And some people are excited about a game where you play as "Charlie Tunoku" and a gay wrestler?
But most people agree: Play the Streets, Watch the Marvel.
CorporateLogo - Corplogo
Big Red Tie - Logos22
TheStig - Sir Stiggleton
Sneak - PA The Sneak
Balefuego - Balefuego
Bizazedo - Bizazedo
Blankzilla - blankspace2471
Butters - Jon Butters
HellaJeff - Efrenchlove
Folken Fanel - flashg03
Sars_Boy - sarsboy
Knob - Knobbonk
Munkus Beaver - MunkusBeaver
No Great Name - OGSirToons
Radius - Kryzak Sul
Huntera - Verflutche
Vargas Prime - Vargas Prime
Bedigunz - Bedigunz
Baroque And Roll - BaroqueSampson
SabreMau - SabreMau
Meiz - MeizMisguided
Vann Diras - Vann Diras
I Win Swordfights - Mister Spaceman
Evil Multifarious - Travysty
Kevin Crist - I Eat Brainmeat
Inquisitor - Sunabozu
Airking850 - Airking850
Nekx - chasr4president
BobCustomGamer - Bobcustomgamer
doublehawk00 - doublehawk00
That Dave Fella - ThatDaveFella
Walt - Top Hat Panda
Tashern - Tashern
Professor Snugglesworth - Dr Shizuma
Garret Dorigan - Garret Dorigan
babyeatingjesus - Winnipeg Fats
chamberlain - Chamberlain
Agahnim - AgahnimD
Sivraj - Degami
Aneurhythmia - Aneurhythmia
Nogs - CouchTechTV
Aretè - NinjaFrizz
Bionic ARRRRRRRRRRRRM - Scrub Saibot
Pandaryu - Razentsu
Xeinos - Nolaen
Valvejunkie - Valvejunky
PS Triple:
Nogs - NogsMPLS
Butters: idontworkhere582
Folken Fanel - folken_pa
Kuribo's Shoe - kuribosshoe
Knob - KnobbonK
BahamutZERO - BahamZERO
SabreMau - Tresjin
Sillender - Sillender
TheStig - Stiggy_PA
Uriel - Jarofmoldymayo
Walt - Genei Djinn
Stilts - StiltsTheGM
Professor Snugglesworth - SOLDIER
VALVEjunkie - VALVeJunky
Bendery It Like Beckham - fourstorytantrum
Peen - anonymous_burn
cj "anime" iwakura - cj_iwakura
Nogs: SteamID - Nogs, GFWL - Ax52
TheStig: SteamID - TheStig, GFWL - RacerStig
BobCustomGamer: Uber BOB
Rolo: SteamID - japong
Walt: SteamID, GFWL - Top Hat Panda
Owlbat: Steam ID - pritong adobo, GFWL - GranularWig0243
facetious: Steam ID - Chagrin, GFWL - naivety
unintentional: Steam ID/GFWL - GaryMyNemesis
DirtyDirtyVagrant - Steam: Blue_Goriya, GFWL: Better than Red
VALVEjunkie - Steam I VALVeJunkie, GFWL: VALVeJunky
Zen Vulgarity - GFWL: ZenVulgarity
Schedule of Events:
(Team Spooky's twitch account)
Big Two (Wednesdays) Games: Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition 2012 & Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3
Savage Saturdays (When there is no major event) Games: Various Fighters
Major Events
7/7-7/8: EVO World - Las Vegas, Nevada. Run by the Shoryuken.com crew.
8/25-8/26: Summer Jam VI - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Run by Eric Small (Big E)
9/2-9/4 (Tentative): Season's Beatings - Run by Chris Ghaleon Hatala & Godlike Entertainment
12/1-12/2: Northeast Championships - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Run by Eric Small (Big E)
7/6/12 - 7/7/12 - 7/8/12
Humor can be dissected as a frog can, but dies in the process.
SteamID: Baroque And Roll
high low mixups for daaaaaaays
SteamID: Baroque And Roll
Stream monster all weekend.
Oh, totally. I bodied that scrub.
Summary of my CEO in the spoiler if you care:
I went 1-2 in KoF. My first match was against Chris G. I think you can all guess how that went. Second match was against some dude that thought Duo Lon anchor was a good idea. Beat him and then played this dude that always beats me in every local KoF tournament. One of these days I'm going to learn to stop pressing buttons against his Terry and take him out. I was in character crisis for a little while and settled on a team the week before, but my K' wasn't doing any work in casuals so I just ran Mature/Clark/Kyo again. Definitely going to go hard on that K' though.
