jax is so ruined. I don't care how good he is, I do not want to play him at all.
I really don't see how he's any less fun to play now than he was before.
because now he's hurr durr I build triforce tank and cast leap strike
everything that made the old jax jax is gone so there's no reason to play him anymore.
Apart from his lategame still being superstrong offensively, but now he needs to build some tankiness rather than getting a lot of free tank stats inherently?
So...how does Nasus deal with any lane with ranged in it? I just was Nasus/Talon bot against Soraka/MF. We got murdered :-/
I just couldn't get any farm at all, Soraka and MF gradually whittled me down, and then their not-bad Talon would come and instagib me underneath my tower. Went 0/5/3 in a 21 min surrender. Awesome.
So...how does Nasus deal with any lane with ranged in it? I just was Nasus/Talon bot against Soraka/MF. We got murdered :-/
I just couldn't get any farm at all, Soraka and MF gradually whittled me down, and then their not-bad Talon would come and instagib me underneath my tower. Went 0/5/3 in a 21 min surrender. Awesome.
Level Spirit Fire. Phil + HoG. Q under your tower as they inevitably push it down.
Once outer tower is down, farm like nothing else matters, still win if you stall long enough.
Got my first pentakill thanks to the fine PA gentlemen here. http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198031565282/screenshot/486625012259221371
Things went amazing once Kayle started ulting me because I was the ENTIRE focus of everything that the enemy team brought. Also forty six minute Rod of Ages 2stronk. Even without Kayle's ult I was able to survive long enough to crush a few nerds.
jax is so ruined. I don't care how good he is, I do not want to play him at all.
I really don't see how he's any less fun to play now than he was before.
because now he's hurr durr I build triforce tank and cast leap strike
everything that made the old jax jax is gone so there's no reason to play him anymore.
Apart from his lategame still being superstrong offensively, but now he needs to build some tankiness rather than getting a lot of free tank stats inherently?
He was unique in that he could build all damage all the time and be a hyper carry who, if you ignored, would destroy everyone and if you focused him would stun everyone. Now he's as boring and generic as Irelia with no need for thought or resource management or skillshots.
Then post them. You're full of crap, dude. If I don't counter jungle, it's for a good reason. You're not going to convince me or anyone else who plays with me you're right.
"convince anyone else who plays with you"? Are you even listening to yourself? I knew you would do this. I go prefacing everything with "take this as constructive criticism", and you still manage to turn in into some kind of conspiracy to defame you. You have half a dozen other people telling you you're doing stuff wrong, and all you do is make excuses that it's your playstyle or that you had a reason to do it. Whatever; no one loses anything by your actions except you.
I'm having some trouble with my lolreplay I think. After about ten minutes into the second game it crashed, and it refuses to open the first. I remember the second game after watching it. I couldn't go steal because I was helping you, and after then I didn't have the health to risk it. Then I was going to get you blue, and you got destroyed by Talon again. So I pushed up your lane to tower and helped you get our blue. Pretty sure that game was a twenty minute surrender as we lost every lane.
I'll look at my lolreplay and give it a closer look later. Still, I laughed at the second game. Why aren't I taking their blue? You're why! This is the person accusing me of that?
I'm not trying to be a jerk, but this is really delusional. Looking at the video you move to gank mid at about 7:05 (you are walking on the other side of your blue buff as it spawns). Both people in mid were full HP. If you were going to counter jungler, 7:05-7:15 is the time to show up at their blue. As soon as you come face to face with Nunu in the river you have 2 choices. Jump on him and fight (probably a bad idea) or go back to your jungle and farm (getting Cass blue would have been a good idea). I'm not sure why you (or Nunu) stayed around mid for so long.
You either never intended to contest their blue, or your timings are seriously off. You can't blame that one on Cass.
The only reason I was there and not taking their blue was Cass. I gave Cass blue as soon as they were done getting gibbed again. Sadly the replay doesn't have vent. The whole reason I did what I did that game was because he was in vent telling me to come gank as he was pushing the lane. Then begging me to come middle when I did. Then not doing shit when I came. There is a reason I said going middle was a waste of my time.
Those were two bad games. Thank god it's not a common occurrence. Also Chaos, I've experimented with my jungle path. I have yet to find a better path that gives me six, full health, and the equipment I want in seven minutes. If you have anything specific that could help I'm all ears.
Edit: For the record, it's Stonewall's path. I have yet to improve upon it.
That is pretty unbelievable, insane really. You lose a few CS but good lord the start your jungler gets!
It's really, really, really nice.
I think it can be improved by leaving just a bit earlier though. Your jungler has natural regen, and gets back health from the kill. So, him taking 1 or 2 hits should be fine and it would get you into lane faster.
