Next week,
@somestickguy will be leaving us for two whole years because he is a man of GOD and will be doing some missionary work. The LORD abhors the internet, so he won't be here no mo.
Let us take this thread to reflect and think about the good times.
There will be a quiz at the end of the thread, so pay attention.
Here is a list of sample topics to better prepare you.
1. What do you like best about somestickguy?
2. If somestickguy was a pizza topping, which would he be?
3. Describe somestickguy by naming a sexual position.
4. How much awesome stuff is somestickguy going to miss in two years?
5. Question why somestickguy and Santa Claus have never been in the same room together.
6. Get emotional, but only briefly. Emotional outpourings over 60 seconds are strictly forbidden.
7. Consider other stick guys we could get to replace somestickguy.
8. Cheese that looks like somestickguy.
9. Design a memorial shirt.
10. Post whatever comes to mind when you think of somestickguy.
The quiz is worth 20% of your final grade. There will be no makeup quizzes, so attendance is mandatory. You may take the quiz in advance if you will be absent for the end of the thread. There will be extra credit questions involving somestickguy's taste in sandwiches. Cheating is not tolerated, and will result in an F on your quiz.
There will also be a project due. I will assign partners to work together on projects. These are worth 30% of your final grade. You will give a short presentation on somestickguy to the rest of the class. Creativity is encouraged.
Good luck, class!
and goodbye, somestickguy
But he won't know how Homestuck ends!
just kidding
SSG is a nice dude
edit: oh damn it
edit numero dos: and now it's gone again! dios mio!
Is thiiiiis big
also as for number three, the answer is obvious: missionary
I'm sorry for not knowing you, Somestickguy.
why did you take the stick guy from us
please give him back
Good one, suggesting it'll end within the next two years.
I like that person
Pfffft, maybe you should consider sharing the same tastes as me
oh man
Good luck SSG! Enjoy your two years! Where are you going, btw?
I'm a food snobby gay, do you have the same tastes as me?
(I know you don't)
may you come back in 2 years jaded and hungry for homestuck
You will be missed!
Good luck
Secret Satan 2013 Wishlist
I just checked and I taste kinda salty.
What do you taste like?
And I also like valve games so FRANKLY The Geek hasn't been PAYING ATTENTION
So not far, but also a place I've never been before
I'm actually planning on (permanently?) visiting America afterwards
so is (some of) America
Edit whoops London then, watch out for chavs and chimney sweeps!
Any suggestions
You're only allowed to take a non-video camera
Wouldn't have much use for video anyway