Microsoft Paint Adventures is better known as MSPA. It's a site by some guy named Hussie that hosts webcomicks. The guy has finished
one comic so far, but it's pretty good. It's about detectives and anime.
The latest comic,
Homestuck is fucking long and confusing and fuck it's hard. It's hard and nobody understands. So here is a basic rundown so you will not be out of the loop and are able to enjoy Homestuck. Mainly because you are weird.
First things first: we got some kids. Four kids that are playing a video game. Only it seems to take place in real life and so is kinda not a video game? But it's game, I guess. Oh, and this is within a game that you are playing, only that whole thing kinda got dropped and is just referenced to now and then. I think
Color is a big deal for some reason. You have to read like 25 articles in the wiki to understand why.
After a lot of confusing shit happens, we go into Act 5 (of ten million) and meet a load of shitty new characters that we all begrudgingly became attached to. They're apparently trolls despite just being crappy gray people with horns and a zodiac theme. I guess they're internet trolls, making this the second best troll-based comic you will ever read. Oh, and they're stuck on an asteroid. Also, there is shit like faygo and wizards and towels and there is just so fucking much. Fuck fuck fuck. There is a WHOLE ACT of this shit, and it is long and you just want to get back to John being stupid. But no, you have to deal with characters that will just die off and be pointless. Like, two trolls are important. The rest are either stupid or fat. So basically, they help the kids play the game but are also jerks to them at first because whatever.
This is complete bullshit.
So we have to wait for seriously a year or so to get back to the regular characters that we liked. Along the way we learned about shit like hate-loving and just new ways for people to be as obnoxious as fucking possible. You will learn to hate the fuck out of shipping, and everyone involved in it.
On second thought, I'm not going to search for cosplayers.
Anyways, after waiting for two months and slowly driving each other crazy with fanart and shitty fanfiction, it's time for Act 6. Which is like Act 1, only everything is SDRAWKCAB and the people are different colors and stuff. You will literally have to spend a fortnight carefully rereading Homestuck if you hope to understand anything in this Act.
This was worth the wait, I tell you what.
There's also MORE FUCKING TROLLS because the fanbase cannot get enough of going to the hospital after painting themselves with gray sharpies. We got 12 more on the way.
God damn it.
We're not done yet, because there is yet ANOTHER troll, and this one is like...two trolls. But they're one troll. This is highly offensive to some people for reasons. Mainly because it's like troll #25 and we can't take any more of it. It is literally killing us slowly with each passing day. But yeah, so one troll is like that stupid guy from
Saw, and he's a dick but probably a SECRET NICE GUY. The other one is some fangirl and she's annoying and probably evil. They play chess for reasons and everything about them is top secret plot stuffs.
Also, snake metaphors.
That is HOMESTUCK. It is entirely inferior to the
Midnight Crew, which is Hussie's Magnum Opus and the real star of MSPA. Sure, Homestuck sells the T-Shirts to kids, but the real art is from the Crew. After 1030 acts, the thing manages to be remarkably fresh. Let's all talk about that instead of stupid Homestucks. Post Midnight Crew fanart and songs. Show us anything besides more fucking trolls and more stupid shipping. The Midnight Crew doesn't have time for shipping. They have schemes to hatch.
I never thought you had it in ya, razzy
this op
This OP is fantastic.
my brother
It accidently clicked 'delete discussion'
I have no regrets
There are a lot of things I don't have
Oh man this is awesome
oh man
C'mon, I didn't see a single Skyrim-style 3-eyed troll in there. You could have used that style of troll for UU, with 2 eyes representing 2 dreamselves and the single central eye representing one body
Long live Sal!
thanks for
homestuck sucks
also sandwiches, sentai, anime, vriska
you don't get to do things like disguise the game pieces just because there's no rule specifically prohibiting it
that only flew because the other close back rounded vowel twin is also a huge fucking tool
also probably crazy go nuts insane
spiting the spirit to uphold the letter
no one plays anything straight
LE will turn out to be the GM, chasing after the endless flow of cheaters and trying to plug up the loopholes and exploits