[League of Legends] Hargaad has the new form! Painhouse is about to get majorly revamped!



  • GoumindongGoumindong Registered User regular
    Whoever said Urgot has no chase....

    Urgot doesn't chase.

    Acid Hunter does that for him.

    Not if his e is shielded it doesn't.

  • AegisAegis Fear My Dance Overshot Toronto, Landed in OttawaRegistered User regular
    Goumindong wrote: »
    IF you like pendragon beatdowns. One is about to go down

    If the community believes you deserved a punishment for your behavior (Tribunal style, I'll also be the final decider on consensus here), then your account will remain suspended indefinitely until you write individual personalized apology letters to every person on your team in each game that was in your last Tribunal case which I will forward to them personally along with the entirety of the threads for context.

    Man, imagine if that was a requirement for all Tribunal bans. That would be amazing.

    We'll see how long this blog lasts
    Currently DMing: None :(
    [5e] Dural Melairkyn - AC 18 | HP 40 | Melee +5/1d8+3 | Spell +4/DC 12
  • DraygoDraygo Registered User regular
    Goumindong wrote: »
    IF you like pendragon beatdowns. One is about to go down


    Lol forum wide tribunal case.

    In GD. That guy has no chance.

  • eeSanGeeSanG I slice like a goddamn hammer. Registered User regular
    Melkster wrote: »
    So Darius is fucking nuts.

    I did really really bad as him yesterday, but Skippy told me that if you stack bloodthirsters it doesn't really matter, and Skippy was not wrong.

    I got a Quadra kill by chain-ulting. It was doing 650 true damage with zero stacks, and refreshing on kill. With full stacks of bleed on target, it does 200% damage. True damage. True damage.

    Wow, way to give Skippy all of the credit.
    I told you to stack Bloodthirsters like 2 days ago :<

    He doesn't even hang out in the PA LoL Chat! He should get zero credit.

    My queue time has been stuck on Calculating for 10 minutes now.

    Slice like a god damn hammer. LoL: Rafflesia / BNet: Talonflame#11979
  • VizardObserverVizardObserver The Duke of Ridiculous Poppycocky Registered User regular
    SkutSkut wrote: »
    And it's gone up.

    Take that skutskut, im 12 minutes ahead of you.

  • JoshmviiJoshmvii Registered User regular
    That's why I ban Darius. Champs that can easily snowball with true damage even after potentially being completely shut down are more trouble than they're worth. Aren't Darius' AD ratios pretty bad anyway though? The best ones I've played with or against have built frozen mallet and hybrid tanky dps rather than glass cannon.

  • TalithTalith 変態という名の紳士 Miami, FLRegistered User regular
    Ooo they changed the way you select summoners. Now you click the summoner spell you want to change, or you click the select both button to change both at once.

  • MrGrimoireMrGrimoire Pixflare Registered User regular
    Bama wrote: »
    Since DotA2 was brought up... does anyone else find it painful to look at? Like, the heroes and abilities don't stand out as much and everything just looks kinda muddy? Maybe it's purely a matter of actually being familiar with LoL but I don't remember looking at a game of League early on and being like "...so exactly what the fuck is going on here?"

    DotA2 is a giant steaming pile. I have actually tired on 4 separate occasions to play it and like it, but the fact that they kept in all the horrific things about DotA as "features" makes me want to vomit my brain. I don't mind the champ designs but I do agree that the map is uninspired and boring and that the overall design does have a very muddy feel to it compared to HoN or especially the crisp feeling of LoL.

    I abhore the Tower mechanics and range, and actually the ranges in general. I despise the denying mechanic of creeps/towers and generally dislike the way kills are called out.

    I do like the champion banter though that was very entertaining :D

    Hated the fact that people bailed out of the bot games I was trying to play (Never actually had a group finish one)

    Absolutely could not stand the attack animations on the ranged characters but that's probably just something to get used to.

