh Wukong is totally get a return request from me. It's not that he's bad, but he doesn't fit my play style or give me the level of enjoy other champs do. Besides, the new Annie or Nunu skins look so fun! Just wish I could get a Tron Sivir skin. :( Decided on DragonCon instead of PAX West. Mainly cause I can drive it easily.

    Help my friend realize his excellent Cyber Punk savage setting! Check out the Ronin: Chrome and Shadows Kickstarter!
  • BiosysBiosys Registered User regular
    Is Lee Sin any good yes/no?

    As soon as my account gets unsuspended I'm gonna buy a large quantity of RP, so I'm just wondering if he's worth it or no.

  • Minerva_SCMinerva_SC Registered User regular
    fuuuck my sona is amazing

    "If a cherry pie filled cape is wrong, I don't want to be right.
    I'm dead serious."
  • Styrofoam SammichStyrofoam Sammich WANT. normal (not weird)Registered User regular
    Biosys wrote:
    Is Lee Sin any good yes/no?

    As soon as my account gets unsuspended I'm gonna buy a large quantity of RP, so I'm just wondering if he's worth it or no.

    Lee Sin is fucking brutal right now.

    One of the best champs to get first blood with.

    Once that dude gets on you he ain't going anywhere, and he can harass/sustain like a mother fucker.

    What did you get suspended for?

  • Legen DairyLegen Dairy Registered User regular
    Biosys wrote:
    Is Lee Sin any good yes/no?

    As soon as my account gets unsuspended I'm gonna buy a large quantity of RP, so I'm just wondering if he's worth it or no.

    Lee Sin is very strong right now, especially early game. But he isn't worth a damn if you can't land his Q. :)

  • BiosysBiosys Registered User regular
    Biosys wrote:
    Is Lee Sin any good yes/no?

    As soon as my account gets unsuspended I'm gonna buy a large quantity of RP, so I'm just wondering if he's worth it or no.

    Lee Sin is fucking brutal right now.

    One of the best champs to get first blood with.

    Once that dude gets on you he ain't going anywhere, and he can harass/sustain like a mother fucker.

    What did you get suspended for?

    Just the leaving games thing, stuff always seem to arise when I'm in the middle of a game, and apparently I've left enough to get banned for 3 days, so eh.

    According to other places he requires a fairly high skill level, but I'll definitely pick him anyway, hopefully practice with him will make up for my lack of skill.

    Also, another question:

    Just found out I have like 4000 ip on another account, so who would be the best to buy out of Kassadin, Xin Shao and Pantheon?

  • Styrofoam SammichStyrofoam Sammich WANT. normal (not weird)Registered User regular
    Just found out I have like 4000 ip on another account, so who would be the best to buy out of Kassadin, Xin Shao and Pantheon?

    I like Kass a lot, pantheon isn't in a bad place right now, but Xin Zhao is and has been for a long time one of the best champs.

  • Minerva_SCMinerva_SC Registered User regular
    man, I sort of want to get 1500, but I really don't care. I rarely even play jarvan and I don't post on the forums. I really can't play more than 3 solo queue a day, even if I win.

    "If a cherry pie filled cape is wrong, I don't want to be right.
    I'm dead serious."
  • Styrofoam SammichStyrofoam Sammich WANT. normal (not weird)Registered User regular
    Minerva_SC wrote:
    man, I sort of want to get 1500, but I really don't care. I rarely even play jarvan and I don't post on the forums. I really can't play more than 3 solo queue a day, even if I win.

    Lots of daft punk, caffeine, and gankplank.

    Drag those fuckers kicker and screaming to victory

    eye of the tiger.

  • XagarXagar Registered User regular
    I just noticed Utility Mastery has been changed to "Increases the duration shrines, relics, quests, and neutral monster buffs by 15%."

    Increasing the speed shrine duration could be a HUGE advantage in Dominion.

  • Styrofoam SammichStyrofoam Sammich WANT. normal (not weird)Registered User regular
    Xagar wrote:
    I just noticed Utility Mastery has been changed to "Increases the duration shrines, relics, quests, and neutral monster buffs by 15%."

    Increasing the speed shrine duration could be a HUGE advantage in Dominion.

    There's a lot of talk of x/x/21 being mandatory for all champs without an existing movespeed buff.

  • PacificstarPacificstar Registered User regular
    I once again, humbly beg beg beg for PAX Sivir. Maybe someone I got PAX Jax for can hook it up? :)

  • programjunkieprogramjunkie Registered User regular
    Pretty interesting post on the meta


    Essentially, yeah heals from support were an issue, but the bigger problem is high base damage and sustain on nonsupport champs.

