I would have put this in the Magic thread, but this is a little bit different as there is a tournament that is being held between a few friends and others. I would like this thread to basically chronical the tournament and view my progress.
I haven't played magic in years and I am quite out of it. The last edition we saw was the 7th edition. My deck is an Elf deck through and through, no other creatures than elves. So with these new editions out I might have to upgrade my spells and elves. Do you guys have any suggestions on what to include?
I know one is bringing an Goblin deck which is mortal enemy to my elf deck and there seems to be a samurai or some such deck.
Mostly this tournament is bring our decks which are way behind in sets, and buy those tournament packs, any kind, and chose a colour and get the cards. There is mostly Blue, Red, White and Green but I have no information on if anyone will be playing Black.
Since this starts tomorrow, is it wise to go out and buy the current tournament packs to build up my deck or get a couple of the Cheap Green new edition (I believe its on to 9th now?) preconstructed decks and get those cards? We can use any cards from any sets. Any recommendation is fine. I will post my deck list shortly.
9th edition packs are not worth buying. The set is so big that you will rarely get the cards that you want. You're better-off trading for the cards you need or buying singles off the internet.
I was in the same boat as you when I got back into tournament play. The last set I played competitively was the Urza's block. I just started playing again with the release of Time Spiral. Its hard trying to re-learn the game, because you have to figure out what cards are good for particular purposes, new mechanics and new decks.
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yeah... have fun
so with a forked fire ball
good luck
2 Blue Decks
2 Green Decks
1 White Deck
1 Red/Black Deck
1 White/Red Deck
The 1 Blue deck and 1 Green deck are the new players. What I know of these is that the white one is a total soldier deck with knights and all so its like an Army deck. The Red I assume is a Goblin deck but what black cards he has isn't known to me. The White/Red is the Samuari deck. 1 known blue deck is a instant deck namely he has instants and spells up the wazoo.
The tournament also allows us to buy an unlimited number of Tournament/Pre-Con decks to use before the tournament. I bought one and just got a couple of cards to use not much. 1 Legendary Creature but mostly Sorcery cards. The others I will hold on for trading purposes.
In the Tournament there will be only 2 Tournament Decks per person in the begining and those will be decided by the players.
Since this thing begins tomorrow, I might pick up a Tempest, Ice Age and the newist one to see what I can get. I don't hope for much, but it would be nice to have some good cards.
There are no limits to cards in the deck, only that it has to be no less the 60 but more is fine. My Elf has 135 cards, I know the Soldier deck has 101 and I assume the rest are like that as well. Pretty interesting anyway.
astrobstrd, thanks for the tip. If I can't find those tournament packs, I will try to pick one up from that set.
Well it depends on the person behind the deck, I've played some Boros that made me weep with pitty for the player behind it. But if they know what they're doing, Boros hurts like a son of a bitch.