Did the DLC fight. It was fairly easy, although I did take in a Sentinel (Bunkerbuster or whatever he's called, with about 4k HP).
Alternated between RAV/COM/SEN, SYN/SAB/SEN, MED/MED/MED, and COM/COM/COM. The enemy team also alternates, which warns you about what they're going to do. They have a buffing stance you have to debuff / dispel away. RAV/COM/SEN let me build up chain on them in relative safety, and whenever I needed healing I just went MED/MED/MED -- a bit overkill, but it works.
Once I staggered them I was doing about 7-8k a hit, and they only had 700k hp, wasn't a huge stretch. You can't waste time though, as they have a tanking stance, and Mediguard at 700kHP is fucking absurd.
I took out the guy first, and Lightning did about 1k damage total to the Sentinel with Army of One. Let me repeat that. Lightning was doing 1,000 damage to a SEN with her attack. The last boss wasn't even pulling that shit off.
Also: Where are my potions that heal 39,999 hp? Seriously.
No drops, I hear it's a 7% drop unless you have the Fragment skill that causes higher drop rates. Since I don't, I guess I'll just be repeating it a few dozen times. Apparently they're very quick to max out -- only about 16 levels in the crystalthingy (stop making up words with more than 8 syllables, dammit) so if you can get multiples then they might (might) make good breeding fodder for your "real" RAV/COM. Or they might just be good enough to replace them, who knows?
Caius is quickly becoming one of my favorite video game villains.
You ain't seen nothing yet. Let us know when you get to the end credits.
Better yet, the 160 Fragments special scene...
It's on Youtube in English now.
He mocks the player (well, it's a bit ambiguous) for trying to find a timeline where he doesn't win, since it doesn't exist, and points out that we played right into his plans the whole way.
Is there a trick/pattern to hands of time anomalies? Or just sheer rote trial and error?
I like to do trial and error until I get something close to a solution and then work backwards from there. It worked surprisingly well. Or you can just cheat and use this website (where [0] is at the 12 o'clock position and it proceeds clockwise), which I found a little while ago while looking for a strategy to do one of the crystal collecting ones (the teleporting assholes).
Caius is quickly becoming one of my favorite video game villains.
You ain't seen nothing yet. Let us know when you get to the end credits.
Better yet, the 160 Fragments special scene...
It's on Youtube in English now.
He mocks the player (well, it's a bit ambiguous) for trying to find a timeline where he doesn't win, since it doesn't exist, and points out that we played right into his plans the whole way.
Seriously? Best FF villain ever. He breaks the fourth wall to personally give the player the finger for trying to oppose him. :P
Again, superbly ballsy for the series, and perhaps for videogames in general. I really enjoy it.
Guys, stop dropping hints on how the game ends + the secret ends.
Not trying to be anal, just prefer if most comments about both, even if they aren't spoilers, were kept as spoilers.
Also, is it possible to get a Paradox ending before the default one? I worry all this random gate jumping might end up leading to one of them.
There is only one paradox ending, afaik, that you can get pre-beating the game.
And it's blindingly obvious when you can do it.
You don't need the paradox item to get the Atlas or Royal Ripeness paradox endings but you can't turn back time until you've finished the game anyway, right? So you'll undoubtedly miss those.
Anyway, I've got 136 Fragments at the moment. I'm hoping to finish the game completely this weekend. Then I can... Sit around doing nothing till Kingdoms of Amalur arrives from the UK.
Again, superbly ballsy for the series, and perhaps for videogames in general. I really enjoy it.
No Snuggs allowed
Nah, seriously? It was like a running theme in Ultima. Most other 80s/90s adventure games, too.
Mother and most of Suda's games did something similar. Not necessarily bad guy wins endings, but certainly executed a lot more effectively.
Hell, it was a deliberate mechanic in Eternal Darkness.
Or maybe you're just talking about the bad guy winning part of it. Like Kefka did in FF6.
The best thing you can say about it is that a good wrap up for the 2nd part of a trilogy. The Episode 5 ending, or the Two Towers, or the Matrix sequel that didn't actually exist so shut up about it. You end on a powerful cliffhanger, in the belly of the beast, with no possible hope of escape except for the promise of a sequel (or DLC expansion in this case).
Considering how most game trilogies pan out, that actually is something worth mentioning. It's a proper ending to a part 2 of 3.
Again, superbly ballsy for the series, and perhaps for videogames in general. I really enjoy it.
No Snuggs allowed
Nah, seriously? It was like a running theme in Ultima. Most other 80s/90s adventure games, too.
Mother and most of Suda's games did something similar. Not necessarily bad guy wins endings, but certainly executed a lot more effectively.
