PrologueRolesAct IIAct IIIAct IVAct VAct VIAct VIIAct I: The Grand Vizier's Escape
The sun rose over the Wang Empire in the same way as it had thousands of times before. Everybody knew that it rose from below The Wall that seperated the empire from the endless armies of the Foreign Vampire Ghosts that lurked without, and set in the west below the Azure Sea which bordered on the world's edge. There was some debate as to how exactly the sun rose. Some claimed that it was pulled by the Chariot of Ancestors, some believed that it was a great phoenix endlessly circling the kingdom, and some few believed that it was willed into the sky by the Emperor himself rose, officially starting the day. What was important was that it rose... and hopefully, at the end of the day it set.
On this day, like all others, the vizier rose well before the sun, because Official Business started even before the day began. He opened the Honorable Gates of the Sun into the Emperor's bedchambers, he filled the Royal Bath of Zhou Tai, and he drew the Heavenly Curtains of Pang Ze. Then he turned to the Sacred Bed of Xiao Ren and gasped. He was a pragmatic man though, and realized that there was nothing left to do. Living people weren't usually such a deep shade of purple.
This vizier was somewhat unusual among his peers. For one thing, he was young. For another, he was completely clean shaven and had never seen the appeal of twirling a moustache or stroking a goatee. Even more strangely, he had never developed a sadistic laugh nor had any ambitions for his future above and beyond his prized bonsai collection. In short, he was a complete failure as a vizier, but his excellent marks in poetry and writing had left him virtually unemployable. The vizier position had recently been vacated due to an accident involving a kite, three sumo wrestlers and a poorly prepared waabi fish, and he certainly wasn't about to turn down an easy job without heavy lifting.
It is for this reason, that his actions at this point seemed very unusual for a vizier. Without a blood successor, rule fell to him, but instead of steepling his fingers and ordering the execution of the inner court, he gathered a change of clothes, packed his favorite bonsai and sat down at his desk. He wrote out a simple letter that he knew even the most unimaginative clerk would be able to read. Then he took the Imperial Seal he had been using as a paperweight and placed it alongside the three swords of the Tigers of Heaven and laid them at the foot of the bed for the maids to find.
Without another word, he left the palace. He wasn't certain where he was going to end up, but he knew that anywhere would be better than the court. Besides, he had always heard that the Foreign Vampire Ghosts could do things with grain and wheat that made you swear off rice forever.
Hours later, the royal breakfast was laid out, and since the servants were creatures of little imagination, it wasn't until midday when the daily bathing was due to take place that anybody suspected something was wrong. It took another few hours to find a literate clerk to read the vizier's last message.
Bugger this nonsense.
I'm going beyond The Wall.
Sort it out yourselves.
The message was clear. The Emperor had been assassinated and by one of the men in the room. It was the kind of conclusion that could only be collectively reached while all in the room were reaching for the daggers in their belts and eyeing the soft, spongy backs of the others. Ambition is contagious, and the throne is the ultimate catalyst.
The Imperial Seal would be placed into the hands of one person a day who would wait for the divine spirit of the ancestors to tell him who was complicit in the Emperor's death. The conspiracy must have stretched far and wide and nobody was safe from either divine judgement, or more personal revenge. The families had been scattered for generations, and nobody was quite certain who they were related to anymore, and few were eager to make targets of themselves. The only thing to do now was to wait, and pray that the ancestors would protect them.
Roster (will be updated nightly)
- thorgot
- Sleep -- Dong -- Died day 1
- Malkor -- Johnson -- Died day 6
- titmouse -- Johnson -- Died day 3
- Cowboybot67 -- Johnson -- Died day 2
- Frosteey -- Johnson -- Died day 4
- HylianBunny
- Pata -- Dong -- Died day 3
- Senor Fish -- Johnson -- Died day 3
- RiemannLives -- Johnson -- Died day 1
- PsychoLarry1 -- Dong -- Died day 5
- B:L
- Digger Dude -- Johnson -- Died day 2
- Zek -- Johnson -- Died day 2
- Archonex
- DoNotPursueLuBu
- TehSpectre -- Johnson -- Died day 4
- Avaritia -- Johnson -- Died day 7
- Cantide
- Elbonian Man
- cj iwakura
- Dizzen -- Dong -- Died day 5
- RonnieDobbs -- Dong -- Died day 4
- precisionk
- Rygar -- Johnson -- Died day 4
Election Results
Day 1: Thorgot
Day 2: Precisionk
Day 3: Thorgot AND PrecisionK
Day 4: Thorgot AND PrecisionK
Dat 5: Thorgot
The goal of the game is to eliminate the other family through treachery, mob voting, deception, whatever means you have at your disposal. Each night, all players will vote to to put the Imperial Seal into the hands of a single player. A simple majority wins. In the event of a tie, all tied officials are elected for that night. Holders of the Imperial Seal are immune to death on the night that they're elected. The following day, the holder must PUBLICLY choose one person to put to death. This will continue until one family is completely eliminated. If there are multiple people elected, then they come to a consensus or I beat them about the head and neck. Or pick the less participatory one of the two.
In addition to this, there are a number of roles for each family. They are
- A historian who researches the family of one person each night.