    I quite like Dota 2, I find it entertaining and some of the heroes and items (lv 5 Dagon, trolololol) in it are really cool. That being said, I just spent a weekend walking back and forth between LoL and Dota2 games. (Dreamhack was kind enough to arrange it so that when a LoL match ended, a Dota 2 match would begin. Since they were in the same room it was very handy) and LoL is just better to watch. Like, I know all the Dota2 heroes as well as I know the LoL ones. I know what they do and I know what the spell effects do. Overall, I think Dota 2 is actually better on the single person ganks. Due to the longer cc times, they space everything out better so it's easier to see what happens. In LoL an early game kill can happen so fast you've no idea what just happened. Especially if there's an Ashe involved. But in more drawn-out fights, (which happens more often) I think LoL is easier to see, comprehend and keep track of.

    Also, Dota 2 looks really watered out compared to LoL. They need to do something about the map graphics to make them more interesting.

  • SkutSkutSkutSkut Registered User regular
    edited June 2012
    Joshmvii wrote: »
    That's why I ban Darius. Champs that can easily snowball with true damage even after potentially being completely shut down are more trouble than they're worth. Aren't Darius' AD ratios pretty bad anyway though? The best ones I've played with or against have built frozen mallet and hybrid tanky dps rather than glass cannon.

    Both are viable seeing as how his W is a 2x AD steriod. Build him glass AD carry style, hit W 3200 crits lolol.

    SkutSkut on
  • DraygoDraygo Registered User regular
  • AuralynxAuralynx Darkness is a perspective Watching the ego workRegistered User regular
    edited June 2012
    Bama wrote: »
    Since DotA2 was brought up... does anyone else find it painful to look at? Like, the heroes and abilities don't stand out as much and everything just looks kinda muddy? Maybe it's purely a matter of actually being familiar with LoL but I don't remember looking at a game of League early on and being like "...so exactly what the fuck is going on here?"

    DotA2 is a giant steaming pile. I have actually tired on 4 separate occasions to play it and like it, but the fact that they kept in all the horrific things about DotA as "features" makes me want to vomit my brain. I don't mind the champ designs but I do agree that the map is uninspired and boring and that the overall design does have a very muddy feel to it compared to HoN or especially the crisp feeling of LoL.

    I abhore the Tower mechanics and range, and actually the ranges in general. I despise the denying mechanic of creeps/towers and generally dislike the way kills are called out.

    I do like the champion banter though that was very entertaining :D

    Hated the fact that people bailed out of the bot games I was trying to play (Never actually had a group finish one)

    Absolutely could not stand the attack animations on the ranged characters but that's probably just something to get used to.

    I flat-out binged on DotA2 over the last week before Gods & Kings came out. There's a lot about it that just isn't good. Riot's been cracking down on inconsistent attack animations over time since League released; they rarely go more than one patch without making someone's more forgiving, and I think Anivia and Caitlyn, who can both get away with it, have the only ones slower than my reflexes at the moment. DotA2 has huge, huge inconsistency about that. I defy you to pick up that game, choose Warlock, and successfully last-hit, even if you're fairly good at it in some other game. It's not happening.

    The multiple-unit management is dodgy and cumbersome even when you do know what you're doing, the map itself has some very, very weird borders and pathing, and as people have been saying, it looks a bit muddy. Even a glowing dude like, say, Enigma doesn't really stand out from sections of the background. Add to that that the balance they inherited is best described as "diversely unfair," and it's kind of a beast of a game. Pre-creep spawn Baron is a thing there on some characters, for example, and the majority of pick-up teams will just go "Uh..."

    I have faith that Valve can, if they devote the resources and brains to it that it'd take, work DotA 2 into a really entertaining game. In fact, they probably will; it's a great property and genuinely fun. It's important to bear in mind that it's still in beta; among several things, they haven't committed to League's more deliberate and risk-averse pacing or Heroes of Newerth's frenetic gankfest yet; as little fun as I found the latter, it's clearly a conscious choice, their design follows from it, and it's a better game for it.