    That post is terrible.

    1. He asks for strengths / weaknesses. Welcome to Mord. He has no initiation, no distance closers, no escapes, no ranged, and his survivability varies significantly depending on circumstance (positioning / minion waves / burst vs. sustained damage). His strengths are that his damage is awesome, he is tough to kill, and he can push lanes. And the lane pushing is a double edged sword, because Mords make up a significant portion of my successful WW ganks, because he cannot 1v1 me at level 4, and he cannot escape, so he's fucked.

    Mord is probably one of the best examples in all of LOL of a champ who has distinct and unique strengths and weaknesses. He's a really complex character who is fun to play and to fight against. I still consider Vlad vs. Mord one of my favorite lane matchups, because there is a guarantee of a long duration, interesting fight that will go to the better player (well, maybe less so now that Vlad has been nerfed into oblivion, but whatever)

    2. He plays on / against teams with shitty teamwork. Several AD / AP carries do several times more damage than tanky DPS do with similar gold expenditure. A team that can support a Kogmaw is a team that is going to win. A well farmed Gragas is dangerous, but still deals a mere fraction of the same damage as a well farmed Kogmaw.

    3. He fails to realize how well penetration / bonus scaling items (Rabadons / IE) scales in long games. For all his whining about "base damage" and building tanky DPS, an AP TF with a pocketful of gold is going to be both more survivable and more damage than a tanky DPS in 30+ games. A well farmed TF can kill a well farmed tanky DPS Udyr through his turtle stance in the duration of his stun and his stun alone without using summoner abilities. Conversely, TF is quite safe from Udyr if Udyr doesn't have help / summoner abilities because he can kite and has superior range.

    4. He uses soft counter cases as a demonstration of his point. Veigar vs. Lee Sin doesn't play to Veigar's strengths. Put Veigar vs. a mage so he can get a kill at level 6. Put Brand vs. Lee Sin so he can faceroll top CS while also harassing the fuck out of an unfortunate melee champ.

    5. He fails to recognize sustain is only a single strategy. Akali doesn't need sustain to win a lane. If your opponent lets you farm / kill them, they have probbably lost the game for the entire team, and Akali usually only builds one defense item (Rylai's).

  • Fizban140Fizban140 Registered User, __BANNED USERS regular
    ololol brand, whats a brand and how do I fight it? I was mid against him as vlad and felt like I could really even be in the lane until about 9 when we could trade. I slowly came out ahead with life steal but he had a 15 CS lead on me.

  • Psycho Internet HawkPsycho Internet Hawk Registered User regular
    Oh my god Teemo is the best

    why didn't anyone tell me this before

  • milskimilski Poyo! Registered User regular
    edited August 2011
    Fiz, uhh... that's kind of the point? Brand is a pretty dominant early laner and Vlad's been nerfed to oblivion and was never really capable of outfighting the stronger lanes until either six (if his ult+ignite+combo would kill the enemy) or 9 (if it wouldn't) because of his (for LoL) ridiculously scaling cooldowns with ranks in Q. Vlad's strength in lane has always been that he just plain wins most lanes if he can delay until 9, and the fact that he has a super escape and never has to worry about mana; except when he was blatently OP, he was never the guy dealing the most damage or throwing out the most painful CC combos.

    Pseudo edit: People didn't tell you Teemo is the best because he isn't. Many people like playing him, but few people would argue that he's the best. I happen to like WW a lot, but ever since his Q nerfs, people don't talk about his absurd laning. There is rarely any discussion about mediocre or pretty good champs unless they're new or recently nerfed/buffed from top/bottom tier.

    Pseudo edit 2: A well farmed TF may outdamage a tanky DPS champ, but he won't be more survivable than them. If he could be, then the entire problem mentioned in the big Talon rant would be flipped on its head, since with only slightly more time than an average game, carries would be strictly dominating non carries.

    milski on
    I ate an engineer
  • BethrynBethryn Unhappiness is Mandatory Registered User regular
    I love it when you have people on your team who just keep insulting one another until one gets pissed enough to refuse to cooperate with the rest of the team. Get a great lanemate, dominate our lane, and meanwhile the blame game going on between jungler and top lane results in a Talon who refuses to play with the rest of us, afk farming the entire game, only turning up to nab the leftovers from our 4v5s...

    ...and of course, as always, Kill Hitler.
  • programjunkieprogramjunkie Registered User regular
    Fizban140 wrote:
    ololol brand, whats a brand and how do I fight it? I was mid against him as vlad and felt like I could really even be in the lane until about 9 when we could trade. I slowly came out ahead with life steal but he had a 15 CS lead on me.

