The only lane I could see doing that in involves a very suicidal ad carry.
it's the standard at high elo, where it's unusual for the AD carries to be playing consistently dumb enough for either side to get a kill
janna's job is to try and make their life bar last through as many harrass attempts as possible while they farm
The only lane I could see doing that in involves a very suicidal ad carry.
it's the standard at high elo, where it's unusual for the AD carries to be playing consistently dumb enough for either side to get a kill
janna's job is to try and make their life bar last through as many harrass attempts as possible while they farm
it's real boring
I was sort of wondering if I'd stepped into bizarro-world where if I spammed w at people with janna they wouldn't just kill me, especially since that movement speed drops the second it goes out. janna is just about the squishiest support out there without maxing shield, and I have to assume that if I didn't max it my carry would just get totally laned out due to unsustainable harass.
that's not to say janna isn't fun though especially once laning ends, I just avoid support outside of ranked
it's the standard at high elo, where it's unusual for the AD carries to be playing consistently dumb enough for either side to get a kill
janna's job is to try and make their life bar last through as many harrass attempts as possible while they farm
it's real boring
I was sort of wondering if I'd stepped into bizarro-world where if I spammed w at people with janna they wouldn't just kill me, especially since that movement speed drops the second it goes out. janna is just about the squishiest support out there without maxing shield, and I have to assume that if I didn't max it my carry would just get totally laned out due to unsustainable harass.
that's not to say janna isn't fun though especially once laning ends, I just avoid support outside of ranked
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