    At the moment is that there is legitimately a lot to Defense of the Ancients after six or seven years, and most people have only a vague notion what's going on. Exactly which guy is in what role can vary quite widely, there are silly tricks you can pull that are breathtaking if accomplished but not at all intuitive. To take an example: I saw a guy bubble our carry with Shadow Demon to get him around a Fissure he knew was coming. Suddenly we had a carry and two images wreaking havoc on the other team. It was awesome, but Valve cannot disseminate that knowledge widely in a convenient way; you have to want to find out Shadow Demon can do that kind of thing.

    You get the idea. What's the current status re: Painhouse this week?
    MrGrimoire wrote: »
    Overall, I think Dota 2 is actually better on the single person ganks. Due to the longer cc times, they space everything out better so it's easier to see what happens. In LoL an early game kill can happen so fast you've no idea what just happened. Especially if there's an Ashe involved.

    You posted while I was writing; having caught it, I want to say I disagree 100%. Margins of life and death are way thinner in DotA 2, due to the lack of summoner spell escapes. You have to get over a pretty minimal hump learning to be alert in order to survive at least one gank attempt in League, for certain, every game; once you get the hang of warding and lane management, it's pretty easy. Bad as I am at top I do fine when I stay disciplined and play it tight; even if I play tight in DotA2, some guy might come by and jack my shit under the persistent but weirdly impotent towers.

    Auralynx on
  • GoumindongGoumindong Registered User regular
    Joshmvii wrote: »
    That's why I ban Darius. Champs that can easily snowball with true damage even after potentially being completely shut down are more trouble than they're worth. Aren't Darius' AD ratios pretty bad anyway though? The best ones I've played with or against have built frozen mallet and hybrid tanky dps rather than glass cannon.

    No, darius has great AD ratios

    .7 to 1.0 on q

    .2 to 1.0 on w [effective, its listed as bonus damage so the underlying attack can still crit but the bonus damage will not]

    .75 to 1.5 on r

    .3 on his passive which means that his q has effective 1.0 to 1.3 scaling. His basic attacks have 1.3 scaling on bonus AD, his w his .5 to 1.3 effective scaling

    Oh, and he gets passive armor penetration too, so the damage on his q and w will penetrate

  • JoshmviiJoshmvii Registered User regular
    SkutSkut wrote: »
    Joshmvii wrote: »
    That's why I ban Darius. Champs that can easily snowball with true damage even after potentially being completely shut down are more trouble than they're worth. Aren't Darius' AD ratios pretty bad anyway though? The best ones I've played with or against have built frozen mallet and hybrid tanky dps rather than glass cannon.

    Both are viable seeing as how his W is a 2x AD steriod. Build him glass AD carry style, hit W 3200 crits lolol.

    I didn't think about that, but I'm sure if I ever hated myself enough to start playing him, I'd still just build frozen mallet, maw, and other tanky DPS items so I was way harder to kill so I could stay alive long enough to steal my whole team's kills.

  • MegamaniacoMegamaniaco Madrid, Spain (again!)Registered User regular
    3 Hours 23 minutes.

    Steam ID: Megamaniaco // LoL summoner: Corcorigan (NA), Megamaniaco (EUW) // Hearthstone: Megamaniaco.2120

    Please don't go. The drones need you. They look up to you.
  • GoumindongGoumindong Registered User regular
    SkutSkut wrote: »
    Joshmvii wrote: »
    That's why I ban Darius. Champs that can easily snowball with true damage even after potentially being completely shut down are more trouble than they're worth. Aren't Darius' AD ratios pretty bad anyway though? The best ones I've played with or against have built frozen mallet and hybrid tanky dps rather than glass cannon.

    Both are viable seeing as how his W is a 2x AD steriod. Build him glass AD carry style, hit W 3200 crits lolol.

    can't get x4 crits. Max effective multiplier from AD is 3.5 [Crit with IE + 100% bonus damage not effected by bonus]. To get 3200 w crits you would have to have 800 AD.

