[League of Legends] Fiora: French fencing femme fatale frequently fights fools for fun



  • DrascinDrascin Registered User regular
    So, anyone have suggestions for Cho'Gath? I really want to love the little terror from beyond the stars, and he was the first champion I bought because he looked awesome, but I seem to not manage with him at all. I've barely played two games as Shyvana, but I do markedly better than with Cho, with whom I've played a lot more. I don't know if I'm just not "getting" the tactics needed for Choing, or whether I just lack a decent build.

    What would be a good build for everyone's favorite Cthulhoid abomination?

    Steam ID: Right here.
  • BethrynBethryn Unhappiness is Mandatory Registered User regular
    Depends what you want to do with him.

    He likes solo top against most enemies.

    Skill order is W first, then either Q or E, then W, then the other one. You take Q if you need to play defensively, and E if you're playing against someone who isn't harassing you.

    You can build him APish: Rod of Ages (rush Catalyst in lane), then get Abyssal Sceptre, Frozen Heart, and Rylai's
    Or just pure tank: HoG, then Glacial Shroud, Frozen Heart, FoN and then Randuin's. Aegis is also a good early choice.

    He loves CDR, it allows him to use his W and Q more often for more disruption in teamfights.
    He can benefit from Attack Speed as he has very good attack damage with his E on.
    He has inherent flat health on his kit, so resistances are more valuable than health as defensive stats early on.

    Only other thing is that you should try and just farm and play defensively in a lot of cases, as he has lots of hp/mana regen from his passive, and benefits greatly from getting all 6 stacks of Feast up.

    ...and of course, as always, Kill Hitler.
  • DemonStaceyDemonStacey TTODewback's Daughter In love with the TaySwayRegistered User regular
    Drascin wrote: »
    So, anyone have suggestions for Cho'Gath? I really want to love the little terror from beyond the stars, and he was the first champion I bought because he looked awesome, but I seem to not manage with him at all. I've barely played two games as Shyvana, but I do markedly better than with Cho, with whom I've played a lot more. I don't know if I'm just not "getting" the tactics needed for Choing, or whether I just lack a decent build.

    What would be a good build for everyone's favorite Cthulhoid abomination?


    Tank boots of choice, Wit's end, Frozen heart, GA, ROA/VS/DC/Abyssal. Whatever you need for those last slots.

    The thing with Cho is if you aren't good at last hitting you won't be a good Cho. If you are good at last hitting CONGRATS! You are an immovable object.

    Take Teleport for summoner. Hang out top lane and farm, teleport into teamfights when necessary.

  • SampsenSampsen Aggressive Berserker Registered User regular
    edited February 2012
    Drascin wrote: »
    So, anyone have suggestions for Cho'Gath? I really want to love the little terror from beyond the stars, and he was the first champion I bought because he looked awesome, but I seem to not manage with him at all. I've barely played two games as Shyvana, but I do markedly better than with Cho, with whom I've played a lot more. I don't know if I'm just not "getting" the tactics needed for Choing, or whether I just lack a decent build.

    What would be a good build for everyone's favorite Cthulhoid abomination?


    I run 9/21/0 masteries with 9 MPen reds, Flat armor yellows, MR/level blues and a mix of health and health regen quints. I'll sub in my AP rune page if I don't need to go tanky. So AP blues and quints instead.

    W(for team fights/harass)/E/E/Q/E/R then R>E>W>Q

    I like boots+pots start, but you can also do mana crystal + pots. Rush a catalyst, and then you never, ever have to leave lane. Get glacial shroud next, then finish your RoA and then Frozen Heart. Merc treads in there somewhere too. Earlier than later if you are up against AP in lane.

    I like GA and Abyssal scepter to finish, but Randuins and Force of Nature are good picks as well, depending on situation. That's my full tank build.

    Merc Treads
    Frozen Heart
    Abyssal Scepter

    Is my tanky AP build. I like getting the deathcap, no one expects people to get hit so hard by spikes.

