I've generally been able to go toe to toe with a lot of the more seen characters on Dom like Akali, Jax, Lee Sin, Tryn
Love that silence.
The great thing about Talon too is his ability to blink over almost every wall in Dominion.
Just chill in the jungle, wait for an enemy team to start capping a point then.... BLINK -> RAKE. If they start focusing you or capping again, just pop your ult and laugh.
Your ult's cooldown is stupid low too, so you should have it by the time to spawn/run to another point.
edit: I talon. My top 3 flavs right now are Riven, Talon and Lee Sin (both summoner's rift and dominion).
scattered_Fen on
Forever Zefirocloaked in the midnight glory of an event horizonRegistered Userregular
Yeah I've been taking CDR boots
Ult always up
This one game we were up against the sickest Galio
Dude had so much defense + Bulwark so you couldn't kill him, if you did try to focus him anyway he'd run away with his gust, so if you went back to capping the point, he'd poke you with his gust and eyeblast, by this time his team shows up
It was brutal, Galio OP on Dom
XBL - Foreverender | 3DS FC - 1418 6696 1012 | Steam ID | LoL
I have a feeling Lux could be a pro defender in Dominion, but I've yet to see a competent one.
If she got bored of defending or had nothing to defend against, she could Q through the jungle walls and hit people capping points.
If worse came to worst, she could leave her defensive point, walk about halfway through the jungle and ZAP a point being capped by the enemies. Then she can just strut back to the point she was defending.
Would it be a viable strategy to surround a speed platform with jack in the boxes? A friend of mine did something similar by putting Teemo's mushrooms on the speed panels. An interesting idea but I don't know how well it works.
I was up against a teemo putting shrooms on all the little health power ups in the jungle. Shit was so damn annoying. I suspect JitB would be just as annoying on the speed buffs.
The great thing about Talon too is his ability to blink over almost every wall in Dominion.
Just chill in the jungle, wait for an enemy team to start capping a point then.... BLINK -> RAKE. If they start focusing you or capping again, just pop your ult and laugh.
I can recommend Jarvan for that too. I like hiding in the bushes behind the top point to defend, and then toss a flag in the back of the capping fool and Dragon Strike over the wall into their faces. Extra giggles to immediately ult them so they're trapped there with the turret firing at them.
With the added bonus of his Demacian Standard buffing teammates as well, giving them armor and 22% attack speed.
Would it be a viable strategy to surround a speed platform with jack in the boxes? A friend of mine did something similar by putting Teemo's mushrooms on the speed panels. An interesting idea but I don't know how well it works.
I was up against a teemo putting shrooms on all the little health power ups in the jungle. Shit was so damn annoying. I suspect JitB would be just as annoying on the speed buffs.
I do this.
Its so fun to just randomly get kills because that near dead champ figured he'd get some health.
but yea Echo, definitely get a Gunblade into Rab cap/Rylais, whichever is more beneficial.
The reason I have these 3 as staple items is solely to let your puppets rape everything. Imagine after an enemy walks into your nest, he's not only silenced and has half his health missing before the silence is done, but he is also now slowed from the Rylais and you are leeching health this entire time from spellvamp.
If that doesn't kill him, use your active on Gunblade and watch how they run like babies.
Add more AP items for damage output hilarity (hence abys scepter).
edit: OH YEA! Get that recommended item he has that regens health, has a movement active and passive for increased capping speed. This will help you at waiting for the cooldown of puppets. Once you place your first or second puppet, use the active and rush to another point to decap.
The trick is to always have a new "homebase" area for your puppets every now and then. This is so no matter how many you lay down, you can always come back to that area for surprising ganks. Running from spawn back to my 2-3 puppets as the enemy runs by is just too jolly for words.
Boxes dont do spell vamp. Deathfire Grasp has a harder hitting active and built in CDR + mana regen...
BethrynUnhappiness is MandatoryRegistered Userregular
That new Ionic Spark is great for AS junkies. 45% AS, 250 health, every fourth attack does a 100 damage chain lightning to four targets. It's the first thing I go for with Jarvan after Boots 1, and I finish Boots 2 after that. Typically Mercury's Treads, but maybe I'll try Berserker's Greaves.
I had some awful experiences as bottom jarvan in dominion for 2 games: 1 as utility and 1 as defense. it's not the same as 1v1 top in summoner's rift apparently XD. I built him hybrid in the first game and straight tank in game 2.
It's been said already, but Singed's OPness has nothing to do with chasing him.
There are a handful of champions in the entire game that Singed does not easily butcher at a whim. And you know what? They're all massively OP too. Which is fine. But Singed is really boring and unfun to play against. Which is not fine.
We were losing SO hard, pushed to the inhib turrets with mid down with one tower taken on top lane, possibly one on bot.