  • CaenemCaenem Sarasota, FLRegistered User regular
    Draygo wrote: »

    Guy has no chance. Even if he was a perfect little angel, this is the internet. Mob mentality will rip him to shreds.

    But you, pig, are a lucky one. Tell us what we wish to know, and you may yet keep your bacon.
    Nemlock for online gaming
  • VizardObserverVizardObserver The Duke of Ridiculous Poppycocky Registered User regular
    1 hour 57 minutes

  • DraygoDraygo Registered User regular
    Caenem wrote: »
    Draygo wrote: »

    Guy has no chance. Even if he was a perfect little angel, this is the internet. Mob mentality will rip him to shreds.

    There is a chance. If there wasnt so much wrong with game 2. Game 2 alone hung him.

  • programjunkieprogramjunkie Registered User regular
    Caenem wrote: »
    Draygo wrote: »

    Guy has no chance. Even if he was a perfect little angel, this is the internet. Mob mentality will rip him to shreds.

    There was one game where it was obvious his teammates were tools, so I was thinking about forgiving him, but then I read the other two logs. I hope he enjoys writing.

  • eeSanGeeSanG I slice like a goddamn hammer. Registered User regular
    edited June 2012
    Caenem wrote: »
    Draygo wrote: »

    Guy has no chance. Even if he was a perfect little angel, this is the internet. Mob mentality will rip him to shreds.

    I looked at all 3 games. Game 1 was okay. Game 2 and 3 were pretty bad, game 2 especially.

    18 minutes for me now.

    Edit: Just as I click post, it skips the 18 minutes and lets me in.

    eeSanG on
    Slice like a god damn hammer. LoL: Rafflesia / BNet: Talonflame#11979
  • MrGrimoireMrGrimoire Pixflare Registered User regular
    Auralynx wrote: »
    MrGrimoire wrote: »
    Overall, I think Dota 2 is actually better on the single person ganks. Due to the longer cc times, they space everything out better so it's easier to see what happens. In LoL an early game kill can happen so fast you've no idea what just happened. Especially if there's an Ashe involved.

    You posted while I was writing; having caught it, I want to say I disagree 100%. Margins of life and death are way thinner in DotA 2, due to the lack of summoner spell escapes. You have to get over a pretty minimal hump learning to be alert in order to survive at least one gank attempt in League, for certain, every game; once you get the hang of warding and lane management, it's pretty easy. Bad as I am at top I do fine when I stay disciplined and play it tight; even if I play tight in DotA2, some guy might come by and jack my shit under the persistent but weirdly impotent towers.

    Make no mistake, I mean that purely from a spectator perspective based on my last couple of day's experience of watching the two games back to back. As a player, yes, it's absolutely horrible. There is absolutely no room for mistakes in Dota 2 and I completely agree with your point. It's part of the reason I don't play all that much Dota. What I meant is that as a spectator, it's possibly somewhat easier to see what happens when multiple people gank someone in Dota 2 (in pro play) early game, than it is in LoL. However, the difference is very minimal and overall I think LoL is easier to spectate. It certainly looks better.

  • MegamaniacoMegamaniaco Madrid, Spain (again!)Registered User regular
    OMG I'm in o_o

    Steam ID: Megamaniaco // LoL summoner: Corcorigan (NA), Megamaniaco (EUW) // Hearthstone: Megamaniaco.2120

    Please don't go. The drones need you. They look up to you.
  • Mr.SunshineMr.Sunshine Registered User regular
    Approximate wait time: Calculating...

    I've gone beyond the current measurement of normal time!

  • eeSanGeeSanG I slice like a goddamn hammer. Registered User regular
    You know what I really liked about MLG's SC2 streams? They did picture-in-picture. The maps are obviously large and there are many things occurring simultaneously.

    Big fight happening out in the middle of the map and there's a Medivac fleet dropping off a buttload of infantry in someone's base? You don't miss a thing.