This is just begging for me to test it.
zerg rush on
Forever Zefirocloaked in the midnight glory of an event horizonRegistered Userregular
I don't think anyone responded in the last thread
Does Volibear just drop off later in the game?
I played a few matches jungling him, pulled off some successful ganks throughout the laning phase, then teamfights would start to happen, I'd have a Wriggle's, Mercs, and Warmogs, and be useless
I just wouldn't have the life/defenses to stay around
XBL - Foreverender | 3DS FC - 1418 6696 1012 | Steam ID | LoL
Just did a double jungle in ranked because someone insisted they were jungle, and I would be damned if I would trust my elo to others. All day games were won by me and one other person carrying. We went double jungle. Xin's fatass kept stealing from me and he got sooooooo fed. Like, twenty some kills fed. Bastard. So the game ended up being a total curb stomp.
I'll look at my lolreplay and give it a closer look later. Still, I laughed at the second game. Why aren't I taking their blue? You're why! This is the person accusing me of that?
You're so inexperienced that even your excuses make no sense. You have a fetish for farming small camps. When blue is up, in both games, you never anticipate it, or go straight for it, you just go farm wraiths and go two mins later. In the mess of a game, your actions in midlane have no bearing on the jungle. You're not ganking it, as you simply walk into other junglers. You're not holding it while I recall which would occupy you- you simply walk in, push to tower and throw some halfhearted Es at Talon. In both games, even though you're around middle, the mids almost have to force you to go to blue after it's popped. You can complain about vent or ganks or whatnot, but the fact is, you don't take gank most opportunities, and you don't know how to initiate ganks when you do. Even with this many people telling you about your mistakes, you'll never admit it- it'll always be 'I had reasons' or 'lanes suck, look at my KDA'. Your Elo hell is where you'll stay because of your attitude.
Man, I actually need to play Xerath more. Forgot how fun he was to play.
same. he occasionally gets countered hard in mid by high mobility ap carries like ahri/leblanc, but he brings a style of play to playing a hard AP carry that nothing else can really lay claim to. I'm glad high profile ap releases have taken the spotlight off him.
I wish I grabbed Xerath when he was on sale for like seventy five percent off. He must really not have done well for him to have gone on sale as quick as he did and for as low as he went; it was certainly lower than the typical half off. I've never used him but I know he's really damn good, it's real surprising that he isn't a more popular pick. Maybe if he had tits he'd see the light of day.
that was the sale with him and vayne for less RP than most 6300 champs, right? that shit was nuts, I try my hardest to abstain from spending cash on league but it was far too good to pass up.
he's also a crazy ap mid and I'm convinced that if there were less ahri, ziggs and cass players he'd shoot right up into the eye of the meta and have his ult range and damage nerfed almost immediately.
I wish I grabbed Xerath when he was on sale for like seventy five percent off. He must really not have done well for him to have gone on sale as quick as he did and for as low as he went; it was certainly lower than the typical half off. I've never used him but I know he's really damn good, it's real surprising that he isn't a more popular pick. Maybe if he had tits he'd see the light of day.
The should consider doing that for champions before they buff them.
Just add a set of DDs onto Shen and Twitch to see if that makes them playable.
Xerath sucks because he has to sit still and there's too many skillshot mids for that.
Now he puts out a lot of scary damage and can kill stragglers and poke preteamfights like a boss, but eh.
his q has good range even before level 4 and his W that almost doubles it. ahri is a solid counter to xerath, but it's definitely not because of her q so much as her ability to threaten an entire ult + ignite + fox fire + chase combo if xerath overextends even a little bit in mid, and his kit was practically designed to be dodged by ahri's ult.
he definitely isn't quite the insane carry potential that a more mobile AP can offer, but "sucks" is a little much to apply to any facet of his mid lane game.
I'd say he's great if you're running double AP otherwise, otherwise there's a good chance the other team can counterpick and then it's really down to the player.
I got Xerath during that sale, and I find I don't end up using him that much. He's neat, but in the end I find his siege mode thing almost more annoying than cool. The range on his stun-enabler is pretty low so I feel gimped whenever siege is on cooldown, and when it's active I hate not being able to move. Also god help you if anyone actually gets in your face. Not commenting on his power level, just that I find he "feels" bad to play a lot of the time.
ChaosHatHop, hop, hop, HA!Trick of the lightRegistered Userregular
Some pretty awful games tonight. Glad I wasn't streaming.
Want to thank the guys for the games today; five wins in as many attempts is something to be happy with, especially with how the first two games went. Stuck those ones through to the end and turned around rocky starts into solid wins.
