You know what, strike that... I'm going to go Nissan Leaf at F-Class, and then limit myself to using all upgraded Nissan's at the other classes. Should be fun!
Cars have been chosen for all classes. B is the only one I haven't decided one for sure. Going by testing lap times, the original plan was a Mitsu Colt Ralliart. Then that was beaten by what was going to be a "Heh, wonder what this would do at that class"... a Ford '57 Thunderbird. And the Thunderbird beat the Ralliart time on Camino Full, which I've been using for my general tests due to a nice length to variety ratio, by 2 full seconds. My concern with the Thunderbird is the damn thing is so huge (and a little wild in corners) it might be a danger to fellow racers.
This is all depending on whether I can even make it this week, as the cold that sidelined me a couple weeks ago has popped back up as a severe sinus infection. Of course the alternative to racing is horrible pain upon laying down, so I should make it barring too bad of a pain spike.
I had a Peugeot 207 in B-class i was trying out on Nur GP. Just for laughs I pulled out my B-class city car and was 2 seconds a lap faster. Shedding 1200 lbs makes a difference it seems. Can't really use it though because any contact at all and I'm out of the race.
Just remember that half the people you meet are below average intelligence.
WulfDisciple of TzeentchThe Void... (New Jersey)Registered Userregular
edited December 2011
Oh, this ought to be interesting
Finally my time tweaking and poking at my DeLorean can do something. F class? Nah, E-C? No way. B Class all the way baby! :P
Wulf on
Everyone needs a little Chaos!
0Replace4DisplaceThe best girls are ships and guns.Registered Userregular
0Replace4DisplaceThe best girls are ships and guns.Registered Userregular
Nova_CI have the needThe need for speedRegistered Userregular
So I'm an idiot apparently. I thought the classes were R1->R2->R3, but it's the other way around. I only plan to take a Lamborghini to R3. The lowest R-Class.
Anyway, so I've got my cars set, although I'm really unhappy with my B class options. But that's probably because I just spent the last two hours trying to learn how to drift in either an STi or a Supra and I couldn't do it. Either there was virtually no sliding, or I just turned completely backwards. There was no middle ground. Ever. Two hours and I didn't pull off a successful drift once.
Apparently I simply am incapable of doing it.
0Replace4DisplaceThe best girls are ships and guns.Registered Userregular
edited December 2011
Try an old muscle car with no roll bars. The body roll makes drifting very forgiving. And the metric fuckload of torque keeps bad gear changes from destroying your dorifto.
Give it a bunch of Sport/Street upgrades, don't tune it, and go to town.
I could go for the 50s roadster idea. I've been meaning to buy one for a while anyway. What class would we run? They all start in C, except the 250C which is D, but it's going to take at least B-class to tame them.
58 Aston: $6M
57 Maserati: $1M
57 Ferrari 250 TR: $8M
57 Ferrari 250 C: $3M (include this or not?)
56 Jag: $3M
I agree the price is steep, but you've already got the Maserati and 250 TR, I would buy the Aston. Just need someone to pick up the Jag. Put them in the club garage and even the peasants shall race like kings.
SiliconStew on
Just remember that half the people you meet are below average intelligence.
under Rivals Track Days theres one at Le Mans where you drive R1 and the traffic is R3. 200mph most of the way and theres hundreds of cars in your way.
Basticle on
0Replace4DisplaceThe best girls are ships and guns.Registered Userregular
under Rivals Track Days theres one at Le Mans where you drive R1 and the traffic is R3. 200mph most of the way and theres hundreds of cars in your way.
Getting 9/10s through that and having a fucking BMW sideswipe you, invalidating your lap, is the worst thing.
Targa Arcadia added to OP. I made a logo for a similar event back in Forza 3, I'll put it on my storefront, just search for my gamertag or the tag penarc
0Replace4DisplaceThe best girls are ships and guns.Registered Userregular
So just out of curiosity, are we planning on doing an SBC?
Nova_CI have the needThe need for speedRegistered Userregular
Hm, if I'm able to show up this week, I'll definitely be using the club garage. I have $500k and that's the most money I've had in game so far. :P
Redlines, who needs them.
This is all depending on whether I can even make it this week, as the cold that sidelined me a couple weeks ago has popped back up as a severe sinus infection. Of course the alternative to racing is horrible pain upon laying down, so I should make it barring too bad of a pain spike.
Finally my time tweaking and poking at my DeLorean can do something. F class? Nah, E-C? No way. B Class all the way baby! :P
And the Suzuki is fucking apeshit!
Best DLC ever.
sorry I haven't shown up lately to the races though. you know, finals
Whoever wins or loses and whose name starts with J buys me the Pikes Peak Suzuki.
is that the one in the new DLC?
Anyway, so I've got my cars set, although I'm really unhappy with my B class options. But that's probably because I just spent the last two hours trying to learn how to drift in either an STi or a Supra and I couldn't do it. Either there was virtually no sliding, or I just turned completely backwards. There was no middle ground. Ever. Two hours and I didn't pull off a successful drift once.
Apparently I simply am incapable of doing it.
Give it a bunch of Sport/Street upgrades, don't tune it, and go to town.
Good times to follow.
Perhaps I can interest you in my meager selection of pins?
Which looks very much like Windows 8.
the problem is not all of us can really afford them
[puts on sunglasses, drives away in 50's roadster with feathered hair, scarf, and popped collar blowing in the wind]
oh, by the way, the Mach 5 is up in the Club Garage at [B|500] if anyone wants to drive it and offer suggestions for tuning
58 Aston: $6M
57 Maserati: $1M
57 Ferrari 250 TR: $8M
57 Ferrari 250 C: $3M (include this or not?)
56 Jag: $3M
I agree the price is steep, but you've already got the Maserati and 250 TR, I would buy the Aston. Just need someone to pick up the Jag. Put them in the club garage and even the peasants shall race like kings.
the Raptor in B500 with ~700 horsepower is kinda terrifying
You ever try to stop a 5,500 pound truck from 130 miles per hour? Yeah.
Also, are there any cars that are compelling for competing D-class? I'm having a hard time finding something I want to upgrade for the Event List.
Everything in E seems kind of boring, and the Dino I've kept specifically tuned for Cross events. I brought all my muscle cars up to C.
69 Toyota 2000GT, 71 Nissan Skyline 2000GT-R are my favorites for that class. But any of the lightweight FWD cars work well, even if they are boring.
under Rivals Track Days theres one at Le Mans where you drive R1 and the traffic is R3. 200mph most of the way and theres hundreds of cars in your way.
Getting 9/10s through that and having a fucking BMW sideswipe you, invalidating your lap, is the worst thing.