Motherfuckin' eBay. People. Let me preach.
As a kid, I wanted that Lego Monorail moon base thing.
You know. This Lego Monorail moon base thing;
Alas, no room and no money. But now I have the room, and the disposable income I get for being a student. It's go time on the monorail situation.
Or so I thought.
Lego don't keep manufacturing their back catalogue I guess. That's news to me, but OK. eBay then, yeah?
This here auction, this auction I was about to win? Last second, outbid, and 5 minutes later, the object of my desires is relisted. Could the blatant self buyer be any more blatant?
In other news, LEGO YEAH.
I'm buying lots of Lego right now. My baby brother is a destructive prick, and I think a little Lego time with me is just what he needs. Unfortunately, me being 22 and miserly, I think the current sets on sale are balls. So I'm picking up the sets I used to love so much. Namely these heroes:
And these villains:
Even if the Lego therapy doesn't help my bro, at least I'll have a Lego collection again.
(i have all of those sets)
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I had these!
They were awesome
pay it forward
too damn late
you cannot defeat me, Mr. Bond.
My LEGO have been donated to my plethora of young cousins, mostly because I balked at the cost of shipping a 60 gallon rubbermaid container cross-country
this is the jewel of my collection
and it always smelled really nice and plasticcy
might as well just put a TARDIS in every post
YES, thank you Indie.
I was trawling looking for the kits that had that dome cockpit window like that.
The subs of my day were all yellow and blue hard edge panels - Aquanauts, I believe.
But I had one of those round domes too. Many a year I pondered where the fuck it had come from.
were there ever Mecha Legos
like, big roboty legos you made out opf a lot of tiny little bits, and they had a cockpit you could put the little yellow legomen in
(Bionicle doesn't count)
I had the Dragon version of that set.
Dragons on the shields. Dragon Banners. A fucking black dragon.
And a couple of Lego ________ video games
Exo-Force and Roboforce
when i was maybe 13 my grandparents went to singapore and brought me back an imitation lego set
but it was INCREDIBLE
it was basically a gundam made from lego that could transform into a fighter jet
Lego Chess
Lego Rock Raiders ( )
Lego Racing
Yeah, Spyrius had one; the Space bad guys before the UFO sets.
Yesss I also had that one, so rad.
Also, the giant pirate ship lego set, too.
I totally forgot about his
Also why can't you buy Legos in the big random buckets. That's where the fun was at.
That plus the spy fox games, plus some silly 101 Dalmatians video game = my childhood computer experience