    You know what I really like about Korean commentary in general? There's a separate observer. As in there's one guy who's entire job is to control the camera and they hire ex-pro's to do this. This lets the color and analytical commentators actually focus on what's going on instead of what's going to happen.

    E-sports works because of spectators. They should focus more on how to make it a more enjoyable experience for the spectators using methods that already exist.

    Slice like a god damn hammer. LoL: Rafflesia / BNet: Talonflame#11979
  • PacificstarPacificstar Registered User regular
    Goumindong wrote: »
    OK so I know the LW vs MBR argument is a long standing one and LW tends to win out but I was looking into Kog and wondering if MBR would win on him due to the synergy with his W (Bio-Arcane Barrage).

    Thoughts? Numbercrafts?

    It's never been between LW and MBR. It's between Last Whisper and Black Cleaver. MBR has a certain role and it is good for certain champions/situations.

    Agree Cait beats Sivir, and good Ez beats Sivir 1v1 if played right. Not sure about Ashe though. Just need reflexes for that match up.

    If Sivir is trying to predict the arrow then Ashe has volley harass to clear the shield. Slows soft counter Sivir as well and Ashe can turn her 100 range advantage and 15%+ slow into a pretty easy kite even with Sivir's chase bonus.

    If sivir can land q's then she will win the lane... but sivir beats anyone if she gets double hit q's.

    No, because after level 6 you don't waste shield trying to eat volley unless you know that arrow is down or if you're someplace where you won't be killed after eating arrow. Also, Sivir is suboptimal if you can't spell shield the important stuff and hit your Q more often or not. Or if you can't micro the auto->W combo. I dunno, have played bajillion Sivir games, I am less happy about laning against good Cait than good Ashe.

    Good Cait doesn't leave mana cupcakes laying around and punishes you on every last hit with autos. Can consistently push you out of range if played correctly.
    Talith wrote: »
    Hour and 10 minute queue. Aww yeah.

    Edit: Accidentally closed instead of minimizing the log in client. 2 hours and 10 minute queue time now! :3

    I'm at 45 minutes now

  • ZeroZedZeroZeroZedZero Registered User regular
    Approximate wait time 2h 23mins???!? Dear god what did this patch do to the login servers?!

    Come watch me on my stream : http://www.own3d.tv/ZeroZedZero
  • JoshmviiJoshmvii Registered User regular
    He didn't say you would waste the shield to eat volley. He said the Ashe would use volley to kill the shield then ult you. When Ashe volleys is on her terms, not Sivir's.

  • interrobanginterrobang kawaii as  hellRegistered User regular
    eeSanG wrote: »
    You know what I really liked about MLG's SC2 streams? They did picture-in-picture. The maps are obviously large and there are many things occurring simultaneously.

    Big fight happening out in the middle of the map and there's a Medivac fleet dropping off a buttload of infantry in someone's base? You don't miss a thing.

    You know what I really like about Korean commentary in general? There's a separate observer. As in there's one guy who's entire job is to control the camera and they hire ex-pro's to do this. This lets the color and analytical commentators actually focus on what's going on instead of what's going to happen.

    E-sports works because of spectators. They should focus more on how to make it a more enjoyable experience for the spectators using methods that already exist.

    riot just needs to fix their directed camera, i don't know if they really need a dedicated observer like starcraft does

    typically there's way more stuff going on at any given time in a game of sc2 than there is in a game of league

    dota 2 has an AI-directed camera that works excellently, so it's not as if it's impossible

  • PacificstarPacificstar Registered User regular
    Joshmvii wrote: »
    He didn't say you would waste the shield to eat volley. He said the Ashe would use volley to kill the shield then ult you. When Ashe volleys is on her terms, not Sivir's.

    Good Sivir catches arrow in the air, not preemptive shield.

  • MrGrimoireMrGrimoire Pixflare Registered User regular
    Riot's Directed cam triggers on ability casts. I'm not sure, but I think it prioritizes Ults.

