Recently a buddy at work mentioned he had an opening in his game that has been on-going for a little while. They play over Skype and the GM uses livestream for showing movement during fights. I have played through one session and been reading the main book and a few of the other ones.
I haven't played an RPG like this in a long time, and a lot of how things work seem to be just a little different than the 3.5 DnD I originally learned. I need some assistance in building my character.
There's 4-5 other players depending on availability, and my intended role would be heavy weapons gunner and ships gunner. It's an HK Droid variant starting out at level 5. So far I've decided to go straight soldier, no multi-classing until later, and defensive stuff can fall by the wayside at least for now. I'm hoping you can maybe just help me understand what feats/talents are most effective vs redundant or useless and maybe just an idea of what makes characters effective.
Below is a sample stat block the GM sent me in an Excel spreadsheet.
HK MP5 G3-11 CL 5
Medium droid (4th-degree) soldier 5
Init +11; Senses low-light vision; Perception +10
Languages Basic, Binary; translator unit (DC 5)
Defenses Ref 22 (flat-footed 19), Fort 19, Will 16
hp 53; Threshold 19
Immune droid traits
Speed 6 squares
Melee by weapon +7
Ranged heavy repeating blaster +3 (3d10+2) with autofire or
Ranged heavy repeating blaster +6 (3d10+2) with braced autofire or
Ranged heavy repeating blaster +3 (5d10+2) with Burst Fire or
Ranged heavy blaster pistol +8 (3d8+2)
Base Atk +5; Grp +9
Atk Options autofire (heavy repeating blaster), Burst Fire, Devastating Attack (heavy), Point Blank Shot
Special Actions brace (heavy repeating blaster)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 18, Con -, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 10
Talents Comrades in Arms, Devastating Attack, Focused Targeting
Feats Armor Proficiency (light, medium), Burst Fire, Gunnery Specialist, Point Blank Shot, Weapon Proficiency (heavy, pistols, rifles, simple)
Skills Endurance +2, Initiative +11, Mechanics +7, Perception +10, Use Computer +7
Systems durasteel battle armor, 2 hand appendages, heuristic processor, improved sensor package, translator unit (DC 5), vocabulator, walking locomotion
Possessions heavy blaster pistol, heavy repeating blaster with 9 spare power packs
Gunner Specialist feat qualifies me for the [Gunnery] class Starship Tactics feat, which lets me pick out two manuevers, of which I have taken Devastating Hit: +1 die for hitting and every additional 4 points I exceed targets reflex defense up +3 die, and Explosive Shot: I shoot disabled ship and it explodes damaging other nearby ships. My attack role is compared to the Reflex defense of all nearby ships, they take 3d10x2 damage +1 die for every 4 points I exceed their Reflex Defense up to 5d10x2. This is a Reaction that activates if during my attack move I drop the ship I was targeting to 0 HP.
Eve Online is a terrible game, but
I used to play, for the lulz!
Only the strong can help the weak.
only one thing i'd suggest
consider switching gunnery specialist for double attack (heavy weapons)
you'll get more use out of it
(vehicle weapons are considered to be heavy weapons, you're proficient with them already and you can use double attack with them)
later, if it turns out you spend most of your combat encounters in a vehicle you could ask the GM about retraining it if it turns out you still really want gunnin' maneuvers
especially since it's a rare type such as an HK variant
Double Attack is on my list, but it's prerequisite is +6 base attack bonus which I can't get till my next level.
The degree thing looks like just a descriptor, the GM and I are both a little confused about how it works in game. Like, it's supposed to be an HK variant the group stumbled on during the course of the game that was being used as bodyguard/general security for an illicit mining operation. But I was thinking that it could just pass as a protocol droid as long as it leaves the cannon on the ship when necessary. The GM was originally thinking I would have two additional gun appendages and would kind of look like one of the obviously combat, war-oriented droids the Separatists used. I'm not sure on the exact date, but it's 5-10 years after the initial Jedi purge so a group walking around with an obvious battle droid would have... difficulty.
Also, are there any other types of weapons other than sonic that are effective vs Force users?
Only the strong can help the weak.
look under the droid chapter, being of a certain degree means you have basic features and ability scores that are locked in
Only the strong can help the weak.