@Talith I noticed a slight error in the op, skin codes actually work thrice (at least newer ones), once on the US, once on EUW and once on the EUN, heck it might even work on the Chinese servers too, but I don't know about that.
Yeah what is it tonight, anyway? 3 losses in a row where my team was down by 20+ kills before the 20 minute mark. And, of course, at the 20 minute mark 2 people always wanted to continue.
Xbox Live: No Reply
Steam: Jacobontap
LoL: FutureBlues
I'll look at my lolreplay and give it a closer look later. Still, I laughed at the second game. Why aren't I taking their blue? You're why! This is the person accusing me of that?
You're so inexperienced that even your excuses make no sense. You have a fetish for farming small camps. When blue is up, in both games, you never anticipate it, or go straight for it, you just go farm wraiths and go two mins later. In the mess of a game, your actions in midlane have no bearing on the jungle. You're not ganking it, as you simply walk into other junglers. You're not holding it while I recall which would occupy you- you simply walk in, push to tower and throw some halfhearted Es at Talon. In both games, even though you're around middle, the mids almost have to force you to go to blue after it's popped. You can complain about vent or ganks or whatnot, but the fact is, you don't take gank most opportunities, and you don't know how to initiate ganks when you do. Even with this many people telling you about your mistakes, you'll never admit it- it'll always be 'I had reasons' or 'lanes suck, look at my KDA'. Your Elo hell is where you'll stay because of your attitude.
It's a shame two games don't mean much. If it did we might think you couldn't carry a notebook. I don't anticipate buffs? Yeah, okay. I would have been at that buff if not for the fact you had been in my ear for more than two minutes to come help you. You know, because you were getting your shit pushed in. I simply walk into other jungler? Silly me, it's not like Nunu was ever on the minmap where I should know he was in the bush. You didn't know either. You know what else? I accomplished something when I went middle lane. I kept you from dying again, at least until the moment I left. You didn't have to force me to go blue, you were the whiny brat keeping me from going straight to theirs and taking it. I was going to clear wraiths and back, but you asked me for blue. So I was going to get it for you, but you got raped by Talon... again. Then the second you popped back from the grave? I made sure I was giving you blue. Did I have reasons for what I did? Yes I did. The reason was that my middle lane was getting his hat handed to him and was whining in my ear. It wasn't what I wanted to be doing, it wasn't what I knew I should be doing. I did it because I was playing with PA people. Had you been a random I would have taken their blue, and then told you I was giving you our blue.
Also, my 'elo hell'? In under a day I've raised my elo by almost two hundred and gone something like 7-2. You know what every game has had in common? Top and jungle carrying bad carries to victory. With the one exception of a game I played as Leona, but even that was a comeback after laning ended and I shut the enemy down in team fights. I don't say 'elo hell' because I'm not winning, but because I can lose a game and lose two wins worth of progress. I say elo hell because I am carrying bad teams to victory.
I'll be honest, you'd fit right in with the carries I've had lately. The difference being, with them I go about the job i know I should be doing and ignore their crying.
Edit: Fetish would be you dying 1v1 in your lane. People with a fetish 'have' to have that in their experience. Clearing side camps is more of a kink. It's not something that has to be part of my game, but I enjoy it.
I just couldn't get any farm at all, Soraka and MF gradually whittled me down, and then their not-bad Talon would come and instagib me underneath my tower. Went 0/5/3 in a 21 min surrender. Awesome.
Level Spirit Fire. Phil + HoG. Q under your tower as they inevitably push it down.
Once outer tower is down, farm like nothing else matters, still win if you stall long enough.
Things went amazing once Kayle started ulting me because I was the ENTIRE focus of everything that the enemy team brought. Also forty six minute Rod of Ages 2stronk. Even without Kayle's ult I was able to survive long enough to crush a few nerds.
He was unique in that he could build all damage all the time and be a hyper carry who, if you ignored, would destroy everyone and if you focused him would stun everyone. Now he's as boring and generic as Irelia with no need for thought or resource management or skillshots.
I get it.
holyshit that pull. I'm doing that every game forever.
The only reason I was there and not taking their blue was Cass. I gave Cass blue as soon as they were done getting gibbed again. Sadly the replay doesn't have vent. The whole reason I did what I did that game was because he was in vent telling me to come gank as he was pushing the lane. Then begging me to come middle when I did. Then not doing shit when I came. There is a reason I said going middle was a waste of my time.
Those were two bad games. Thank god it's not a common occurrence. Also Chaos, I've experimented with my jungle path. I have yet to find a better path that gives me six, full health, and the equipment I want in seven minutes. If you have anything specific that could help I'm all ears.
Edit: For the record, it's Stonewall's path. I have yet to improve upon it.
gotta love support sion who feeds five kills in eight minutes
It's really, really, really nice.