    My strat in lane:

    Harass with Feral Scream, don't ever 'try' and land your Rupture, it's just not reliable enough for the amount of mana it costs. You'll be manaless in no time. Focus on last hitting, your regen is absolutely crazy and you will never have to leave lane. I have huge success with ChoGath at my 1200 elo, but he doesn't always fit into team comps. And eating people is the most fun thing ever.

    Edit - I run Exhaust/Teleport in lane. If you think you can burst them down(Your ult does incredible damage), exhausting before you try Rupture pretty much guarantees it hits if they don't flash out of it.

    Sampsen on
  • PoultryGeistPoultryGeist The Ghostly Chicken Registered User regular
    Sampsen wrote:
    I like the cartoon girls at the top, they are very cute.

    me too

    the one on the left is a real qtpie 8->


    Just catching up with the thread but I wasn't letting that one go.

  • Soviet WaffleSoviet Waffle Registered User regular
    I still have a screenshot of Dignitas looking super uncomfortable as my desktop background

    League of Legends: Studio
  • Watoo24Watoo24 Registered User regular
    In reference to the solo top thing.

    Trynd as a solo top works quite well. he can take a duo lane, but has to start out cloth 5, and buy wriggles.

    Cho plays solo top quite well, and can very easily 2v1 lane. If i know I'm going solo top in a normal I'll pick cho. He's great at it.

    I've been building him quite a bit differently, and probably therefore wrong, but this is what I've been using lately:

    boots, I liked winged boots actually because He really doesn't have many closers. I typically go for winged boots/RoA/some type of armor. usually that's as far as i get. Frozen i could see, and is probably quite good on him, I've just never built it on him, because the mana isn't that useful. I'm probably wrong on that as everything else on it makes him an amazing tank though.

    why do most people build wit's end on cho? I've never quite understood why/how its good. One of the first things i tried as cho was AS cho. (doesn't work for the record) and it gives AS, a bit of magic damage, and magic res. Is it just that good of a value item?

    the most important thing though as cho though I'd say is being able to land rupture consistently, simply just because rupture is that good.

  • JarsJars Registered User regular
    nothing beats regi giving therainman the evil eye at the award podium

  • SkutSkutSkutSkut Registered User regular
    Playing Ori since her nerfs, man what'd they do to you Ori?

  • interrobanginterrobang kawaii as  hellRegistered User regular
    SkutSkut wrote: »
    Playing Ori since her nerfs, man what'd they do to you Ori?

    put her in line with most other AP carries instead of allowing her to remain queen bitch of the universe?

  • übergeekübergeek Sector 2814Registered User regular
    SkutSkut wrote: »
    Playing Ori since her nerfs, man what'd they do to you Ori?

    put her in line with most other AP carries instead of allowing her to remain queen bitch of the universe?

    But....Morg is the queen bitch of the universe, never stopped being such, and is still banned all the time?

  • interrobanginterrobang kawaii as  hellRegistered User regular
    übergeek wrote: »
    SkutSkut wrote: »
    Playing Ori since her nerfs, man what'd they do to you Ori?

    put her in line with most other AP carries instead of allowing her to remain queen bitch of the universe?

    But....Morg is the queen bitch of the universe, never stopped being such, and is still banned all the time?

    not really

  • DrascinDrascin Registered User regular
    Personally I'm terrified of Morgana and she seems to flatten me every time I find someone playing her. Not much to say, given I've played comparatively little and am still just level 10, but still.

    Also, thank you to all of you gentlemen who put forth suggestions for my Cho play. I hope they will help!

    Steam ID: Right here.
  • SilkSilk Registered User regular
    edited February 2012

    Can we get an Ez Penta up there, I mean cmon, you got to earn pentas with Ez in this day and age.

    -i suck at posting images

    Silk on
  • interrobanginterrobang kawaii as  hellRegistered User regular
    morg isn't op, she's just easy and safe

    her ult is strong but she's not a destroyer of worlds

  • DelphinidaesDelphinidaes FFXIV: Delphi Kisaragi Registered User regular
    spitfirek wrote: »

    BTW, her shield doesn't stop the death laser at the enemy spawn... seems kinda stupid that it doesn't O_o

    It used to. Then they realized that having Kayle dive people in their spawn was stupid. (or anyone for that matter) and they made it so the spawn lasers rip through anything and everything.

