So Pokémon is a super fun game that I play a lot. I have a tepig and an oshawott and I want a ditto but I don't have a ditto but I have a deer and a sort of psychic candy floss creature let's talk about pokemon (please give me females of tepig and oshawott and ditto and snivey I need all of those)
Twitch (I stream most days of the week) Twitter (mean leftist discourse)
Sara LynnI can handle myself.Registered Userregular
I've restarted SoulSilver twice because my game attention span is REALLY awful lately. I want to be a kid again where I just power through one game like a dedicated loser.
I played the fuck out of Pokemon in middle school. I really miss it. I haven't played a pokemon game since Pokemon Silver for the Gameboy Color I think... or was it the DS, I can't remember.
back in the day of red and blue when you couldn't breed, asking someone if they would trade their starter was basically the same as calling their mother a cunt
Tommy2Handswhat is this where am iRegistered Userregular
I can go grab a ditto real quick and send it over
in context, this is still kind of weird
put 4899 8141 2114 in your pal pad
and if you could give me your code we can get this done
Unless you want egg moves I guess but you don't seem like you'd be interested in the time sink.
Twitch (I stream most days of the week)
Twitter (mean leftist discourse)
is tube pax haxed
and hold the mouth kissing
they should make a new one
come on in and get this ditto
we also talk about other random shit and clown upon each other
we also talk about other random shit and clown upon each other
we also talk about other random shit and clown upon each other
we also talk about other random shit and clown upon each other
that works for me too because i have to go in ten minutes :O
enjoy the snivy
I'm pretty sure he's not at PAX
don't need anything
except the satisfaction of making more pokemon breeding possible
it's my life's calling
Was that just the once?
we have a running pokemon thread just pop in if you want anything else