    If I could change only one champ right now, it would be Brand. He is incredibly unfun to lane against as he gets uncounterable farm, is hard to harass, has easy harass in return, and is dangerous at all levels / gold levels.

    Vlad is also UP right now. People whined too much and Riot broke him. Part of that is the meta, but Vlad is a clearly suboptimal choice.
    milski wrote:
    Pseudo edit 2: A well farmed TF may outdamage a tanky DPS champ, but he won't be more survivable than them. If he could be, then the entire problem mentioned in the big Talon rant would be flipped on its head, since with only slightly more time than an average game, carries would be strictly dominating non carries.

    Yes, because TF can use superior positioning / poke / hard CC to mitigate damage, and that isn't an option for many tanky DPS characters. He cannot take as much damage, but he is exposed to so much less that his danger of dying is still lower.

    And I'm telling you right now that in a longer than average game that carries do dominate non-carries to a point. It's not DOTA levels of "1 agi carry vs. 5 enemies, fight!" but to use the most recent example I have, Trynd will wipe the smirk right off any tanky DPS's face late game. Their 200+ CS, 9/2 ratio doesn't matter for dick, they will still be killed in as little as 2 seconds, depending on team AS buffs and crit rolls. God forbid they are "only" 6/4 or something.

  • Fizban140Fizban140 Registered User, __BANNED USERS regular
    Oh well that blows.

    Since I suck at this game and I am not smart enough to improve what did I do wrong here.

    Jungle Udyr, Nunu kept counter jungling me, killed me at red and I felt like there was nothing I could do. I had a ward out at dragon. After that they killed me twice more, once on blue they had 3 and another on red I think. We tried to counter gank them once at blue but they killed all of us. What am I suppose to do differently? Just run away from red/blue if I see them missing (it was only top missing one time) or just have a shit load of wards out? I mean even with ward coverage they still had jungle control.

  • TalithTalith 変態という名の紳士 Miami, FLRegistered User regular
    Fizban, go here.


    Download and install lolreplay.

    Next three or four games you play, win or lose, post the replays and I'll watch it and explain where you can improve and how you can do it.

  • milskimilski Poyo! Registered User regular
    edited August 2011
    Somehow triple posted. :|

    milski on
    I ate an engineer
  • milskimilski Poyo! Registered User regular
    edited August 2011
    Yes, because TF can use superior positioning / poke / hard CC to mitigate damage, and that isn't an option for many tanky DPS characters. He cannot take as much damage, but he is exposed to so much less that his danger of dying is still lower.

    Uhh... what? First off, TF is not really top dog in terms of mobility or CC during a fight and it's pretty easy to stick to him as most tanky DPS champs, and second, that isn't survivability. That's exploiting superior positioning, and against almost all tanky DPS champions, doing that requires some significant help from your team because against most tanky DPS champs, unless you're absurdly fed, you can only damage through their regen with constant attacks and your positioning only lasts for the duration of gold card and however long it takes them to walk into blink range.
    And I'm telling you right now that in a longer than average game that carries do dominate non-carries to a point. It's not DOTA levels of "1 agi carry vs. 5 enemies, fight!" but to use the most recent example I have, Trynd will wipe the smirk right off any tanky DPS's face late game. Their 200+ CS, 9/2 ratio doesn't matter for dick, they will still be killed in as little as 2 seconds, depending on team AS buffs and crit rolls. God forbid they are "only" 6/4 or something.

    That's actually not true! Tryndamere's theoretical damage is high, but no, he can't kill people in two seconds when massively fed. There are quite a few good ways to stop Tryndamere from ruining your day if you're massively more fed than he is, especially with his lowered damage output. Yes, if you're using the "straight up fight and don't do anything smart" model, Trynd will probably win by virtue of his ult (although actually, AD sion with his ult up wins that fight since with full items he outdamages, outaspds, and outlifesteals Trynd along with having some actual utility). But most people won't do that, and most fights aren't just 1v1 matchups! It is shockingly easy to get tanky enough to make Trynd irrelevant, especially if you have a little CC. Tanky champions that can scale pretty well, like Nasus (with time) or Warwick (with resists) or Udyr (with really any stat except AP) can easily beat up carries until the end of the game without many problems, especially if you're willing to grant them a massive gold advantage.

    If your argument is "In games long enough for all characters to have 20k+ and chain chug elixers with a full build, there are hard carries that scale better," I wouldn't deny it, but there is no way an underfed carry is going to beat a fed tanky DPS champ just because of farm unless it's a matchup that just flat out sucks for them. Even then, Sion is still king of the "straight up 1v1 slugfest with full items," and he's pretty tanky.
    Fizban140 wrote:
    Oh well that blows.

