[PATV] Tuesday, September 20, 2011 - Kris and Scott’s Scott and Kris Show Season 1, Ep. 3:

DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
edited June 2012 in The Penny Arcade Hub
image[PATV] Tuesday, September 20, 2011 - Kris and Scott’s Scott and Kris Show Season 1, Ep. 3: Friendship

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  • twistedherotwistedhero Registered User new member
    Loved it!

  • Wolf_digitalWolf_digital Registered User new member
    lmao @ the kid part

  • yiuin23yiuin23 Registered User new member
    Does mike always drink from wine glasses? Also love the show, please make more. I'm stuck watching re-runs at work rather than new material.

  • FTClownFTClown Registered User regular
    Of course Mike always drinks out of wine glasses. What, you think he is going to drink out of poor people glasses. That's up to Scott and what's the other guys name, you know the fat one, oh whatever they poor.

  • JohnnyglynnJohnnyglynn Registered User regular
    holy shit. that was funny. I GOL'd. G for Guffaw

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