I have an awesome job where I work with awesome people and learn awesome things in my awesome career field and it's at night (so it's awesome) and I get an awesome paycheck.
Also, my roommate bought me computer upgrades for Christmas, making my desktop awesome. I have been playing awesome games on it (FINALLY received Portal 2 from my secret satan, and it's SO awesome)
I got my SS presents today, those are awesome.
Been watching some fucking awesome TV shows lately (BSG, King of the Hill)
Have spent the better part of a month sitting in my fucking awesome bean bag chair http://www.lovesac.com/sacs/bigone.html
(the link button was being weird, dunno what's up with that!)
Wow. I guess Im a bit behind on the current politicking. I didnt actually realize that Newt was really a contender. I thought people were just talking about him tongue and cheek like.
Also, my roommate bought me computer upgrades for Christmas, making my desktop awesome. I have been playing awesome games on it (FINALLY received Portal 2 from my secret satan, and it's SO awesome)
My whole family is together for Christmas for the first time since 2001.
This is awesome as well.
Hey Satan!
Been watching some fucking awesome TV shows lately (BSG, King of the Hill)
Have spent the better part of a month sitting in my fucking awesome bean bag chair http://www.lovesac.com/sacs/bigone.html
(the link button was being weird, dunno what's up with that!)
I love the oxford comma.
10 days off.
Need some stuff designed or printed? I can help with that.
i am awesome
that is whats awesome
Hey Satan!
also wow, what a shitty group of people to be running for president
does no one have any pride in the quality of their product?
Hey Satan!
that would be awesome
A gay man asked why he should vote for Newt and he said "Don't. Vote for Obama."
So the typical GOP rhetoric of only giving a fuck for other rich whities probably appeals to republican voters too.
XBox LIVE: Bogestrom | Destiny
PSN: Bogestrom