- Two brothers who begin the game knowing they're both in the same family
- Lovers who begin the game knowing the identity of one rival family member, but will take their own life if that player dies
- A corrupt accountant who can override the vote and put the player of his choice into office
- A eunuch spy who knows who the rival historian researches each night
- A monk, who if he is alive during the Day of the Dead festival, grants his family total immunity to death during that night
- The executor of the family will, who may kill one player each night. This duty passes to a new player after one day if the current holder dies.
When a player dies, only their family will be revealed. The flavor narration each night is just that, and will be written probably hours before the kill orders get sent in, so don't read anything into it unless you're prepared to accept me as a psychic.
The Day of the Dead festival will happen the day after half the players are eliminated from the game. During that day, the dead may publicly participate in the game again, as can travellers from other realms (ie, non-players).
Otherwise, dead men tell no tales. I don't mind minor hauntings in the thread, but please don't share any information you come upon or call out people lying about you or things you say. It's fine to lie, manipulate, be a bastard, etc etc etc, just don't do things against the spirit of the game, like taking screenshots to prove stuff or the like. They're easy to make up anyway.
To vote for a player into office, please lime and bold.
I vote for a ham sandwich. Or at least something bright and visible. I don't mind if you vote multiple times without officially retracting, I'll just overwrite your vote in my spreadsheet of doom. If you wish to think up some other way to tell your elected official who you think they should kill, go ahead.
Each day ends at 10:00 EDT, at which point the elected person receives the Imperial Seal, and all execution orders takes place, as well as all the activities of the night (investigations, spyings, etc etc) and the flavorful writeup will be posted. There may be a 5-10 minute delay while I fill in the blanks and whatnot, but not votes after 10:00 EDT forum time will be counted.
If you have any other questions, feel free to ask them in the thread. All PMs should be sent. Otherwise, have fun. Slay your friends, seek out your enemies, yada yada yada. Whee!
I am awesome like that.
I vote for Thorgot
I have no evidence that he's in the same family as me, or really any reason beyond he's one of the few people in the game that have played several times before and not been retarded.
I would like to hear some ideas from the other players, as well as some own reasons (looking at you Thorgot) for voting for yourself.
If you want my vote, woo me.
Reasons to vote for me:
After all, if I'm not a good ruler, how will I stay in power?
I meant to type "I haven't looked at my family", but I was thinking ahead to where I was going to say that I was a minor noble. Then I realized the first bullet point wasn't very clear, so I added in the family to a seperate bullet point.
It was a typo. Perhaps this is clearer:
I haven't looked at my role PM yet, except to make sure I'm a minor noble, and THUS I didn't check which house I am in.
Does that make more sense?
By killing the enemy families? You could be lying about not check your family.
There are only two families, but I haven't checked which one I am in. But that seems like a good way to think about it.
I am reasonable, quite possibly unorthodox yet rule with an iron fist. Vote for me and I wish usher this country into a new era!
I vote for Precisionk and I welcome my glorious leader. Sorry Thorgot, he woo'd me.
I also have not checked which family I am in, and thus it is only logical that we must be on the same side.
Thorgot looks mistrusting.
Thorgot - 4
Precisionk - 3
18 more people left to vote.
How do you know that it's really your respective historian?
And I vote for Thorgot because I'm such a tactician.
Seriously, that guy is awsome, he likes to save kittens from trees and stuff.
Trust him, he's a nice guy.
I welcome our new Sith overlord.
I even capitalized his name...because I care...
To those who haven't voted: Vote for me now as I will usher and lead this country into a new era and a new way of life.
Vote for me and your wildest dreams will come true....with an iron fist twist.
Thorgot's got my vote on the notion that T is superior to S, and that Thorgot is a caring individual wo will not take vengeance on those whose name starts with a lesser letter. For any who doubt him, gaze into they Hypnotoad.
Edited for me fucking up the colors
Basically its Thorgot and PrecisionK
Edited for correctness.
Guys, lets use some base logic here.
Basically its Thorgot and PrecisionK….We do not know whose family these people belong to, and it is my patriotic duty to vote correctly.
PrecisionK is a logical choice, he name is derived from the root word precision, which means with great detail. That means as ruler he will rule with great detail! He won't miss the finer points of Law, he will take care of your baby's momma, and won't beat your dog.
Now Thorgot….if we examine his name, its a lot like Forgot!! Do you want someone who may of FORGOT things to do? Should a ruler forget things?! NO!
If you wish the Wang to fall and become soft, then vote for thorgot, but if you wish the Wang to stand firm vote for precisionk.
You are working up your rank as being my favorite person this Phalla.
What if the finer points of Law include beating my baby's momma and beating my dog!
This is how I know the finer points of the law are against such acts.
Also the absence of said stamp on people prove this as well...unless its one of those old outdated laws that are kinda eating ice cream in a sumo suit on a sunday being illegal.
BUT!! (with great exclamation) If this is the law...expect no more mushroom stampings underneath the rule of Precisionk.
I will protect all citizens as the ruler of this country. Unless you oppose me....
I've been swayed by Cowboys insanity and I vote for precisionk.
I harbor no such will. I just want everyone to be on my side, the right side so we can run a well oiled Empire together in harmony. People who disrupt this harmony....well, they aren't too favorable.
Now that is suspicious if anything. I am just trying to round up the public so we can form one unified leadership under my command. The people who have voted for me, know what good I can do and know that I am leader to be trusted.