I'll be the first to admit, I have no idea what's going on with the game outside of the trailer. But, I'm a huge fan of survival horror and its been a good long time sense I played a game I actually enjoyed and gave me the shivers.
I mean, what's up with survival horror? Why is it so hard? I'm sad to admit that the last fun survival horror game I played was this little known title:
and it is a surprisingly fun party game.
But enough tangents. Anna is a survival horror from Dreampainters that, as far as I can tell, features an ever changing experience as the game learns new ways to make you never want to sleep with the lights off. With any luck, we have a game like Amnesia and we should all throw our monies at Dreampainter so we can get more awesome survival horror games like that.
Coming out in May!
Also, has not haves. :P
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But yeah, I'll be watching for this.
Look at me! Able to consider playing modern games again! Huzzah!
Have you tried Amnesia: The Dark Descent?
Because seriously, you may want to try Amnesia: The Dark Descent.
Because most people don't know what it actually means to be afraid. For a lot of people horror means gore and screams for whatever reason. Horror is a science, and very few game developers/film makers understand it.
There was a Cthulhu mythos game for the GameCube I can't remember what it's called, it was good. I wouldn't say it's scary but it's very entertaining and has a great story.
Amnesia was terrifying, but still the gameplay suffered for the atmosphere; getting lost or straight up not knowing where to go was scary for the first 10 minutes, then it got tedious. :P
This could be good! At the very least, it looks lovely. And more horror should be set in broad daylight in idyllic locations. ;D
in FEAR the scary bits would almost never actually hurt you and so weren't very scary at all, whereas in deadspace you were constantly about to be ripped to pieces.
Sadly, (I'm not sure if it's this game or another Cthulhu game) this game is an excellent example of both how to and how not to do a survival horror. The moment you pick up your first pistol, it quickly became a FPS with no real sense of fear.
The first hour or so is probably the best in regards to horror, having to get in melee range of monsters and punch them to death.
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Yeah, Dark Corners of the Earth goes back and forth between being an incredible horror game and being a really mediocre FPS. Still worth playing for the good parts though.
Steam ID : rwb36, Twitter : Werezompire,
The trick to this would be to have monsters that are either really tough or (and this might be even more unnerving) monsters that weapons refuse to work on. Just imagine if you had been running from monsters, finally got a weapon that could kill them, and eventually encountered a creature that caused any gun pointed at it to consistently misfire.
That's an awesome idea. Mind if I borrow it sometime?
Steam ID : rwb36, Twitter : Werezompire,
I actually thought something like this would be cool for Amnesia. Daniel isn't a total idiot, he brings a revolver with him. However, the only ammo you have is 6 shots. People waste them on the first monster, it acts dead, then gets back up. Now you have no protection, you stupid stupid man. You know these things can't be killed by human weaponry.
Clearly the machine is used for the mass production of WTF.
May Awaits.
Steam ID : rwb36, Twitter : Werezompire,
I love pussying through playing horror games, but it seems like there's never enough new ones. So far I have 3 titles I need to check out just from previous posts.
Dammit man, I have an over active imagination and as such are a bit of a puss when it comes to horror things. Could you define the pictures of shadowy blood creatures you post? (I'm not trying to be hostile.)
I'm pretty bad when it comes to scary stuff. I got to the part in Doom 3 where the first guy turns into a zombie, shot him before he turned into a zombie, and quit. I watched that video at the end of the OP up until the scary stuff started happening, and which point I immediately closed my eyes and took off my headphones, then I just sort of waited it out. Oddly enough some stuff doesn't creep me out at all, though: Ravenholm I find completely manageable and Dead Space made me jump once or twice.
In non-game media, The Ring had me about like this:
And I haven't even bothered taking a look at Amnesia.
Well, I hope this manages to be scarier than the Penumbra games were. Maybe I should finally get around to actually playing Amnesia and see if it was any better on that front. Then again, I was always more a fan of silly, laughable horror than "ooh I'm scary" horror. That kind of horror just always seemed so... dull. Either way, I'll still be watching this game, if for nothing else than it would be really cool to see someone try pulling of scary-horror in a bright environment.
This just reminds me that I still have never beat Fatal Frame 3 though. I should get back into that some time, now that I'm not 16.
Well I've seen an Amnesia Let's Play and all it is is some monster every once in a while, but don't try to tell me that Amnesia isn't scary.
EDIT: It also probably would have been scarier if they didn't give you the best weapon in the game right at the start.
I wonder if this game has critters, though I'd like to find out first hand I think.
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But will he go and play the game, in the dark, with headphones? Hell no. But that doesn't mean it's scary....
The game looks interesting, and I also hope that it does what it says it does, instead of being some kind of lame mechanic that doesn't really work in the end.
I'm sorry, but OSHA violations do not scare me. Get your light bulb fixed and find something actually horrific.
Yeah, that got me. Once you play for a while, it does just become action with jumps and violin shrieks, but that whole setup, man. And even then it stays tense for a good deal of the game, exploring new areas when low on ammo? The regenerating thing in particular was a pretty scary experience. But then the rest of the bosses were just "eh chill out for a while" breaks from the tension.
Yeah, it's kind of funny how Dead Space's bosses were the least scary because you were in a limited, manageable space and could account only for what was needed to complete the task. That said, Dead Space 2 threw that out the window by making bosses require movement (the 2nd and last, especially.)
That said, I give Dead Space credit for remaining scary all the way through, but maybe that's just me.
Amnesia isn't scary. I'm a huge non-gore horror buff and that thing was a crushing bore. It always amazes me the ridiculous amount of praise such a terribly mediocre title gets.
I did love Dead Space tho. The atmosphere was superb.