Hell, it was a deliberate mechanic in Eternal Darkness.
Or maybe you're just talking about the bad guy winning part of it. Like Kefka did in FF6.
The best thing you can say about it is that a good wrap up for the 2nd part of a trilogy. The Episode 5 ending, or the Two Towers, or the Matrix sequel that didn't actually exist so shut up about it. You end on a powerful cliffhanger, in the belly of the beast, with no possible hope of escape except for the promise of a sequel (or DLC expansion in this case).
Considering how most game trilogies pan out, that actually is something worth mentioning. It's a proper ending to a part 2 of 3.
In terms of the series, Kefka eventually lost. He "won" but he was still defeated in the end.
In terms of videogames, there are few that actively point out that all you did was futile. I don't particularly like Suda's games so I can't really comment on them.
He's a Ravager. I just switched him for Major Moblin (sent), since Sarah is a better Rav than he was.
On my way to get that green chocobo then!
Did you go ahead and get the DLC? Might want to try and fight Lightning, she's meant to be one of the best Ravagers in the game. Might take a few attempts though, she won't automatically join you.
Oh and thumbs up Wolfman, XIII's platinum is an insanely time consuming process. XIII-2 is much better in that regard.
Via Toryiama there'll be DLC story chapters, so even if they don't make a FXIII-3 (is this even something they've discussed?) they can still close out the story properly and resolve the to be continued.
Still, yeah, man. Fuck all the haters, this moved to #2 on my list of best FF games, X is still my favorite.
I'm not sure it's a great thing to have to buy DLC in order to get a "real" ending.
It's a new thing that's happened in a couple of games I think? And I hate it.
From what I can remember, Eidos were the first ones to do it back in 2008 with Tomb Raider Underworld, though they went even further and made it 360 exclusive. It makes the whole "Eidos should teach Square Enix" thing Giant Bomb were talking about last week hilarious. Nice work, they taught them how to be dicks.
Edit: Paradox resolved with a double post?
Edit #2: Nope, Dude With Herpes' second post suddenly disappeared. The forums are acting up.
Again, superbly ballsy for the series, and perhaps for videogames in general. I really enjoy it.
No Snuggs allowed
Nah, seriously? It was like a running theme in Ultima. Most other 80s/90s adventure games, too.
Mother and most of Suda's games did something similar. Not necessarily bad guy wins endings, but certainly executed a lot more effectively.
Hell, it was a deliberate mechanic in Eternal Darkness.
Or maybe you're just talking about the bad guy winning part of it. Like Kefka did in FF6.
The best thing you can say about it is that a good wrap up for the 2nd part of a trilogy. The Episode 5 ending, or the Two Towers, or the Matrix sequel that didn't actually exist so shut up about it. You end on a powerful cliffhanger, in the belly of the beast, with no possible hope of escape except for the promise of a sequel (or DLC expansion in this case).
Considering how most game trilogies pan out, that actually is something worth mentioning. It's a proper ending to a part 2 of 3.
In terms of the series, Kefka eventually lost. He "won" but he was still defeated in the end.
In terms of videogames, there are few that actively point out that all you did was futile. I don't particularly like Suda's games so I can't really comment on them.
It's fairly popular on the sci-fi horror spectrum of gaming. Lotsa devs read I have no mouth and I must scream, I guess. Then again, the game itself kinda messed it up by giving you a possibility for a good ending, but eh.
Also a familiar saying in bad endings for games.
As for one that genuinely states it even in the best possible ending... oh yeah, Coaxmetal. He's not even an antagonist.
Again, superbly ballsy for the series, and perhaps for videogames in general. I really enjoy it.
No Snuggs allowed
Nah, seriously? It was like a running theme in Ultima. Most other 80s/90s adventure games, too.
Mother and most of Suda's games did something similar. Not necessarily bad guy wins endings, but certainly executed a lot more effectively.
Hell, it was a deliberate mechanic in Eternal Darkness.
Or maybe you're just talking about the bad guy winning part of it. Like Kefka did in FF6.
The best thing you can say about it is that a good wrap up for the 2nd part of a trilogy. The Episode 5 ending, or the Two Towers, or the Matrix sequel that didn't actually exist so shut up about it. You end on a powerful cliffhanger, in the belly of the beast, with no possible hope of escape except for the promise of a sequel (or DLC expansion in this case).
Considering how most game trilogies pan out, that actually is something worth mentioning. It's a proper ending to a part 2 of 3.
In terms of the series, Kefka eventually lost. He "won" but he was still defeated in the end.