I think it can be improved by leaving just a bit earlier though. Your jungler has natural regen, and gets back health from the kill. So, him taking 1 or 2 hits should be fine and it would get you into lane faster.
This is just begging for me to test it.
Does Volibear just drop off later in the game?
I played a few matches jungling him, pulled off some successful ganks throughout the laning phase, then teamfights would start to happen, I'd have a Wriggle's, Mercs, and Warmogs, and be useless
I just wouldn't have the life/defenses to stay around
XBL - Foreverender | 3DS FC - 1418 6696 1012 | Steam ID | LoL
Steam: Jacobontap
LoL: FutureBlues
COME FORTH, AMATERASU! - Switch Friend Code SW-5465-2458-5696 - Twitch
It was pretty amusing.
You're so inexperienced that even your excuses make no sense. You have a fetish for farming small camps. When blue is up, in both games, you never anticipate it, or go straight for it, you just go farm wraiths and go two mins later. In the mess of a game, your actions in midlane have no bearing on the jungle. You're not ganking it, as you simply walk into other junglers. You're not holding it while I recall which would occupy you- you simply walk in, push to tower and throw some halfhearted Es at Talon. In both games, even though you're around middle, the mids almost have to force you to go to blue after it's popped. You can complain about vent or ganks or whatnot, but the fact is, you don't take gank most opportunities, and you don't know how to initiate ganks when you do. Even with this many people telling you about your mistakes, you'll never admit it- it'll always be 'I had reasons' or 'lanes suck, look at my KDA'. Your Elo hell is where you'll stay because of your attitude.
same. he occasionally gets countered hard in mid by high mobility ap carries like ahri/leblanc, but he brings a style of play to playing a hard AP carry that nothing else can really lay claim to. I'm glad high profile ap releases have taken the spotlight off him.
he's also a crazy ap mid and I'm convinced that if there were less ahri, ziggs and cass players he'd shoot right up into the eye of the meta and have his ult range and damage nerfed almost immediately.
Now he puts out a lot of scary damage and can kill stragglers and poke preteamfights like a boss, but eh.
Handmade Jewelry by me on EtsyGames for sale
Me on Twitch!
The should consider doing that for champions before they buff them.
Just add a set of DDs onto Shen and Twitch to see if that makes them playable.
his q has good range even before level 4 and his W that almost doubles it. ahri is a solid counter to xerath, but it's definitely not because of her q so much as her ability to threaten an entire ult + ignite + fox fire + chase combo if xerath overextends even a little bit in mid, and his kit was practically designed to be dodged by ahri's ult.
he definitely isn't quite the insane carry potential that a more mobile AP can offer, but "sucks" is a little much to apply to any facet of his mid lane game.
The only good one we had was with the Akali on our team that was trying to throw it.
LoL EU West nickname: Irridan
Steam: Jacobontap
LoL: FutureBlues
It's a shame two games don't mean much. If it did we might think you couldn't carry a notebook. I don't anticipate buffs? Yeah, okay. I would have been at that buff if not for the fact you had been in my ear for more than two minutes to come help you. You know, because you were getting your shit pushed in. I simply walk into other jungler? Silly me, it's not like Nunu was ever on the minmap where I should know he was in the bush. You didn't know either. You know what else? I accomplished something when I went middle lane. I kept you from dying again, at least until the moment I left. You didn't have to force me to go blue, you were the whiny brat keeping me from going straight to theirs and taking it. I was going to clear wraiths and back, but you asked me for blue. So I was going to get it for you, but you got raped by Talon... again. Then the second you popped back from the grave? I made sure I was giving you blue. Did I have reasons for what I did? Yes I did. The reason was that my middle lane was getting his hat handed to him and was whining in my ear. It wasn't what I wanted to be doing, it wasn't what I knew I should be doing. I did it because I was playing with PA people. Had you been a random I would have taken their blue, and then told you I was giving you our blue.
Also, my 'elo hell'? In under a day I've raised my elo by almost two hundred and gone something like 7-2. You know what every game has had in common? Top and jungle carrying bad carries to victory. With the one exception of a game I played as Leona, but even that was a comeback after laning ended and I shut the enemy down in team fights. I don't say 'elo hell' because I'm not winning, but because I can lose a game and lose two wins worth of progress. I say elo hell because I am carrying bad teams to victory.
I'll be honest, you'd fit right in with the carries I've had lately. The difference being, with them I go about the job i know I should be doing and ignore their crying.
Edit: Fetish would be you dying 1v1 in your lane. People with a fetish 'have' to have that in their experience. Clearing side camps is more of a kink. It's not something that has to be part of my game, but I enjoy it.