Ok, so here is the deal.
My first job was at Circuit City and I hated it. I felt uncomfortable there, would have frequent panic attacks, and generally dreaded the work. Top that off with a four hour total commute, and I ended up quiting without notice. Suffice to say I don't exactly list that on my resume.
My second Job was at a plant nursery with similar results. Some days felt like I was in purgatory...It would be like I was in prison. I couldn't under stand why I felt that way, but it might have had something to do with the fact that my main duty was to load manure. Not the most glamorous job.
Then I moved to California and got a job at gamestop. I instantly loved it. I liked the manager a lot.I loved going to work, I loved being at work, and I was good at it.
Then I quit after a year to move back home with my family. I was transferred to a gamestop at a local mall, which is really seedy and run down with gang violence. I've already been threatened numerous times over the last two days I've been working there. Top that off with the fact that for no reason, the other guys leave for hours at a time (on my first day at work) and the fact that they are A-HOLES, and I'm feeling like I did at circuit city and the plant nursery.
So today I told my manager it isn't working out and he was pretty dissapointed. But the fact is, I'm not comfortable with the work environment ( i was coming home on the train when a guy threatened to throw me on the tracks for looking in his general direction), my coworkers are irresponsible twats, and it's far away. But I like the work.
So my question is; am I somehow flawed because I feel the way I do about these jobs?
Is there a reason why my gamestop job in california was so nice? while the same job here isn't?
Did I do the right thing by quitting this early? I mean, I felt so threatened being there for these past two days that I am contemplating not even visiting the mall in question again.
I need advice and some direction, because i feel very strange for feeling this way.
Any help is appreciated.
I think it's pretty obvious that the Gamestop in Cali was in a better neighbourhood, so the employees don't have to fear for their life, which is a great motivator. When there's gang-violence around or even in the shop, I can imagine that people run off a lot, they don't want to die, but they have no choice but to keep doing this sort of jobs.
I would advise you to move to a better neighbourhood if you have the chance, you are obviously better off than your current co-workers.
There aren't really any gamestops out here where I live. How do you know if you are going to be able to stand the job before you're hired?
To answer fillers question; I don't think I'm NOT a people person. I do very well with customers. What kind of jobs for a 21 year old are there that take place behind the scenes?
The simplest way to see if it's a good place to work is to shop/visit the location. You can generally get a good idea of how much stress is put on the employees, what kind of customers shop there and how nice the area is. If you like what you see, put in an application.
Yea, start looking around for office work, sign up for a temp agency, etc. Office work pays more, has better hours, you don't have to stand for 8 hours in a row, and has significantly lower odds that someone will shoot you. Right now I'm working two jobs, data entry and theater usher, and the data entry is miles better. Unless you're a manager, retail work should probably not be a long-term plan.