Number 1 thing I need to work on from now on is defense.... I really need to find more people to play this damn game. There's no other way I can think of improving defense.
Other random stuff:
Some friends of mine did very, very well. My friend Colin made it to top 8 of soul calibur V. He plays a really solid Natsu. He lost his first match to the dude that eventually won with Mitsu (who also won MLG btw). He said he was feeling pretty tired and made some uncharacteristic mistakes and lost patience. His last match was against Kayane and he said he didn't have much experience against Viola. Also there are apparently some really weird hitbox issues in that match. Apparently one of Natsu's best punishes is counter-hit while-rising K, but on Viola it randomly whiffs due to her wonky hitboxes. I guess it happened 3 times in the match against Kayane, but I honestly don't even know what it looks like so I couldn't tell you where it happens.
My other friend Petey has a beastly Akuma and made it to losers finals of his AE pool. He got double jeopardied by F. Champ's Sim. He's a really good player and I honestly think if he had more experience the skies the limit for this dude.
I didn't really know anyone else that did well. Pretty sure no one from my town got 0-2'd so that's always nice.
The guy that used to run tournaments in my town has known Jebailey for a really long time was telling me some pretty funny stories of behind the scenes stuff. He was running some AE pools and some dude who didn't make registration on time filled in for someone that didn't show. Dude was all happy and then my friend's like.. "ok you are officially in the bracket. Your first match is against.... Justin Wong. Good luck!" He was also the one to pick up Daigo and Gamerbee from the airport. He'd try to make conversation and tried to ask what they like to do for fun and if they have day jobs. Both of them said SF is their job.
Daigo's a lot shorter than I thought he'd be. He had this weird thing going on with his hair. My friend took a picture of him and he looked somewhere between stoned and mannequin.
I got to play two guys from top 8 of kof: Romance and that Carlos dude from Florida that came out of nowhere. Both of them bodied me hard and Romance was freely giving advice. Really cool dude. I really wanted to play the answer but the line was pretty long and there were only 4 casual stations. David Kong (dude from LA that commentated at UFGT8) was there and he's a super nice dude. He's made me fear every Vice.
Its pretty funny how nice everyone is in the KoF community... its nothing like Marvel where shit talk is everywhere... probably because everyone just wants to build the community and is afraid to scare people away. Its pretty sweet though.
Last but not least... DiveKick! Holy shit, what an awesome game.
tl;dr: CEO was fun.
Also this happened: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RvrTVn_qF30&feature=youtu.be
Dude showed up. Was not just a pretty face, he took a chomp son. I guess he drank that Combofiend blood which made fiend have to hulk out and lose at MVC3.
nope, no marvel for me
wooooooow that video
Like cool dude you are better than that random guy at a video game. If it's someone you know or if there's a rivalry, cool. But don't say shit like that to strangers, man.
Anyway hey guys my 360 is back to being able to connect to the Internet! I can play games again, even though it'll be on my building's shitty shared wifi
good times
The one where he dances?
So I started putting some time in on mk9. I think im gonna have to do the lame shit and rock what's broken. Problem is, there have been enough patches that most of the info I've found doesn't apply any more or doesn't specify what version it applies to. So, anyone who follows mk: what is the broken, dumb shit? Is it still jax?
turtling kenshi is also nasty
It's unblockable.
Except that wasn't a random dude. Its unkn0wn, a dude from the midwest who usually places pretty high at tournaments. He also has a history of losing his cool to shit talk (see his money matches vs omgitzandre).
For all we know Champ might have done it just to get in his head. Everything I've heard from people who met the guy said he's pretty nice.
This was the best thing. There was a Fuerte in top 12. I don't think I have ever seen that before.
And Daigo getting knocked out by the Rufi was very amusing.
We saw a damn Oni vs. Fuerte matchup in the team tournament.
It was like my dream come true.
We need to fight again sometime Chamberlain.
So I learned the hell out of the matchup and made Walt cry
Then I felt better
It happens everyday.
Is anyone doing fighting games
(fighting games)
I'll fight your games.
That sucks for Mago, but is sweet for people who watch WNF and TRB
The broken dumb shit is the game called Mortal Kombat.
I haven't followed the game in a long while but given how sketchy their patches are, I'd bet Kabal, Jax, Ermac and Smoke are still dumb. The next time I'll play this game is at anime expo.
holy shit these people are amazing at marvel