Archer Phalla
This is a
Phalla game, Penny Arcade Forum's version of the party game Mafia. If this is your first game, it will be informative to visit the linked topic for some background information. The game is inspired by the
Archer television show on FX. The show is filled with some explicit language and sexuality, and I intend to capitalize on this fact in humorous fashion.
Genre: Traditional (Village vs. Mafia). There will be no conversions, thralls, vlads, etc. in this game.
See special rules, however.Voting
Every day a player will vote for someone they think is a rival spy/terrorist/mafioso in
bold red.
Voting will close each day at
9PM EST (UTC -5); any actions before the hour (x:59) will count, any actions on the hour and later (x:00) will not.
Special Rules
Sex: Archer has a lot of references to sex. I'm incorporating that into a unique function of my game. Seering takes place as follows: two players agree to "have sex" with each other during the night. They then add the host to their PM thread where
both have explicitly written that they will spend the night with the other player. The next day both will receive PMs revealing information about the other player.
WARNING: Sexually explicit content will not be tolerated by this host. Please keep yourselves in check, folks. This is meant for humor, not titillation.
Money: Players will receive a salary each day in accordance with their job. This can be used to purchase special items posted at the start of each day and at 12PM EST (for those of you on the other side of the world). Items will be first-come, first-serve.
Signing Up
Sign up with the phrase "
I !sign up" or similar phrase in
bold limegreen or other bright, easily visible color to ensure that your intent to play is acknowledged. There is a maximum limit of 50 players for this game and a minimum of 30. Let's see how many of you want to play.
It is expected that players make at least two posts and a vote each day to be considered sufficiently active. A warning will be sent on the first day that this requirement is not met, and a replacement will be made on the second consecutive day of inactivity or third day overall. If there are no replacements available, then the player will be eliminated from the game.
Any questions about the general game rules may be made by highlighting the question in
bold orange text. Answers will be posted in the thread and collected in the below section. Player-specific inquiries that are not addressed in the general rules may be asked via PM to host daniant.
Other Rules
Standard Phalla rules apply: no sharing of host-provided PMs via screenshots and direct quotation. However, information may be shared indirectly, such as through rephrasing. No anonymous contact is allowed. All messages must be traceable to a player in the game.
If any players create "proboards" for private communication or interesting conversations including more than two players, please send links for them to the host.
Example Village Role
Office Drone
Primary win condition: Destroy the mafia
Clarificationsis it possible to have an orgy?
You may only have sex with one person each night. Not that the orgy doesn't sound hilarious mechanics.
Role-calls will not be allowed.
Order of Actions: Vote, items, guard, vig, sex
The vote does not trickle.
Just to be clear, we cannot announce to the world whom we've slept with? Can we reveal this information privately?
Yes and yes.
Items' function may not be revealed to the thread until they have been used.
Is it possible to pool our money? An "office pool" if you will?
No, tontines are illegal.
Can players sell their items, if they wish?
No.Player List
Spoit, Cyril Figgis (Accountant)-
killed by a bomb[/b]
2. vertroue
3. Turkson
4. corvidae
5. Cayrus
6. Capfalcon
warban, Len Trexler- shot by Lana
8. jdarksun
Cythraul, Lana Kane (Even-Day Vig)-
killed by the mafia
Infidel, Mallory Archer- killed by the mafia
11. Bedlam
madmax7575 Zandracon
CaptainPlanet82, Bucky (mafia)-
the vote
14. sportzboytjw
15. I needed a name to post.
16. AkimboLegs
17. Tayrun
18. Thetheroo
SeGaTai, Katya Kasanova- the vote
20. Lucedes
21. Taya
kime, Framboise- vote
23. MagicPrime
Langly, Doctor Krieger, Scientist- killed by the mafia
25. jackisreal
26. stever777
27. SLyM
28. Assuran
29. PsychoLarry1
30. mascara305
Flarne, Uta, mafia- blown up
The Anonymous, Barry Dillon- killed by mafia
33. MrBlarney
34. Shiny New Toys
romanqwerty, Office Drone-
killed by the mafia
36. KetBra
Retaba, Carol/Cheryl Tunt (Village Idiot)- vote
Orange Soda, Rip Riley- shot by Archer
39. facetious
40. Pharezon
Phyphor, Office Drone- killed by the mafia
42. Citizen
43. MrTlicious
Day 1Day 2Day 3
Finally, thanks to Blarney! I totally stole his format!
From the Desk of Darth Vertroue Diplomat to the USA.
Henri Emmanuel Gratien St Pierre in Where No Man Has Gone Before
Lord Augustus Cumberbatch in Eclipse Phase
Wrong show, but I still approve.
And !Sign Up.
Twitch Stream
I will be very disappointed if the Archer gang isn't the mafia and the rest of the players the rest of the world desperate to get them to stop shooting them.
Confusion will be my epitaph
Glad to see a quick turnaround though
No, the mafia is ants.
And that's how you get ants.
TylerJ on League of Legends (it's free and fun!)
This is an archer. [NSFW-L]
that is both a joke and an actual question
You may only have sex with one person each night. Not that the orgy doesn't sound hilarious mechanics.
Zithra Melitch in Star Wars: An Empire's End
Jellica in In the Shadow of Zeus
probably sleeping with everyone in this phalla
I love Archer
3DS Friend Code: 3110-5393-4113
Steam profile
So you signing up or not, TA?
Zithra Melitch in Star Wars: An Empire's End
Jellica in In the Shadow of Zeus
Critical Failures - Havenhold Campaign • August St. Cloud (Human Ranger)
sign up
The fourth episode of the third season debuted last Thursday!
I know, I'm so timely.
Edit: The first three episodes were teased last fall, too.
Zithra Melitch in Star Wars: An Empire's End
Jellica in In the Shadow of Zeus
You should find someone that you can tag in.
Zithra Melitch in Star Wars: An Empire's End
Jellica in In the Shadow of Zeus
I'm bringing sexy back