Slowly, we get further and further up our builds and start to push a little harder, we kill Fids and they run.
We think they've gone for Baron so we head there to steal/gank, turns out they aren't there so we take it. As we get him to about 30% health, we see them heading for us.
We finish Baron AS they reach us which immediately sends them scattering. Fids - apparently planning on an ult from behind while we fight everyone else - gets left hanging for a gank, Singed comes to help and slowly gets whittled down as he charges down top.
The other three turn up to save Singed and I (the tank) get tossed into the middle, Ult goes up, Jarvan traps EVERYONE together and we RUIN them.
We take top inhib turret and inhib, then move over and take mid while I tank the tower. We consistently kill them off as they try to push us out.
GG. What just happened?
My Jarvan experience worked out pretty nicely by going defense, buying a catalyst first and then going tanky/atmas. He seemed to drop off hard late game though in Dominion. I just hugged turrets and poked while trying not to die.
The great thing about Talon too is his ability to blink over almost every wall in Dominion.
Just chill in the jungle, wait for an enemy team to start capping a point then.... BLINK -> RAKE. If they start focusing you or capping again, just pop your ult and laugh.
Your ult's cooldown is stupid low too, so you should have it by the time to spawn/run to another point.
edit: I talon. My top 3 flavs right now are Riven, Talon and Lee Sin (both summoner's rift and dominion).
Ult always up
This one game we were up against the sickest Galio
Dude had so much defense + Bulwark so you couldn't kill him, if you did try to focus him anyway he'd run away with his gust, so if you went back to capping the point, he'd poke you with his gust and eyeblast, by this time his team shows up
It was brutal, Galio OP on Dom
XBL - Foreverender | 3DS FC - 1418 6696 1012 | Steam ID | LoL
If she got bored of defending or had nothing to defend against, she could Q through the jungle walls and hit people capping points.
If worse came to worst, she could leave her defensive point, walk about halfway through the jungle and ZAP a point being capped by the enemies. Then she can just strut back to the point she was defending.
I was up against a teemo putting shrooms on all the little health power ups in the jungle. Shit was so damn annoying. I suspect JitB would be just as annoying on the speed buffs.
I can recommend Jarvan for that too. I like hiding in the bushes behind the top point to defend, and then toss a flag in the back of the capping fool and Dragon Strike over the wall into their faces. Extra giggles to immediately ult them so they're trapped there with the turret firing at them.
With the added bonus of his Demacian Standard buffing teammates as well, giving them armor and 22% attack speed.
Handmade Jewelry by me on EtsyGames for sale
Me on Twitch!
I do this.
Its so fun to just randomly get kills because that near dead champ figured he'd get some health.
3ds friend code: 2981-6032-4118
Boxes dont do spell vamp. Deathfire Grasp has a harder hitting active and built in CDR + mana regen...
Also, who cares about towers?
I don't see Tyrannus posting.
That new Ionic Spark is great for AS junkies. 45% AS, 250 health, every fourth attack does a 100 damage chain lightning to four targets. It's the first thing I go for with Jarvan after Boots 1, and I finish Boots 2 after that. Typically Mercury's Treads, but maybe I'll try Berserker's Greaves.
And yes, Ionic Spark is awesome. I rather like it on Jax.
3ds friend code: 2981-6032-4118
edit: and yeah, new thread time.
he really punishes improper play hard, but generally if people are playing well hes nowhere near as effective
hopefully it's something like the small armor nerf they gave him a while back
and if people are complaining about the CC reduction on his ult, just give him his old ult back
i liked it
I have no idea what they will actually do, but it will probably be either more than is necessary or won't actually address the issue itself
There are a handful of champions in the entire game that Singed does not easily butcher at a whim. And you know what? They're all massively OP too. Which is fine. But Singed is really boring and unfun to play against. Which is not fine.
What the fuck Ryze?
We were losing SO hard, pushed to the inhib turrets with mid down with one tower taken on top lane, possibly one on bot.
Slowly, we get further and further up our builds and start to push a little harder, we kill Fids and they run.
We think they've gone for Baron so we head there to steal/gank, turns out they aren't there so we take it. As we get him to about 30% health, we see them heading for us.
We finish Baron AS they reach us which immediately sends them scattering. Fids - apparently planning on an ult from behind while we fight everyone else - gets left hanging for a gank, Singed comes to help and slowly gets whittled down as he charges down top.
The other three turn up to save Singed and I (the tank) get tossed into the middle, Ult goes up, Jarvan traps EVERYONE together and we RUIN them.
We take top inhib turret and inhib, then move over and take mid while I tank the tower. We consistently kill them off as they try to push us out.
GG. What just happened?
my best guess is that wtf riven got their whole team like 5 times. Also nasus is the king of late game comebacks