In terms of videogames, there are few that actively point out that all you did was futile. I don't particularly like Suda's games so I can't really comment on them.
It's fairly popular on the sci-fi horror spectrum of gaming. Lotsa devs read I have no mouth and I must scream, I guess. Then again, the game itself kinda messed it up by giving you a possibility for a good ending, but eh.
Also a familiar saying in bad endings for games.
As for one that genuinely states it even in the best possible ending... oh yeah, Coaxmetal. He's not even an antagonist.
Special Ending scene discussion:
Er, no, there is no possibility for a good ending. ALL of the Paradox endings ultimately lead to the Goddess dead, him winning, and time itself destroyed to fuel his ambitions -- he even mocks you (or the characters) for working so hard (100% competition) trying to find a way out. That's why it was so shocking for a Final Fantasy ending.
He's a Ravager. I just switched him for Major Moblin (sent), since Sarah is a better Rav than he was.
On my way to get that green chocobo then!
For the Ravager slot, I'd recommend Dragoon from the Augusta tower 52nd floor (which is also where I found Flanitor). He's extremely easy to level to Max (I had enough materials on me to do it as soon as I found him), and at the stage of the game I'm at he doubles my Serah in both dmg and HP (and she's level 50ish in Rav / Com and Sab!). His feral link does ridiculous damage.
Another question - wild artefacts are consumed when you use them to open a gate. Is the gate then permanently open, or do you need a new wild artefact every time you want to use it?
So I'm 4:30 into FFXIII-2
I can't decide if I like it or not. I think I do. The game is fun but I really miss the wold exploration and freedom of some of the older games (i.e. FF8). I guess there is no real meaning to this post.
At what point does the game reach "it's stride" (that point where it's awesome and you can't put it down).
I think the issue with VI is the loading times. V has a horrible localisation that was greatly improved in the GBA version. The GBA version of VI is really hard to get hold of (at least over here) and I'm not sure it's that different.
Dark Raven XLaugh hard, run fast,be kindRegistered Userregular
edited February 2012
Somewhere between the thread and the comic, you guys convinced me FFXIII-2 is worth getting. But! I'm destitute for a week.
So I'm watching The Spirits Within. It is so much better than I remember.
Holy shit.....
Caius is quickly becoming one of my favorite video game villains.
It costs the same price as the Lightning DLC to give Noel a faaaaabulous outfit.
If they at least included a Serah costume as a bundle, it might have been reasonable, but nope. Thanks Square.
I'm a consumer whore -- I bought both. Always support good behavior.
You ain't seen nothing yet. Let us know when you get to the end credits.
Hey, if they're doing preorder bonuses, where's my goddamned $3 Genji Bow?
Alternated between RAV/COM/SEN, SYN/SAB/SEN, MED/MED/MED, and COM/COM/COM. The enemy team also alternates, which warns you about what they're going to do. They have a buffing stance you have to debuff / dispel away. RAV/COM/SEN let me build up chain on them in relative safety, and whenever I needed healing I just went MED/MED/MED -- a bit overkill, but it works.
Once I staggered them I was doing about 7-8k a hit, and they only had 700k hp, wasn't a huge stretch. You can't waste time though, as they have a tanking stance, and Mediguard at 700kHP is fucking absurd.
I took out the guy first, and Lightning did about 1k damage total to the Sentinel with Army of One. Let me repeat that. Lightning was doing 1,000 damage to a SEN with her attack. The last boss wasn't even pulling that shit off.
Also: Where are my potions that heal 39,999 hp? Seriously.
No drops, I hear it's a 7% drop unless you have the Fragment skill that causes higher drop rates. Since I don't, I guess I'll just be repeating it a few dozen times. Apparently they're very quick to max out -- only about 16 levels in the crystalthingy (stop making up words with more than 8 syllables, dammit) so if you can get multiples then they might (might) make good breeding fodder for your "real" RAV/COM. Or they might just be good enough to replace them, who knows?
It's on Youtube in English now.
Seriously? Best FF villain ever.
Oh what's that? You're mocking me because I stuck to the rigid structure of the game? Well, lets do something about that then
"What are you doing with that Game Genie"
Gonna hack my FF1 team into FF13-2
I like to do trial and error until I get something close to a solution and then work backwards from there. It worked surprisingly well. Or you can just cheat and use this website (where [0] is at the 12 o'clock position and it proceeds clockwise), which I found a little while ago while looking for a strategy to do one of the crystal collecting ones (the teleporting assholes).
Again, superbly ballsy for the series, and perhaps for videogames in general. I really enjoy it.
Not trying to be anal, just prefer if most comments about both, even if they aren't spoilers, were kept as spoilers.
