This is anecdotal, but everybody on Niconama seemed pretty pissed about DQX yesterday.
Japanese nerds rage about everything and deserve to be ignored.
And western nerds don't? The rage shown at DQIX's first unveiling was enough to get it significantly redesigned so I wouldn't just discount it.
Honestly, I'm kinda relieved. DQX was the game that was going to get me to buy a Wii. Now I don't have to bother because the game looks completely and utterly unappealing to me.
I do find it bizarre that they're releasing it on the Wii U though. So much for only releasing Dragon Quest on the winning system.
Can't say I've ever liked any of Monolith Soft's other games, so I'm not particularly interested in Xenoblade. Last Story on the other hand, sounds great, but just isn't enough to make me buy a Wii.
Nintendo Network ID: V-Faction | XBL: V Faction | Steam | 3DS: 3136 - 6603 - 1330 PokemonWhite Friend Code: 0046-2121-0723/White2 Friend Code: 0519-5126-2990
"Did ya hear the one about the mussel that wanted to purchase Valve? Seems like the bivalve had a juicy offer on the table but the company flat-out refused and decided to immediately clam up!"
I'm expecting some major redesign of it by this time next year. While I still like some of the core ideas, there seems to be some universal distaste for it.
What I don't get it where this sudden wave of IX hate came from. I recall it being extremely well received.
There was a ton of hate for IX when it was first announced and then they redesigned it to be more similar to what series fans expect.
Personally i adored IX tremendously and if X is similar to IX gameplay-wise with the level of graphical fidelity i see in those pics and maybe some hub towns with trading and sidequests i'll be very pleased.
I consider VIII to be the zenith of the whole series, but I still put a ton into IX and loved mostly every moment of it. And I still have a laundry list of grievances with the whole series, but that's for another day/thread.
But if this really ends up being just a normal DQ game but with Dark Souls type online component added, I am seriously on board.
Just to fill in, Dark Souls is a 100% single player experience from top to bottom. Now if you're online, you see ghosts every so often, doing their own thing. They're other players playing their own game, you just can't interact with them. If you do the multiplayer, then another player teleports into your world, or you get teleported into somebody elses. The game still plays as normal, you just got another dude next to you, helping you hack stuff.
To dumb it down a shade, everybody is playing their own single player in their own pocket dimension, and occasionally you get glimpses of other dimensions. And if you want, you can hop between dimensions and buddy up with other people.
If they can do the same thing with DQX - that is, still have the same completely single player RPG, just with the added function that you can see other people playing as well - I can totally get jazzed for that.
But if it's just World of DragonQuestCraft, then... ugh.
"The sausage of Green Earth explodes with flavor like the cannon of culinary delight."
This is anecdotal, but everybody on Niconama seemed pretty pissed about DQX yesterday.
Japanese nerds rage about everything and deserve to be ignored.
Eh, Niconama isn't like 2ch where there's always a reactionary anti-movement. Long term fans are understandably pissed off. Now, on 2ch they've actually been holding a funeral for the game since yesterday afternoon.
After DQIX kind of sucking shit, I'm surprised to say it, but I may well be done with the DQ series.
"Long term fans" is another way of saying "people whose opinions you ignore" which includes notable people like CygnusZ
DQIX's changes had nothing to do with "long term fans" the fact that it matched what they were ranting about is merely proof that even a broken clock can be right once a day
There was a ton of hate for IX when it was first announced and then they redesigned it to be more similar to what series fans expect.
Personally i adored IX tremendously and if X is similar to IX gameplay-wise with the level of graphical fidelity i see in those pics and maybe some hub towns with trading and sidequests i'll be very pleased.
Even then, DQIX did plenty to piss off the core fanbase. The focus of the game was taken off the main quest and put into the series of side quests and grinding for loot. The main quest itself was also very weak for a DQ game. After how well done the stories of DQIV-VIII were it was a huge letdown to just have everything so generic.