    NNID: delphinidaes
    Official PA Forums FFXIV:ARR Free Company <GHOST> gitl.enjin.com Join us on Sargatanas!
  • Soviet WaffleSoviet Waffle Registered User regular
    spitfirek wrote: »

    BTW, her shield doesn't stop the death laser at the enemy spawn... seems kinda stupid that it doesn't O_o

    It used to. Then they realized that having Kayle dive people in their spawn was stupid. (or anyone for that matter) and they made it so the spawn lasers rip through anything and everything.

    It was awesome and you should cut out being the wrongest person ever. :x

    League of Legends: Studio
  • unintentionalunintentional smelly Registered User regular
    yeah poppy getting fountain diving kills was the fourth best thing in league :(

  • nealcmnealcm Alvarian AlvarianRegistered User regular
    yeah poppy getting fountain diving kills was the fourth best thing in league :(

    UGH *rolls eyes*

    what are the other three, gary...

  • BethrynBethryn Unhappiness is Mandatory Registered User regular
    I'm pretty sure you can still fountain dive with Poppy on Dominion.

    ...and of course, as always, Kill Hitler.
  • unintentionalunintentional smelly Registered User regular
    nealcm wrote:
    yeah poppy getting fountain diving kills was the fourth best thing in league :(

    UGH *rolls eyes*

    what are the other three, gary...

    well if you askthat way i'm not gonna tell you!

  • nealcmnealcm Alvarian AlvarianRegistered User regular
    nealcm wrote:
    yeah poppy getting fountain diving kills was the fourth best thing in league :(

    UGH *rolls eyes*

    what are the other three, gary...

    well if you askthat way i'm not gonna tell you!

    awwwwwwwwww coome oooooooooooooon

  • Kai_SanKai_San Commonly known as Klineshrike! Registered User regular
    edited February 2012
    I never feel threatened by morg. She is a one and done wonder in a teamfight, and if you can avoid 2 abilities she is COMPLETELY useless for like 15 seconds and barely anything after that. She can win the lane hard sure, but if you are aware of what she does (push lane hard, gank top or bottom) you can prepare for it and catch her by sending a bot dude to meet her halfway as you follow behind to trap her. If she just farms, passive play will force her to tower and then you just drop some kind of CC threat on her to put her shield on CD then call in your jungle and make her pay.

    While its hard to do, if she doesn't get fed she is utter trash. All she will be good for at that point is that shield and you can see it coming most of the time so you just pop it.

    Kai_San on
  • unintentionalunintentional smelly Registered User regular
    nealcm wrote:
    nealcm wrote:
    yeah poppy getting fountain diving kills was the fourth best thing in league :(

    UGH *rolls eyes*

    what are the other three, gary...

    well if you askthat way i'm not gonna tell you!

    awwwwwwwwww coome oooooooooooooon

    1. pre hotfix leblanc
    2. cleanseport
    3. kog'maw hitting his own teammates with void ooze

  • JarsJars Registered User regular
    edited February 2012
    the best thing in lol is full channel nunu ults with 600 ap
    followed by max range nidalee spears

    Jars on
  • I needed anime to post.I needed anime to post. boom Registered User regular
    cleanseport was pretty good

  • BethrynBethryn Unhappiness is Mandatory Registered User regular
    Poppy with DFG, Lichbane, Rab's, Void Staff and Gunblade is #1.

    Then obviously SHACO DANGER ZONE.

    ...and of course, as always, Kill Hitler.
  • KayKay What we need... Is a little bit of PANIC.Registered User regular
    Man. I like Ryze a looooooot. I remember thinking he was trash when I started, I just couldn't do damage with him. I should probably revisit old champions I discarded as not very effective, back when I was TRULY BAAAAD.

    He's hard to farm with early though, but when you can DESPERATE POWER every wave and not care about mana use, it gets much easier. But pushes like crazy.