Also, is it possible to get a Paradox ending before the default one? I worry all this random gate jumping might end up leading to one of them.
Other than the first one, the other two feel weak. Any recommendations?
There is only one paradox ending, afaik, that you can get pre-beating the game.
And it's blindingly obvious when you can do it.
Origin: Galedrid - Nintendo: Galedrid/3222-6858-1045
Blizzard: Galedrid#1367 - FFXIV: Galedrid Kingshand
You don't need the paradox item to get the Atlas or Royal Ripeness paradox endings but you can't turn back time until you've finished the game anyway, right? So you'll undoubtedly miss those.
Anyway, I've got 136 Fragments at the moment. I'm hoping to finish the game completely this weekend. Then I can... Sit around doing nothing till Kingdoms of Amalur arrives from the UK.
Replace Flanitor with Green Chocobo, found in Yaschas Massif 100AF. Not sure about Bugaboo... what role is he?
On my way to get that green chocobo then!
...I'm gonna go lie down now. Please make sure I don't swallow my tongue.
No Snuggs allowed
Mother and most of Suda's games did something similar. Not necessarily bad guy wins endings, but certainly executed a lot more effectively.
Hell, it was a deliberate mechanic in Eternal Darkness.
Or maybe you're just talking about the bad guy winning part of it. Like Kefka did in FF6.
The best thing you can say about it is that a good wrap up for the 2nd part of a trilogy. The Episode 5 ending, or the Two Towers, or the Matrix sequel that didn't actually exist so shut up about it. You end on a powerful cliffhanger, in the belly of the beast, with no possible hope of escape except for the promise of a sequel (or DLC expansion in this case).
Considering how most game trilogies pan out, that actually is something worth mentioning. It's a proper ending to a part 2 of 3.
In terms of videogames, there are few that actively point out that all you did was futile. I don't particularly like Suda's games so I can't really comment on them.
Did you go ahead and get the DLC? Might want to try and fight Lightning, she's meant to be one of the best Ravagers in the game. Might take a few attempts though, she won't automatically join you.
Oh and thumbs up Wolfman, XIII's platinum is an insanely time consuming process. XIII-2 is much better in that regard.
That ending.
That was a hell of a thing.
Still, yeah, man. Fuck all the haters, this moved to #2 on my list of best FF games, X is still my favorite.
Origin: Galedrid - Nintendo: Galedrid/3222-6858-1045
Blizzard: Galedrid#1367 - FFXIV: Galedrid Kingshand
EDIT: how did my post end up above Astales? That's odd.
Origin: Galedrid - Nintendo: Galedrid/3222-6858-1045
Blizzard: Galedrid#1367 - FFXIV: Galedrid Kingshand
It's a new thing that's happened in a couple of games I think? And I hate it.
From what I can remember, Eidos were the first ones to do it back in 2008 with Tomb Raider Underworld, though they went even further and made it 360 exclusive. It makes the whole "Eidos should teach Square Enix" thing Giant Bomb were talking about last week hilarious. Nice work, they taught them how to be dicks.
Edit: Paradox resolved with a double post?
Edit #2: Nope, Dude With Herpes' second post suddenly disappeared. The forums are acting up.
Also a familiar saying in bad endings for games.
As for one that genuinely states it even in the best possible ending... oh yeah, Coaxmetal. He's not even an antagonist.
Special Ending scene discussion:
Choose Your Own Chat 1 Choose Your Own Chat 2 Choose Your Own Chat 3
For the Ravager slot, I'd recommend Dragoon from the Augusta tower 52nd floor (which is also where I found Flanitor). He's extremely easy to level to Max (I had enough materials on me to do it as soon as I found him), and at the stage of the game I'm at he doubles my Serah in both dmg and HP (and she's level 50ish in Rav / Com and Sab!). His feral link does ridiculous damage.
Steam: adamjnet
Choose Your Own Chat 1 Choose Your Own Chat 2 Choose Your Own Chat 3
Go there, the 12 position number goes in [0] and on from there, then click the left hand button.
Fuck those puzzles.
I can't decide if I like it or not. I think I do. The game is fun but I really miss the wold exploration and freedom of some of the older games (i.e. FF8). I guess there is no real meaning to this post.
At what point does the game reach "it's stride" (that point where it's awesome and you can't put it down).
Is it worth getting FFVI on PSN? I've never played it. People keep saying the PS version isn't good... or something? Or is that just FFV?
So I'm watching The Spirits Within. It is so much better than I remember.
That is to say, better than zero out of ten.
It's basically Avatar a decade earlier.
Also Steve Buscemi