I love DQIX, but I'd really like a traditional DQ game for X. I'm really sick of MMOs in general, and to hear that X is basically a DQ MMO is disappointing.
I want a story!
Steam Profile | My Art | NID: DarkMecha (SW-4787-9571-8977) | PSN: DarkMecha
Even then, DQIX did plenty to piss off the core fanbase. The focus of the game was taken off the main quest and put into the series of side quests and grinding for loot. The main quest itself was also very weak for a DQ game. After how well done the stories of DQIV-VIII were it was a huge letdown to just have everything so generic.
Here we see an example of pure distilled wrong.
First off the whiny "core fanbase" was really pissed off because they dared to put it on the DS (See: spamming Amazon 1 star reviews before the game even came). Everything after that is just excuses and lies.
The idea that the "main quest" is weak and ignored is laughable. A large 40 hour RPG! With brilliant writing and excellent little stories. Wonderfully balanced, you can play it with any party any way you want. Then, there's a massive, impressive post game story and content. All this, packed into a single DS game. Yet this pisses off the "core fanbase?" The most successful DQ game ever?
EDIT: I'm going to put it more objectively. DQIX simply isn't standing the test of time like the rest of the series has. Just because a game sells a boatload of copies doesn't mean it's particularly good. I'm guessing that Wada pushed Hori to make a subscription based game to help Square-Enix out of its financial difficulties.
I thought the very initial hate that IX got was because it was going to be, as quoted "a more action-oriented premise than previous games in the series", whatever that means. I'm having trouble finding more, but weren't the first early builds almost like an action rpg rather than the traditional RPG that DQ has always been.
And according to Wikipedia, supposedly the spamming of 1 star reviews on Amazon was because they hated the blond, dark skinned fairy.
I'd sooner believe that over them "daring to put it on the DS". Japan loves the DS, why would they get pissy about that?
"The sausage of Green Earth explodes with flavor like the cannon of culinary delight."
I thought the very initial hate that IX got was because it was going to be, as quoted "a more action-oriented premise than previous games in the series", whatever that means. I'm having trouble finding more, but weren't the first early builds almost like an action rpg rather than the traditional RPG that DQ has always been.
Yeah, when I was first revealed it was basically an Action RPG. The first screes of the game had the characters hacking and slashing at enemies on the world map, as opposed to what we actually got. Can't really say for sure if Japanese fan bitching at the time caused the switch or some sort of behind the scenes Corporate machinations was to blame.
I would have loved a more action-RPG approach. The first screens of 9 got me excited for some Secret of Mana levels of multiplayer action. I was pretty disappointed when they showed of the revamped (devamped?) battle system, but it was still enjoyable, even in multiplayer.
I really hope the negative reactions to the MMO approach are taken into consideration by SquareEnix. although the game looks pretty far along.
Q: What is the official title of this game?
A: Dragon Quest X The Awakening of the Five Races
Q: What platforms will it be available for?
A: Wii, and Wii U. This game will NOT be available for play on the Nintendo 3DS, but we will be providing something for 3DS that will enhance your playing experience with DQX.
Q: When will the game go on sale?
A: The Wii version is due out in 2012. There is no date set for the WiiU version.
Q: How much will it cost?
A: We haven't decided yet, please wait for a further announcement.
Q: How many people can play the game?
A: Fundamentally, just one.
Q: With a single Wii, can multiple people play the game?
A: You can MAKE three characters, but can only play as one at a time. If you want to play with other people, they need to have their own Wii or WiiU hooked up.
Q: What's the target age for the game?
A: We have yet to receive a CERO evaluation, and will make an announcement as soon as we do.
Q: Give me some details about the game.
A: Please wait for further information for anything that has not already been shown at the unveiling. Please understand that even if you make inquiries, we are unable to reply.
Q: Who's on the development team?
