it's that time of year again!
when thousands and thousands of tourists, and maybe even a few San Diego locals, converge on the Gaslamp District to witness panels and shows and booths and costumed folk all inspired by popular (and not so popular) movies, books, tv shows, video games, and other media.
and it's all happening here:
bee yoo tee full San Diego, where the sun shines and temperatures are high enough where nigh-inappropriate costumes are totally ok to wear!
speaking of which, one of the biggest attractions are the
Costumes and Cosplay. some of which is amazing:
a little disturbing:
and sometimes just
messed up:
and then there are awesome
like the cast and crew of
Game of Thrones
or the creators of
The Last Airbender/Legend of Korra
or the
Robert Downey, Jr. panel!
(featuring Iron Man 3)
this webcomic called Penny-Arcade might even be there. you've probably never heard of it.
so SE++, who's gonna be in town for this year's Comic Con?
NOTE: this is NOT a swag thread, nor a begging for swag thread.
XBox LIVE: Bogestrom | Destiny
PSN: Bogestrom
plus it is about a million times more fun.
We're getting a good chunk of the Star Trek: TNG cast this year, along with Adam West and Burt Ward.
@Bogey i blame Canada. booooooooo.
steam | Dokkan: 868846562
alas, America is just too far sometimes
also I usually go through about 2000 dollars while I'm there
sadface. twas cool to get drinks with you last year. i can see how flying from Amsterdam might be...impractical. you settled in there?
steam | Dokkan: 868846562
Yeah you better be there next year, I want to say more vulgar things, will attempt to drag lexxy again too. Sooooo glad I'm a pro
I'm... settling. Going to the bank tomorrow to get that set up, then I can get my phone done, and hopefully the guberment likes Canada still and will give me an SSN and stuff asap. So much to doooo
isn't Canada still considered a "harmless" United States, with better healthcare?
yeah i plan to be here for 2013, too! hopefully Comic Con will still be in San Diego. although i wouldn't complain if it was in Vegas...
steam | Dokkan: 868846562
steam | Dokkan: 868846562
Just read someone camping out for Twilight was hit and killed crossing the street this morning.
Not sure if there's any consolidated spot for videos but alot of it hits youtube after the fact, and some companies post their own panels as promos, like AMC Walking Dead as a likely example.
Aw SHIT I just noticed it, damn you.
kinda hard to miss.
steam | Dokkan: 868846562
I was more drawn to his freaky looking head.
it's not even rude, it's just weird
I'd have gone earlier since I'm off this whole week, but the hotel prices are nuts.
My wife and I went in 2008+2009, so this will be our third sdcc outing.
dress up the baby as Captain America. or Spider-Man. or even as Finn from Adventure Time. BAM: instant admission to the Con for your totes adorbs nerd baby.
edit: unless, like, you haven't actually had the baby yet, which makes this post all awkward and junk.
steam | Dokkan: 868846562
Every open patch of land across or alongside the convention center and radiating a ways out from there has something going on.
No baby yet, but it's not awkward. He is supposed to be born shortly before Halloween so I have a rather large mental file of things to dress him up as before he is too big to object.
I've thought about dragging us down to the stuff outside, but was worried about bathrooms and how I need them all the time.
XBox LIVE: Bogestrom | Destiny
PSN: Bogestrom
some teasers would be nice!
This is a thread relevant to me as I'm on my way to San Diego as we speak. I'll be there in a working capacity, but can be tempted to meet up I suppose. Best way to find me is actually following the TG twitter feed. We announce where we'll be from time to time.
Also, I'll be by the BBC booth a whole bunch.
So, who all is at this?
I went a long time ago 1995 and other than the smell of unwashed sweaty people I can remember little of it
If I can get Cloud Factory up and running, I'll apply for a small press table!
well, tonight is preview night. anyone around? i plan to take up the role traditionally held by @Fiz and unnecessarily harass the PA staff. i'm hoping at least some of you are willing to go to the Legend of Korra panel on Friday at 11:15a. my friends visiting from out of town are apparently too manly to go.
@DrZiplock what is TG? and maybe we can rustle up a few persons to hang out Thursday or Friday night?
steam | Dokkan: 868846562