  • GoumindongGoumindong Registered User regular
    No, because after level 6 you don't waste shield trying to eat volley unless you know that arrow is down or if you're someplace where you won't be killed after eating arrow. Also, Sivir is suboptimal if you can't spell shield the important stuff and hit your Q more often or not. Or if you can't micro the auto->W combo. I dunno, have played bajillion Sivir games, I am less happy about laning against good Cait than good Ashe.

    Its not that you don't waste the sheild trying to eat volley its that Ashe can clear your shield with her volley. Either by volleying right before the arrow [and forcing you to time your shield perfectly, or volleying right after the arrow and making it near impossible to shield the arrow [Volley has 400 faster speed than her ult making it, iirc, just possible to get your volley out past your arrow at the peak of volley range.

  • eeSanGeeSanG I slice like a goddamn hammer. Registered User regular
    edited June 2012
    eeSanG wrote: »
    You know what I really liked about MLG's SC2 streams? They did picture-in-picture. The maps are obviously large and there are many things occurring simultaneously.

    Big fight happening out in the middle of the map and there's a Medivac fleet dropping off a buttload of infantry in someone's base? You don't miss a thing.

    You know what I really like about Korean commentary in general? There's a separate observer. As in there's one guy who's entire job is to control the camera and they hire ex-pro's to do this. This lets the color and analytical commentators actually focus on what's going on instead of what's going to happen.

    E-sports works because of spectators. They should focus more on how to make it a more enjoyable experience for the spectators using methods that already exist.

    riot just needs to fix their directed camera, i don't know if they really need a dedicated observer like starcraft does

    typically there's way more stuff going on at any given time in a game of sc2 than there is in a game of league

    dota 2 has an AI-directed camera that works excellently, so it's not as if it's impossible

    The Korean OGNLOL tournament used a dedicated observer and it works pretty well. The observer would point out things like Mejai's immediately and Moletrap/Torch wouldn't notice for a good 5 minutes.

    eeSanG on
    Slice like a god damn hammer. LoL: Rafflesia / BNet: Talonflame#11979
  • DelphinidaesDelphinidaes FFXIV: Delphi Kisaragi Registered User regular
    Goumindong wrote: »
    No, because after level 6 you don't waste shield trying to eat volley unless you know that arrow is down or if you're someplace where you won't be killed after eating arrow. Also, Sivir is suboptimal if you can't spell shield the important stuff and hit your Q more often or not. Or if you can't micro the auto->W combo. I dunno, have played bajillion Sivir games, I am less happy about laning against good Cait than good Ashe.

    Its not that you don't waste the sheild trying to eat volley its that Ashe can clear your shield with her volley. Either by volleying right before the arrow [and forcing you to time your shield perfectly, or volleying right after the arrow and making it near impossible to shield the arrow [Volley has 400 faster speed than her ult making it, iirc, just possible to get your volley out past your arrow at the peak of volley range.

    If she is close enough to volley faster than the arrow she fired then the stun will not last long enough to make much of a difference and it will be almost impossible to shield it on reflex anyways. The only time it really matters is when sivir is outside the volley range anyways.

    NNID: delphinidaes
    Official PA Forums FFXIV:ARR Free Company <GHOST> gitl.enjin.com Join us on Sargatanas!
  • interrobanginterrobang kawaii as  hellRegistered User regular
    eeSanG wrote: »
    eeSanG wrote: »
    You know what I really liked about MLG's SC2 streams? They did picture-in-picture. The maps are obviously large and there are many things occurring simultaneously.

    Big fight happening out in the middle of the map and there's a Medivac fleet dropping off a buttload of infantry in someone's base? You don't miss a thing.

    You know what I really like about Korean commentary in general? There's a separate observer. As in there's one guy who's entire job is to control the camera and they hire ex-pro's to do this. This lets the color and analytical commentators actually focus on what's going on instead of what's going to happen.