A: General Director: Horii Yuji
Character Designer : Toriyama Akira
Director: Fujisawa Jin
Producer: Saito Yosuke
This game is being made in-house at Square-Enix.
Q: Is this an online game?
A: Yes, the first online game in the Dragon Quest series. You can play with other players in the Dragon Quest world.
Q: What do you need to play?
A: You need the following:
1) A wii or WiiU
2) A Dragon Quest X game disc
3) USB memory
A USB keyboard is supported but optional
4) An internet connection
The Wiimote + Nunchaku, Classic Controller and Classic Controller Pro are all supported.
Q: What is USB memory?
A: Please wait for a further announcement.
Q: Can I play without an internet connection?
A: You can for the first few hours offline, but in order to experience the entirety of the game an internet connection is necessary. (Translator Note: Answer is extremely vague, says there are "elements" of the game that require online, but that only the first few hours can be played offline. This is probably a thorny issue for SE)
Q: How do I connect my Wii to the internet?
A: Please refer to the Nintendo homepage. If you still have questions, contact Nintendo technical support.
Q: Aside from buying the game, are there any other fees?
A: Yes. If you play on line, we plan to charge a separate usage fee.
Q: How much is the fee?
A: Currently undecided. Please wait for a further announcement.
Q: Any pre-order bonuses?
A: Currently undecided. Please wait for a furthe announcement.
Q: Is there going to be a beta test?
A: Yes, we plan to have one. We are going to start applications for the test soon, so please wait for a further announcement.
Q: Where can I get updates on DQX?
A: We will make all announcements first on the DQX official site, and then the Dragon Quest Site "Dragon Quest Paradise".
Anyway, if there's a fee...well they'll have to do more than DQ online for me. I mean I love the Star Wars Universe a lot more than DQ's and I'm still debating whether I will jump on the TOR bandwagon. Nevermind olol the Wii online structure.
The monthly fee thing kills my interest 100%. I'll just take a break from following this game and come back in 6-8 months to see if Squeenix has come to their senses and removed the pay to play / mmo elements. If they did, yay for them they will get my 50 bucks. If they don't remove, I guess they don't care about my money.
EDIT: I'm going to put it more objectively. DQIX simply isn't standing the test of time like the rest of the series has. Just because a game sells a boatload of copies doesn't mean it's particularly good. I'm guessing that Wada pushed Hori to make a subscription based game to help Square-Enix out of its financial difficulties.
First off, these sort of "rankings" are rather unreliable because they're basically "What game did you play as a kid". Notice how DQIII on the top of the list.
Second off, you won't be able to tell if something "stood the test of time" until years later. A minority of retarded fans whining about HOW DARE THEY MAKE THINGS DIFFERENT isn't reliable. DQIX has received critical acclaim. It's only a small faction of "long term fans" (AKA: Idiots) hate it.
And western nerds don't? The rage shown at DQIX's first unveiling was enough to get it significantly redesigned so I wouldn't just discount it.
Honestly, I'm kinda relieved. DQX was the game that was going to get me to buy a Wii. Now I don't have to bother because the game looks completely and utterly unappealing to me.
I do find it bizarre that they're releasing it on the Wii U though. So much for only releasing Dragon Quest on the winning system.
Iwata: (stares)
Pokemon White Friend Code: 0046-2121-0723/White 2 Friend Code: 0519-5126-2990
"Did ya hear the one about the mussel that wanted to purchase Valve? Seems like the bivalve had a juicy offer on the table but the company flat-out refused and decided to immediately clam up!"
What I don't get it where this sudden wave of IX hate came from. I recall it being extremely well received.
Steam - Wildschwein | The Backlog
Grappling Hook Showdown - Tumblr
Personally i adored IX tremendously and if X is similar to IX gameplay-wise with the level of graphical fidelity i see in those pics and maybe some hub towns with trading and sidequests i'll be very pleased.
But if this really ends up being just a normal DQ game but with Dark Souls type online component added, I am seriously on board.
