So I guess I'm making the Star Wars 1313 thread.
Star Wars 1313
Do you like Star Wars? Well that's great. I've got another fucking Star Wars game. You get to play as a bounty hunter on Coruscant, 1000 levels beneath the surface. You hunt bounties and shit.
What does hunting bounties entail? Well it looks like you'll do a lot of hiding behind chest-high things from which you can pop out of. Hooray generic cover shooting! Steel yourself for some Grade-A ass-kissing in this video:
Also you get to press the "jump" button to watch predetermined cinematics play out! FUN SHIT
But this is Star Wars and Uncharted so the production values are through the roof
and I won't need a PS3 so basically I'm sold. I'm a Star Wars fan! I can't help myself! And it looks like you play as a wisecracking bounty hunter and your companion is a wisecracking bounty hunter so, that sounds good.
But Maybe You Are Boba Fett
The only interesting thing to maybe talk about is how
Boba Fett used to go by "CT-1313" so maybe you play Boba Fett.
"Star Wars" Buys You a Mention on Fancy News Sites
Check out some bullshit articles that talk about nothing:
I can't tell if you like the idea of this game or not actually.
Xbox | x Dredgen Yor x |
shit looks better with high end graphics instead of console graphics.
yeah the original video with the guy who showed the demo said it was running on PC hardware.
Because the youtube tags are:
Not one mention of PC! And because everytime I get excited someone goes HA HA CONSOLE EXCLUSIVE and I cry.
Between "A New Hope" and "Empire"? After RotJ? At least it doesn't appear to be prequel nonsense, that's a plus I guess.
I love Uncharted.
I love Star Wars.
I already love this game. Fireflash#1425
Steam Friend code: 45386507
My guess is he's got a Disrupter aka "Star Wars-y thing that we can make look and act however we want gun".
I can get on board with this.
This. My hype train will stay at the station, but it is booking tickets just in case.
It's available on Steam as well.
I want to know more PA people on Twitter.
And really, haven't most great Star Wars games just been Star Wars + x?
I mean, Battlefront is just Star Wars + Battlefield.
I found the 1313 footage pretty disappointing, but only because there wasn't much of it. It could be good, but I want to hear/see more about using gadgets. If the combat is mostly just cover-based Uncharted-esque shooting, that would be unfortunate.
Twitter 3DS: 0860 - 3257 - 2516
Rock Band DLC | GW:OttW - arrcd | WLD - Thortar
bit disappointed it'll be mostly 'cover sitting' though
Republic Commando is one of the top tier Star Wars games and worth playing. It should be pretty easy to find a copy of it.
Whoever makes those bracers needs to give me a pair
It'll be difficult for this game to suck if they really follow an uncharted formula. Not some bullshit 2 hour game but a game that is immersive and has powerful characters and locals. Judging from the engine they are playing for keeps. I assume it is going to look like total shit on a console because they'll hand it off to some poor schlub to do the port, but since the demo is running on the PC I could care less.
Republic Commando is awesome. It's on par with Jedi Outcast and Academy.
And did Darth Vader ever get around to kicking that Gary Stu Starkiller right in his mouth?
I know I'm probably the only person who feels this way, but to me, Uncharted is criminally overrated. Too scripted, too linear. Prince of Persia platforming + generic cover shooter gun play. Tries to make up for its bland gameplay with set pieces/cutscenes. I made it through the first game, which at the time was novel, even though I greatly disliked how it devolved into a corridor shooter with zombies at the end. I can't bring myself to make it past the initial jungle part in the sequel, despite several attempts to give it a fair shake. The novelty has worn off.
When I look at 1313, from what I've seen, it's more of the same. It's certainly pretty, but the gameplay looks tired, and the whole thing seems to simply be about highly scripted spectacle. Same goes for Lara Croft.
Xbox | x Dredgen Yor x |
However anything with 'Star Wars' in it immediately goes into the 'wait for reviews' pile, as going by its batting average it seems like a SW game is more likely to be a waste of time/money than something memorable.
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Coming Next: Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones/X-Com Classic
Yes, I know it opens in the snow. With Drake waking up and bleeding out from a stomach wound, yet miraculously being able to climb 25-50 feet of train straight up, in the freezing cold.
About an hour in, it goes back to the jungle, in a flashback sequence.
It was an hour that has repeatedly told me that I don't like that kind of game. Opinions, and all that.
As I said previously in a post, I hope it's more Adventure and less Action. The comparisons to Uncharted are not something to feel scared about, but I definitely hope there's more to it then Run N' Gun. But at the same time, if they can capture that essence of feeling like a high-tech Bounty Hunter in the Star Wars universe, I'm down.
I didn't play The Old Republic to see their take on BH's. However, since this is the focal point of the entire game, I sincerely hope we go CRAZY in-depth with the kinds of stuff you can control.
Pokemon White Friend Code: 0046-2121-0723/White 2 Friend Code: 0519-5126-2990
"Did ya hear the one about the mussel that wanted to purchase Valve? Seems like the bivalve had a juicy offer on the table but the company flat-out refused and decided to immediately clam up!"
It's on Steam, and frequently on sale for $5.
All right, people. It is not a gerbil. It is not a hamster. It is not a guinea pig. It is a death rabbit. Death. Rabbit. Say it with me, now.