It’s a Diablo-esque game where you shoot dudes, level up, get tons of guns, and repeat! It’s pretty damned good. Despite this description.
So what’s it about? Well, you’re silly if you play Borderlands for the thin story it has, but basically you play one of four mercenaries hunting for the vault on the backwater planet of Pandora. What’s in the vault is unknown, but it’s rumored to be amazing!
And these vault hunters?
Roland is probably the most ‘shootery’ of the hunters. A former Crimson Lance mercenary, his special ability is to throw out a gun turret. Said turret can be altered to do things like heal yourself and nearby allies, regenerate ammo for everyone in its area of effect, or just shoot guys harder and faster. Roland’s probably the dude to play through the game singleplayer because of this, and additionally because some of his skills give him passive ammo regeneration and insane clip size increases.
Mordecai is the sniper of the foursome. His special ability is his pet Rakk, Bloodwing, which he can periodically throw out to assault enemies. Bloodwing can also do things like heal damage to you with damage it deals, cause enemies to drop more items upon death, and attack more often. I play Mordecai on the 360, he’s really a lot of fun, though kind of tough to solo with sometimes.
Lilith! I have never played as Lilith so I don’t know much about her, but apparently people say she’s the best character or something. Her ability is phasewalking, where she turns invisible and runs really fast, and when she turns visible again she explodes in a burst of elemental energy. Said energy can be changed/enhanced through skill points, I guess.
And then there’s Brick. Who’s a big lumbering guy who can go berserk and punch a bunch of dudes. I think he’s widely agreed upon to be the least effective character, but I don’t know. He seems like he’d be interesting to play once you get him up in level, at least.
So I’ve finished this game and I want more, is there?
But of course! Since Borderlands came out nearly two years ago, Gearbox was kind enough to bless us with four (mostly) good DLC packs!
The Zombie Island of Dr. Ned takes place in Jakobs’ Cove, a mysterious little island on Pandora. Something has gone wrong, wrong enough to infect the entire population with a zombie virus. Also, there’s wereskags. Wereskags, people.
Mad Moxxi’s Underground Riot is basically Gearbox’s version of Horde mode from Gears of War, Firefight from Halo, and so on. Only it’s not really that fun to play, since the competitions take way too long and you get no experience or anything from the fights. This also added item banks, which is really the main reason to get the DLC (though still not at full price). Still, I want to finish this on the 360 sometime so I can get the achievements.
This is possibly the best DLC in my opinion. Continuing the ‘story’ after the main game (though this contains roughly ten times the amount of story that was in the main game), you have to defeat the Crimson Lance once and for all, and fight General Knoxx! Only thing annoying about this DLC is the amount of driving you have to do, since driving in Borderlands is pretty boring and awkward.
Claptrap’s gone nuts and has turned all the other Claptraps against humanity! You have to stop him! That's about all I can say without spoiling anything about the end of Borderlands! But it's a decent DLC!
Anyway, the reason I made this thread is because I want to play it with people, and hopefully people aren’t utterly sick of playing this game and would like to play it as well. I’ll be keeping a list of who has the game and for what system, so if you folks would be kind enough to list your system and gamertag/username/whatever, I’ll add it to the list. Also, if you can, list what characters you’re playing and their levels, so we can more easily find people of comparable level to us.
Moriveth - Moriveth (30-ish Soldier)
Houk - Houk (18 Siren)
Yukira - NotDrWily - Siren
FlatEric - TheMrDomino
MrMonroe - MrMonroe
Huntera - Huntera
Melding - Melding
Nikolai - Phoberhomie (Phoberomy on Gamespy)
#pipe - hash_pipe
vorprostein - dmVopro
TrippyJing - TrippyJing
Dubh - Dubh
Shorty - ???
Mysst - Mysst
Goose! - g0oseyourself
Man of The Waves - BuckarooHoliday
Doctor Fink - doctor_fink
Xbox 360:
Moriveth (47 Hunter)
Yukira - ModelZ - Siren
Raijin Quickfoot - RaijinQ
Artreus - Atlanticus
EidolonOrpheus - iyanden
Legba - WorldClassHack
Man of The Waves - BuckarooHoliday
peen - anonymous_burn
Sooo I've been playing through all over again, currently rocking an 18 Lilith. Also can't wait for Borderlands 2!
Hit me up on PC (Houk) if you got nothing better to do
How long must we stand by while our sacred lands are molested by the Canadian hordes?
We marathon up to moe and marley and then stop forever.
Personally though, Lilith has been a lot of fun to play as and is my go-to character.
360: ModelZ - Siren
PC: NotDrWily - Siren
Although due to some hardware issues, my PC game is stuck at level 1.
Maybe if you showed up to the next agreed upon meeting this would stop happening.
Been getting the itch to start another one yet again, Mordecai this time. Only revolvers, gunslinger class mod.
Because I always start over with a new character, I still haven't beat this.
it's not as bad as a cat bringing you a dead bird with a "look what I got you!" look
anyway I think my character is level 21ish and a soldier
would like to try some of the other classes, though. Who wants to start a level one game?
find me this way
360 - RaijinQ
If you try to add me and it says my list is full just message me and I'll get rid of somebody.
I have to start over because I don't feel like copying over save games from my old hard drive.
There's a few cover spots you can duck behind and get the timing down for the vehicle during that arena quest. I'd watch the radar, pop up, fire a rocket, duck back down and wait until it came back around. It would blow up a nice distance away and the cover would block any debris.
Okay well that time I was just really busy and could not start playing at 1:30am.
The other times the people just never got back together
I own it on PC and xboxk
Every time I play about 15 minutes in the connection drops and I have to sit still for a few seconds reconnecting as some badass fireskag mauls me and then when I get back in the voice chat is bugged.
In fact, re-do the voice chat too. Push to talk will always be better than having an always on mic.
Yeah? Well you get a better face
i'm hoping to! but surgery ain't cheap.
Level 30(ish) Hunter, just beat Krom.
Umm Gamespy ID is Halos_Nach_Tariff I think.
my siren has the best possible legit smg (max damage max rof steel anarchy) with the best scope
Mordecai was infinitely more fun for me.
Some lovely person gifted me GOTY edition on Steam so I'd love to try out the multi on a fresh game with a new Mordecai?
Need some stuff designed or printed? I can help with that.
Whirp I'm dumb. Kisses.
When asked this question at PAX, the person apparently said "What's Gamespy?" and it is Steamworks, so I assume they are doing something else.
Add me as fencingsax, people!
That is what she said
we also talk about other random shit and clown upon each other
Oh shoot
it's hash_pipe
Need some stuff designed or printed? I can help with that.