    3DS FCode: 1993-7512-8991
  • zerg rushzerg rush Registered User regular
    Kai_San wrote: »
    I never feel threatened by morg. She is a one and done wonder in a teamfight, and if you can avoid 2 abilities she is COMPLETELY useless for like 15 seconds and barely anything after that. She can win the lane hard sure, but if you are aware of what she does (push lane hard, gank top or bottom) you can prepare for it and catch her by sending a bot dude to meet her halfway as you follow behind to trap her. If she just farms, passive play will force her to tower and then you just drop some kind of CC threat on her to put her shield on CD then call in your jungle and make her pay.

    While its hard to do, if she doesn't get fed she is utter trash. All she will be good for at that point is that shield and you can see it coming most of the time so you just pop it.

    Morg is good for the same reason Lux and Blitz are good. Come teamfight phase, a single random ability of hers can cause you to be forced into a teamfight or lose a player. Morg is even better than those two because if a teamfight goes down, her ult is a huge help in winning it too, whereas their ults aren't such game-changers.

    A lot of teamfights are spent dancing around trying to pick somebody off for an advantage. Morgana enables picks.

  • zerg rushzerg rush Registered User regular
    cleanseport was pretty good

    Blind pick skarner vs skarner every game.

  • nealcmnealcm Alvarian AlvarianRegistered User regular
    nealcm wrote:
    nealcm wrote:
    yeah poppy getting fountain diving kills was the fourth best thing in league :(

    UGH *rolls eyes*

    what are the other three, gary...

    well if you askthat way i'm not gonna tell you!

    awwwwwwwwww coome oooooooooooooon

    1. pre hotfix leblanc
    2. cleanseport
    3. kog'maw hitting his own teammates with void ooze

    that's a pretty good list

    i don't think i can argue, really

  • unintentionalunintentional smelly Registered User regular
    nealcm wrote:
    nealcm wrote:
    nealcm wrote:
    yeah poppy getting fountain diving kills was the fourth best thing in league :(

    UGH *rolls eyes*

    what are the other three, gary...

    well if you askthat way i'm not gonna tell you!

    awwwwwwwwww coome oooooooooooooon

    1. pre hotfix leblanc
    2. cleanseport
    3. kog'maw hitting his own teammates with void ooze

    that's a pretty good list

    i don't think i can argue, really

    honorable mention: the day that karthus could not die

  • Styrofoam SammichStyrofoam Sammich WANT. normal (not weird)Registered User regular
    Release date Yorick was a barrel of laughs.

  • EchoEcho ski-bap ba-dapModerator mod
    Decided to give Nasus a spin. Got to put that Riot skin to use.

    The bonus damage on his Q, is that physical too?

  • unintentionalunintentional smelly Registered User regular
    Echo wrote:
    Decided to give Nasus a spin. Got to put that Riot skin to use.

    The bonus damage on his Q, is that physical too?

  • TIFunkaliciousTIFunkalicious Kicking back in NebraskaRegistered User regular
    Kay wrote:
    Man. I like Ryze a looooooot. I remember thinking he was trash when I started, I just couldn't do damage with him. I should probably revisit old champions I discarded as not very effective, back when I was TRULY BAAAAD.

    He's hard to farm with early though, but when you can DESPERATE POWER every wave and not care about mana use, it gets much easier. But pushes like crazy.

    Most times when I have a bad opinion of a champion it's because i played them 6 months ago and didn't know how to farm or what to buy

  • EchoEcho ski-bap ba-dapModerator mod
    Yes, Fizz in the middle with 3-1. I am totally feeding at bot with my 6-3.

    (And I ended 19-4.)

  • ItalaxItalax Registered User regular
    For the record: Jungle Teemo is not as effective as I had hoped.

    PSN: Italax - Steam ID : Italax
    Sometimes I Stream Games: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/italax-plays-video-games
  • CarnarvonCarnarvon Registered User regular
    aww yeah gurl


    feels so good

  • anoffdayanoffday To be changed whenever Anoffday gets around to it. Registered User regular
    edited February 2012
    Hey I just started playing, and I went with beg. against bots so I don't piss anyone off. I like it so far. First guy I've tried is Fizz. He's pretty fun. And chum the waters is awesome, when i actually manage to land it in the right spot. As a new guy are there any characters I should stick with or avoid for now?

    anoffday on
    Steam: offday
This discussion has been closed.