    Since I suck at this game and I am not smart enough to improve what did I do wrong here.

    Jungle Udyr, Nunu kept counter jungling me, killed me at red and I felt like there was nothing I could do. I had a ward out at dragon. After that they killed me twice more, once on blue they had 3 and another on red I think. We tried to counter gank them once at blue but they killed all of us. What am I suppose to do differently? Just run away from red/blue if I see them missing (it was only top missing one time) or just have a shit load of wards out? I mean even with ward coverage they still had jungle control.

    You're supposed to play better. If you had a replay, I could actually tell you what to do with more specifics, but the only thing I can tell from this is that you didn't know your own team's capabilities and that Nunu was better than you.

    milski on
    I ate an engineer
  • milskimilski Poyo! Registered User regular
    edited August 2011
    EDIT: Accidental double post.

    milski on
    I ate an engineer
  • BethrynBethryn Unhappiness is Mandatory Registered User regular
    Is there a trick to getting Ezreal's E to target enemy champions? It seems to me that even when they're nearer, it prefers minions. 8(

    ...and of course, as always, Kill Hitler.
  • Fizban140Fizban140 Registered User, __BANNED USERS regular
    How is Nunu stronger than Udyr? Udyr used to be a beast. As in I could kill warwick even if he was a level higher.

  • Styrofoam SammichStyrofoam Sammich WANT. normal (not weird)Registered User regular
    Fizban140 wrote:
    How is Nunu stronger than Udyr? Udyr used to be a beast. As in I could kill warwick even if he was a level higher.

    Nunu has near constant slows with a little CDR and a fantastic Ult.

    Better than Udyr? Debatable. But jungle Nunu is terrifying.

  • milskimilski Poyo! Registered User regular
    edited August 2011
    Nunu isn't necessarily stronger than Udyr all the time. That Nunu, however, clearly kicked the LoL hating shit out of you, so I feel confident saying that Nunu was stronger than your Udyr.

    Also, you've probably been playing against shitty WWs, then. And Udyr is still one of the better junglers.

    EDIT: Beth, the isometric view and the fact you're naturally prioritizing champion locations is probably causing you to perceive champions as slightly closer than minions, when the actual numbers say the minions are closer. Plus, there's always a little bit of fuzzy area around the champion/minion hitboxes, so that could be a problem as well.

    milski on
    I ate an engineer
  • TalithTalith 変態という名の紳士 Miami, FLRegistered User regular
    Just had a tryndamere with tiamat vs a team of 5 melee.

    We had this one straight up jungle brawl.

    That tiamat splash OWNED holyshit.

  • milskimilski Poyo! Registered User regular
    It's good to see Tiamat actually being useful for once, although the conditions required for that to happen are pretty ludicrously unlikely.

    I ate an engineer
  • ElementalorElementalor Registered User regular
    Fizban140 wrote:
    Oh well that blows.

    Since I suck at this game and I am not smart enough to improve what did I do wrong here.

    Jungle Udyr, Nunu kept counter jungling me, killed me at red and I felt like there was nothing I could do. I had a ward out at dragon. After that they killed me twice more, once on blue they had 3 and another on red I think. We tried to counter gank them once at blue but they killed all of us. What am I suppose to do differently? Just run away from red/blue if I see them missing (it was only top missing one time) or just have a shit load of wards out? I mean even with ward coverage they still had jungle control.

    You need to ward your own jungle if you're getting countered. Ward in the red bush maybe blue too, theoretically if you had a support champ they would ward dragon, and the lanes should ward for themselves which would give you sight at least of where the Nunu was. Having a CV on the team helps this also. If you see the enemy jungler in yours ping for your lane to help you take him out.
    I prefer to counter jungle them and go for ganks in whatever lane is nearby since too many wards are expensive early game. Take what I can quickly from my own jungle and go for their wraiths/golems, only go for their red if it's up if you see the enemy jungler bot, or you know he's at yours.
    Always try to stay high HP.

    Give up the red buff rather than giving up a kill, hope your lanes can farm/try to help gank for them and cover lanes to try to make up for xp and gold.

    This is the main reason that I prefer to carry now instead of tanking or jungling, there's a lot more good play needed by the team in order to gank or counter a counter jungle.

    Marvel Future Fight: dElementalor
    FFBE: 898,311,440
    Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/dElementalor
  • Feels Good ManFeels Good Man Registered User regular
    totally gonna tiamat ezreal this game

This discussion has been closed.