To dumb it down a shade, everybody is playing their own single player in their own pocket dimension, and occasionally you get glimpses of other dimensions. And if you want, you can hop between dimensions and buddy up with other people.
If they can do the same thing with DQX - that is, still have the same completely single player RPG, just with the added function that you can see other people playing as well - I can totally get jazzed for that.
But if it's just World of DragonQuestCraft, then... ugh.
"Long term fans" is another way of saying "people whose opinions you ignore" which includes notable people like CygnusZ
DQIX's changes had nothing to do with "long term fans" the fact that it matched what they were ranting about is merely proof that even a broken clock can be right once a day
Even then, DQIX did plenty to piss off the core fanbase. The focus of the game was taken off the main quest and put into the series of side quests and grinding for loot. The main quest itself was also very weak for a DQ game. After how well done the stories of DQIV-VIII were it was a huge letdown to just have everything so generic.
I want a story!
Here we see an example of pure distilled wrong.
First off the whiny "core fanbase" was really pissed off because they dared to put it on the DS (See: spamming Amazon 1 star reviews before the game even came). Everything after that is just excuses and lies.
The idea that the "main quest" is weak and ignored is laughable. A large 40 hour RPG! With brilliant writing and excellent little stories. Wonderfully balanced, you can play it with any party any way you want. Then, there's a massive, impressive post game story and content. All this, packed into a single DS game. Yet this pisses off the "core fanbase?" The most successful DQ game ever?
oh wait it's on a baby handheld it must suck
So yeah, the least popular DQ game.
EDIT: I'm going to put it more objectively. DQIX simply isn't standing the test of time like the rest of the series has. Just because a game sells a boatload of copies doesn't mean it's particularly good. I'm guessing that Wada pushed Hori to make a subscription based game to help Square-Enix out of its financial difficulties.
And according to Wikipedia, supposedly the spamming of 1 star reviews on Amazon was because they hated the blond, dark skinned fairy.
I'd sooner believe that over them "daring to put it on the DS". Japan loves the DS, why would they get pissy about that?
Yeah, when I was first revealed it was basically an Action RPG. The first screes of the game had the characters hacking and slashing at enemies on the world map, as opposed to what we actually got. Can't really say for sure if Japanese fan bitching at the time caused the switch or some sort of behind the scenes Corporate machinations was to blame.
NNID: Glenn565
Let me translate:
Q: Aside from purchasing software, will there be any other fees?
A: Yes, if you play on-line we plan to require players to pay a useage fee.
I really hope the negative reactions to the MMO approach are taken into consideration by SquareEnix. although the game looks pretty far along.
boo-urns. Hopefully there wont be any fees in the states like with MHTri
The FAQ can be accessed from:
This is crazy
I admire their ambition but I have to wonder if it will be any good
Or if it will even stick, or be abandoned during development because of how unpopular the idea of changing Dragon Quest is
Still kinda want that action RPG that was promised to us in IX
And put me in the camp to boot Akira Toriyama finally. He's terribly, terribly terrible.
Anyway, if there's a fee...well they'll have to do more than DQ online for me. I mean I love the Star Wars Universe a lot more than DQ's and I'm still debating whether I will jump on the TOR bandwagon. Nevermind olol the Wii online structure.
Sure, if you like that demonic power = cellulite. Also, SMILES, EVERYONE, SMILES.
He makes poop, IMO.
NNID: carmofin
3DS: 2852 6971 9745
Throw me a PM if you add me
True. But is that a bad thing?
First off, these sort of "rankings" are rather unreliable because they're basically "What game did you play as a kid". Notice how DQIII on the top of the list.
Second off, you won't be able to tell if something "stood the test of time" until years later. A minority of retarded fans whining about HOW DARE THEY MAKE THINGS DIFFERENT isn't reliable. DQIX has received critical acclaim. It's only a small faction of "long term fans" (AKA: Idiots) hate it.
Funny, I have the same question.