Welcome, N7 Special Ops Team. Your assignments will be distributed shortly, although I'm not sure why we're handing them out secretly since this is what you'll be seeing for the following 4 years of your tour of duty:
This one room is of prime importance in our battle against the reapers. The console next to the door contains valuable information which could turn the tide of this war against the Reapers in our favor. Strangely, the Geth have taken an unusual interest in this console as well, though the base itself has little to do with them, being a Cerberus base originally.
Here are some more images of what you will be seeing 99% of the time you are on duty in the Alliance Navy:
Please ignore any Cerberus units you see in this photograph. The photo is obsolete, as only Geth currently attack this location.
To make certain you are properly equipped for Firebase White Geth missions, it is standard Alliance protocol to be a total dick to anybody desiring to assist in the defense of this location other than Salarian and/or Human Engineers, Turian Sentinels, or an Infiltrator class. Level 20 Adepts are expected to fuck right the hell off of Noveria.
All soldiers should be equipped with the best we have to offer:
The N7 Eagle is the pride of the Systems Alliance Navy. Treat her well and she'll spit out damage at a rate that's almost as good as a regular Predator.
Now get out there and show the Reaper menace what you're made of, N7 Special Ops. Show them on Firebase White, against the Geth.
Oh and also: obligatory
Mom Effect link.
I do Geth White Gold as an adept all the time, and I wreck some serious shit.
most of the time I'm kicked from the room before I can even say anything into the mic
I kill 99 phantoms but I don't need a gun
You know, I did have some people try to kick me randomly the other day. They weren't on mics so I had no idea what was going on, but that might have been it. It was just weird.
Krogan are great though. I haven't found a way to make them super viable on Gold, but for Silver they're unstoppable. And a hell of a lot of fun to play.
the room is ten feet long a shotgun and blades are all I need
unless it's by random chance
Twitch (I stream most days of the week)
Twitter (mean leftist discourse)
Yeah, I don't get the logic at all. A Drell Vanguard specced for Baking could get through GWG when there's already an engineer and two infiltrators.
dogs are capable of more nuance
i just got a geth engineer last night. i'm hoping i get a gethfiltrator soon
steam | Dokkan: 868846562
Has anybody tried stacking four bubbles yet
The other day I was getting abuse from some guy when I suggested that we should be totally fine without a salarian engineer. He kept insisting we'd wipe and I was just sitting there thinking "what? I've done it dozens of times."
dagger and reapa'
the whole team was treated to my batarian wailing on a ravager with his harpoon gun
felt real good
Twitch (I stream most days of the week)
Twitter (mean leftist discourse)
don't want to talk to pubs
But a lot of them are terrible terrible people.
Unless it's like, wave fucking 10 and we have 20 seconds left to kill the last 2 targets and just use your fucking rockets you shits
i don't get how some pubbies don't understand basic tactics. like flanking an enemy. or that the enemy can flank you.
i also keep getting into games where there's a kroguard who loves to run to the opposite side of a map, believe he's going to take out every single enemy, and get dropped way behind enemy lines where no one can reach him.
steam | Dokkan: 868846562
I really don't want to talk to them
I don't expect people to pick me up when I fall over a mile away from the group like a dick
same for playing vanguard
If some are just chatting I'll generally just turn the volume way down and listen to the radio or something. I hear enough strangers nattering about bullshit on the bus.
It doesn't need to be all business, but more often than not those people are blabbing on about stuff that doesn't matter, taking up the comm channel while I'm getting raped by hunters
Twitch (I stream most days of the week)
Twitter (mean leftist discourse)
clearly, they are trying to molest me
Twitch (I stream most days of the week)
Twitter (mean leftist discourse)
sometimes they'll give decent info as to where enemies are
usually in the form of "oh shit phantom on me phantom on me what the FUCK"
sometimes I put my mic into the controller but don't actually wear it so it looks like I am participating in the atmosphere of communication
and mine will be redded out
and then we'll go into the match and I will get the highest score
I am the snake-eyes of pubbing mass effect 3 multiplayer
oh jeez i was playing cerberus white gold the other day with my claymore geth infiltrator
and these two dudes were just talking up a storm blah blah blah some jazz about asari adepts and how good they are i dunno
and one of them was trying to bark orders at me apparently not realizing that i had more than double the amount of points either of them had
where the only thing I will say is SAVE ME, YOU HAVE TO SAVE ME if I'm down, USELESS if we wipe or THANKS TO ME if we win
usually some sort of krogan
it's like dudes we can kill them way faster if they funnel into line of sight for all of us
and then they drop halfway into round four and bitch when no one saves them from the five pyros they tried to melee
it's like
we all get the same points
and there's no record of your High Score anywhere
you are doing this to prove how good you are to three people who don't care and then you die