Las Vegas is Everyman's cut-rate Babylon. Not far away there is, or was, a roadside lunch counter and over it a sign proclaiming in three words that a Roman emperor's orgy is now a democratic institution. "Topless Pizza Lunch." ~ Alistair Cooke Las Vegas, Nevada 1987
Las Vegas is a young city, a place of dynamic, ceaseless change. In the course of a little more than hundred years it went from a resting place for Mormon pilgrims, a modern day Gomorrah openly ruled by organized crime, to a respectable vacation spot for a family that hopes to hit it big but more often than not, will go home penniless. Most would think beings centered around inertia and stability would avoid it like a hot, sunny afternoon. But they forget one key thing, Vampires are creatures of the Night and no other city comes alive at Night like Vegas does.
Until the late 60's Las Vegas was a Carthains domain through and through. Most of the City's native Invicitus population up to that point was small, rural, and almost entirely unwilling to adapt to the rapid growth the city experienced in the 40's when organized crime developed the area into a gambling haven for Americans. The Carthians were not only willing to make these connections but were willing to expand and build their own infrastructure for the expected rise in the Kindred population as the City grew.
With the arrival of Howard Hughes, legitimate businessmen and the trail blazing Invictus vampires who followed them to Las Vegas caused power to shift from the democrats to other the Covenants in the city on an almost nightly basis. It finally cycled into Invictus hands, at the edge of a sword...almost literally, and specifically into Duke Jacques Pompidou's hands in the early seventies. An Ancient Gangrel vampire who used to be a French pirate sailing around the Caribbean during his mortal days, he knws how to plunder mortals pockets with both a real pirate ship or one of the fake ones in front of his casino on the Las Vegas Strip. During his reign the city experienced an unexpected peace thanks to his ability to compromise and share power with the other Elders and Covenants in the city. That has come back to haunt him however, as now his blood has once again grown too powerful and he feels the stirrings of Topor run through him. And the city is once again a ticking time bomb about to explode.
The Black Circle, Vegas' more powerful variant of the Primogen Council, comprised of one representative from each of the city's Covenants and the Prisus of the Nosferatu, a woman known only as the Queen of Shadows who rules the vast underground tunnels beneath Las Vegas, has begun splintering apart and forming backdoor deals and alliances. Vegas' Sheriff Virgil McMasters barely restrains the city from becoming an open blood bath, with the threat of reprisals directly coming from the Duke himself. But his deep sleep is coming soon and with it the peace has built will come to an end.
Your Coterie has formed during this calm before the storm, with all of you realizing the only way your weather this is to form a strong alliance with your fellows and navigating the political, and literal battlefield about to form in Las Vegas.
Rules and Character Creation
After my computer crapped out and died a terrible terrible death, I was forced to abandon an otherwise great looking game on here. I decided to try and re launch it. All those who submitted sheets last time, should feel free to remind my stupid face and reapply and get instant approval.
Standard character generation plus 45 points. Collaborative chargen is encouraged, you are part of the same cotrie after all guys.
Also I personally love anime but any trench coat katana wielding dudes with anime names won't be accepted.
I would definitely be down to do this again. And I have a WAY better character concept this time. My last one was lame and a half.
Gimme a bit to toss something together.
Edit: Anyone feel free toss me a message about making a collaboration. I love schemes.
JK, less than a month. What I meant to say was, "Hi."
Felix Cortez reporting for duty.