Okay, so I let a domain name lapse after I had set up a website that the domain name pointed to.
I renewed the domain today, and it works fine in IE and on my phone.
My firefox is connected through a proxy however and whenever I load the site it still shows a generic "this domain is expired and registered through hostxyx" messages.
When I try to go to mydomain.com/wp-login.php I still get the redirect to the generic page.
Firefox is set on both my pc here and on the pc where the proxy host is set to never remember history, but I've also gone in and turned history on, cleared it, cleared the DNS proxy cache, and then turned off "remember history", restarted the proxy service, rebooted the machine, reloaded firefox, and still the site shows the generic placeholder page.
I know it's not my host or ftp server because like I said, it works fine from any of my non proxied connections.
What am I missing?
thanks H/A!
Thanks, if anyone else has other stuff I could try I'm all ears.
Thanks, this can be closed!