    E-sports works because of spectators. They should focus more on how to make it a more enjoyable experience for the spectators using methods that already exist.

    riot just needs to fix their directed camera, i don't know if they really need a dedicated observer like starcraft does

    typically there's way more stuff going on at any given time in a game of sc2 than there is in a game of league

    dota 2 has an AI-directed camera that works excellently, so it's not as if it's impossible

    The Korean OGNLOL tournament used a dedicated observer and it works pretty well. The observer would point out things like Mejai's immediately and Moletrap/Torch wouldn't notice for a good 5 minutes.

    that's because moletrap and torch are awful

  • GoumindongGoumindong Registered User regular
    Goumindong wrote: »
    No, because after level 6 you don't waste shield trying to eat volley unless you know that arrow is down or if you're someplace where you won't be killed after eating arrow. Also, Sivir is suboptimal if you can't spell shield the important stuff and hit your Q more often or not. Or if you can't micro the auto->W combo. I dunno, have played bajillion Sivir games, I am less happy about laning against good Cait than good Ashe.

    Its not that you don't waste the sheild trying to eat volley its that Ashe can clear your shield with her volley. Either by volleying right before the arrow [and forcing you to time your shield perfectly, or volleying right after the arrow and making it near impossible to shield the arrow [Volley has 400 faster speed than her ult making it, iirc, just possible to get your volley out past your arrow at the peak of volley range.

    If she is close enough to volley faster than the arrow she fired then the stun will not last long enough to make much of a difference and it will be almost impossible to shield it on reflex anyways. The only time it really matters is when sivir is outside the volley range anyways.

    Well, if Sivir is outside volley range then hopefully Ashe's team has some other CC that sivir will want to use her shield for. I mean, if the threat of an Ashe ult stops sivir from using her shield on other CC abilities then its done its job[and can be used on other targets].

    I just don't see why Ashe, with her slow and volley harass would be a better matchup for sivir than Cait, who only get her AA harass since Sivir can shield everything else super easy pre-6 and also only has to wait for the even easier to shield ultimate of caits. Is the 50 range and headshot really that big a deal that it beats out Ashe's AA reset and slow?

  • Styrofoam SammichStyrofoam Sammich WANT. normal (not weird)Registered User regular
    Approximate wait time: Calculating...

    I've gone beyond the current measurement of normal time!

  • PacificstarPacificstar Registered User regular
    Ashe gets closer to fight. If Ashe volley harasses all day she'll push the lane harder than Cait would using autos to harass.

  • eeSanGeeSanG I slice like a goddamn hammer. Registered User regular
    eeSanG wrote: »
    eeSanG wrote: »
    You know what I really liked about MLG's SC2 streams? They did picture-in-picture. The maps are obviously large and there are many things occurring simultaneously.

    Big fight happening out in the middle of the map and there's a Medivac fleet dropping off a buttload of infantry in someone's base? You don't miss a thing.

    You know what I really like about Korean commentary in general? There's a separate observer. As in there's one guy who's entire job is to control the camera and they hire ex-pro's to do this. This lets the color and analytical commentators actually focus on what's going on instead of what's going to happen.

    E-sports works because of spectators. They should focus more on how to make it a more enjoyable experience for the spectators using methods that already exist.

    riot just needs to fix their directed camera, i don't know if they really need a dedicated observer like starcraft does

    typically there's way more stuff going on at any given time in a game of sc2 than there is in a game of league

    dota 2 has an AI-directed camera that works excellently, so it's not as if it's impossible

    The Korean OGNLOL tournament used a dedicated observer and it works pretty well. The observer would point out things like Mejai's immediately and Moletrap/Torch wouldn't notice for a good 5 minutes.

    that's because moletrap and torch are awful

    We should be glad we got an English set of commentators at all.

    Slice like a god damn hammer. LoL: Rafflesia / BNet: Talonflame#11979
  • programjunkieprogramjunkie Registered User regular
    If you're the better player, Ashe vs. Sivir is fine, but I can say from experience landing any sort of ability on Pac, even with lower CDs than Ashe's blue, really sucks.

This discussion has been closed.